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Malaria Competence


Malaria Competence

This platform is the meeting place for facilitators and communities involved in malaria competence activities. Here is where we will learn from each other and work together on a strategy to scale up our efforts.

Members: 18
Latest Activity: Apr 20, 2017

Malaria Competence

Even in the most affected countries, Rolling Back Malaria is possible. The evidence is growing. In Benin, ITN use in communities has increased 10 fold over the last year and Eritrea and Togo have achieved national coverage.

All those instances have one characteristic in common. Communities have stopped to accept malaria as a fact of life.  Determined to reduce avoidable disease and death, they are implementing a multi-pronged strategy for preventing malaria and treating the disease. They have forged the required local partnerships to make a lasting dent in the disease. However, those examples are still too few to Roll Back Malaria worldwide.

A huge potential remains untapped: that of communities taking on the challenge and sharing their experience with others. To succeed, our global partnership must mobilise the energies of millions of people acting locally to recover the terrain left to malaria. In addition to the various technical strategies for care and prevention, a complementary strategy is required: the facilitation of the local ownership of the issue of malaria and the sharing of experience in rolling back the disease.

What is Malaria Competence?

The self assessment regarding competence in 14 key community practices to Roll Back Malaria will i) identify new actions in support of ongoing efforts and ii) a reorientation of the national response in order to maximize community efforts. Sharing experiences and learning from others is an essential element in achieving impact during the rapid scale-up of interventions.

The 'Competence approach' in the battle against malaria
in Togo and The Gambia, from the Constellation and Roll Back Malaria, Oct-Nov 2008

Comment Wall


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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on December 27, 2012 at 5:01pm

MEASURE Evaluation, a USAID-funded project, is excited to announce the launch of the M&E of Malaria Programs e-course.

M&E of Malaria Programs provides an overview of fundamental concepts of monitoring and evaluation as they specifically relate to malaria prevention and control programs. It provides an overview of:

Malaria basics

The scope and important functions of M&E

Essential elements of M&E plans for malaria programs

M&E of Malaria Programs is intended for national and sub-national malaria personnel, as well as nongovernmental-organization and donor-agency personnel responsible for implementing and overseeing malaria programs.

Access the M&E of Malaria Programs course is located in the M&E Learning Center.

Visit (, click on Certificate Courses, then Monitoring & Evaluation of Malaria Programs (

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on June 10, 2012 at 7:18pm

A blog in French by Younoussa Diarra on how mosquito nets became drivers of inclusion

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on April 14, 2012 at 9:37pm

International SALT vists/ Visites SALT International, GUINEE

4 - 8 Juin 2012


Want to experience  how communities have applied Community life competence process to the issue of Malaria? Then you are cordially invited for International SALT visits being organised in Guinee. Read more at


Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on August 30, 2011 at 8:00am

Dear All,


Please find the posting about impact of community life competence approach on malaria in Sierra Leone.



Comment by Marlou on November 12, 2010 at 9:25am
Dear Sana,
Great idea. You will find a good resource I think. Have a look and ask suggestions from the group any time!
Best wishes,
Comment by Sana Meitram on November 12, 2010 at 9:08am
Dear All:

Knoweldge Fair meeting at Nagaland, state of India just completed and learnt with lot of new experience. We had good food, it was community food.

I thought of exploring the community responses to Malaria in Manipur where the small Island located. Kindly share some of experiences about the Malaria response.


Sana Meitran
Comment by Gaston on May 29, 2009 at 5:00am
Thanks for posting Rafique. It clearly shows the importance of trust and partnership between the different stakeholders. It is clear that each stakeholder has its strengths and we should continue 'looking for