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Invitation to share your stories


Inviting you to share your stories through the SALT STORY INITIATIVE:


Whether we are new to SALT, or we've been facilitating for years, we all have a story to tell about how SALT has inspired us. It is this inspiration which enables us to become a channel for energy, and a catalyst for positive change.


For years, Constellation members have been sharing their stories through NING, providing other facilitators around the world with a window into…


Added by MariJo on April 11, 2011 at 11:06am — 1 Comment

To the World Bank/IMF: Don’t Just Develop Capacity – Unleash It

The World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings start this week. My colleague, Tom Grubisich and I have put together a panel during the Civil Society Policy Forum entitled, "Winds of Change: Will it bring a new development paradigm?" It will take place on Friday, April 15th at 2pm EST (6pm GMT). The session overview, webcast links, and bios of participants (an exciting group if I do say so!) are featured below.

A livestream of… Continue

Added by Jennifer Lentfer on April 11, 2011 at 5:37am — 2 Comments

Inspiration from Papua New Guinea

Dear friends, A short update on what’s happening here in PNG. Conditions are still challenging here, but the inspiration is flowing like the Congo river!

The two day Knowledge Fair was incredible. Organised on an island, PNG AIDS Competence invited…


Added by Gaston on April 10, 2011 at 5:14am — 1 Comment

In Unrealistic Unimaginable Dreams lie the real future

M. L. Prabakar of SIAAP was facilitating the final evaluation of NARI SAKSHAM, a federation of sex worker CBOs in Andhra Pradesh, a month ago when I learnt something very valuable, and striking.


He was facilitating a dream session, and began by sharing his dream of yester year – childhood days, thatched house with holes in the roof built alongside three coconut trees; the incident of fire on the table by spilt kerosene. How today he has come a long way. Even today his mother…


Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on April 8, 2011 at 11:49am — 4 Comments

Husband and wife re-unite

(This is a story of husband and wife from a village called Bungsand in Nagaland, Northeast India. Uncle Huolai who is a facilitator of Community life Competence Process (CLCP) wrote this story and sent it to me for posting on this network. I am very happy that I can bring in stories from the field. We are very proud of Uncle Houlai or Uncle ACP as he likes to be called.)…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on April 7, 2011 at 11:18am — 3 Comments

Call for Photos: A Day Without Dignity Campaign

A Day Without Dignity is a counter-campaign to TOMS Shoes A Day Without Shoes “awareness raising campaign” i.e. commercial. Today Saundra Schimmelpfennig at Good Intentions Are Not Enough is asking people from areas that receive shoe drops and other forms of charity, the…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on April 6, 2011 at 1:46am — No Comments

Integration - More than just adding more pieces!

We had a very inspiring visit to Ethiopia last week with IIRR and partners who have been working hard at integrating elements of ACP into their existing Community Managed Risk Reduction (CMDRR) Strategy.  You will see the excellent photos and video clips that Ricardo has been uploading over the past couple of days.


It got me thinking about the word 'integration'.  Seems everyone is using it these days, and as with many things we start saying it and stop thinking deeply about…


Added by April Foster on March 31, 2011 at 11:19am — 2 Comments

Mind your language!

Here is another great talk from TED talks warning us not to force people to converse in English.  Conversation in any language leads to a sharing of thoughts and the creation of knowledge.

Added by Geoff Parcell on March 30, 2011 at 5:54pm — 1 Comment

We all are Japanese today !

The agony of the Japanese humanitarian crisis continues where earthquake ,after tremors and devastating tsunami rendered millions of people without water, electricity, homes and what have you. The series of unfortunate developments at the nuclear reactors are the proverbial 'last straw'(hope and pray they are the last ones)breaking the camel's back.

It is extremely difficult not to think of Hiroshima while thinking of Fukushima and other parts of the land of rising sun… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on March 30, 2011 at 11:54am — No Comments

Inspired by dance with youth community in France

My country, France, is dealing with many different cultural and social backgrounds, due to the immigration. Today, the government does not know how to take benefit from the diversity that our country presents, and instead of taking advantage of that richness, the government blames on it because thinks that immigration is the main cause for the current problems in the society (unemployment, violence, crime..). For me, it's a wonderful experience we are living, full of strengths in the…


Added by Marion on March 29, 2011 at 4:51pm — 6 Comments

Outreach Program for Marginalized Youth/Children

I would like to share an experience we had back then on the 19th of March. We visited an orphanage in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I wouldn't call it a SALT visit, because it wasn't conducted following exactly the values of SALT. (We were too dazed that day) 


Since January 2011 until now, our team has visited 5 shelter homes. They weren't the same people in the team though, every visit we had different members to do the outreach program. Inexperienced, we never expected the…


Added by Ng Hui Xin on March 29, 2011 at 12:07pm — 3 Comments

SALT Visit Experience

I would like to share my experiences of my two SALT visits in Tamil Nadu, India.


In February 2011, I visited a Sri Lankan Refugee camp located in Kadayanallur block in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu state along with a team of four Community Outreach counsellors. This camp was established nearly 20 years ago for the Tamil people who migrated from Sri Lanka due to civil war. As part of the Rural Youth Project being implemented by SIAAP, we organised a meeting with young men…


Added by K SWAMINATHAN on March 28, 2011 at 9:30am — 7 Comments

Dream Building Works!!!


Dream Building Works!!!


It’s been five years now since I was expose to facilitating and I facilitated many workshops and interacted with hundreds of people of all walks of life, sharing experiences, answering questions, giving and getting advises, basically communicating with the participants genuinely, honestly and informatively which contributed to successful and productive workshops. But it was not until September 26th 2010 that I experience an approach…


Added by Tricia Francis on March 28, 2011 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

SALT team brought hope to live

[This story was narrated by a young girl to Houlai, a Communitylife competence facilitator during a SALT visit. He is lovingly called Uncle ACP. He wrote this story and would be happy to hear from the members.]

A girl living in Imbung village in Nagaland, Northeastern part of India had a brother who was HIV positive. He started ART treatment and… Continue

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on March 27, 2011 at 4:02am — 5 Comments

Nothing to Offer

The storm that has devastated Japan is hardly past. But as charities appeal and the public offers up their support, I cannot help but think of the three friends in southern Africa,…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on March 18, 2011 at 2:02pm — 4 Comments

The wisdom of dlalanathi: Reflections on organizational growth

A former colleague recently shared with me a report from dlalanathi (meaning “play with us” in isiZulu), an organization in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa that trains and mentors local community carers of children to use play to have meaningful conversations with children about death.

Founded in December 2000, dlalanathi has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade. dlalanathi’s annual budget went from US$3,784.00 in 2000… Continue

Added by Jennifer Lentfer on March 18, 2011 at 12:35pm — No Comments

nice experience

night everyone

this afternoon we from Bandung youth campaign, met each other to continue our programs.

this meeting held at Taman Ganesha ITB Bandung. our members consist of the teenagers from any background (junior high students, University, and also the facilitators) our facilitator is Wiwin Winarni. we learned much from her...


our activities today start by sharing about our reason why we wore our clothes easy question but it was useful to…


Added by venty susanty on March 17, 2011 at 4:59pm — 7 Comments

lutte contre la stigmatisation des personnes vivant avec le VIH

Bonjour !

Mon ONG travaille dans le domaine du VIH et aujourd’hui au Mali la stigmatisation des personnes vivant avec le VIH est un sérieux problème dans la prise en charge. Donc je lance un appel à toutes les bonnes volontés et/ou partenaires de nous appuyer afin de faire face à ce phénomène de stigmatisation qui est une violation des droits de l’homme!

Added by dramane keita on March 16, 2011 at 12:38pm — 4 Comments

Visites SALT à Chiang Mai avec des amis de Madagascar

Mon dimanche matin a commencé une peu différemment que d'habitude cette semaine. Debout à 7h, je me rend au bureau de la Constellation à 8h. La ville de Chiang Mai est encore toute calme et endormie. Et oui, à 9h nous commençons deux jours et demi de visites SALT dans des communautés à Chiang Mai avec 6 amis de Madagascar, 2 amis belges et 2 amis français. 


A 9h, tout le monde est là.

Johnson, avec son énergie positive et son grand sourire. Il est une des premières…


Added by Laurence Gilliot on March 15, 2011 at 9:27am — 1 Comment

We pray for Japan !

Japan is in the midst of a  burgeoning  humanitarian crisis of  unprecedented proportions
( perhaps akin to miseries of  World War II)when earthquake ,after tremors and devastating tsunami have put …

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on March 14, 2011 at 9:04am — No Comments

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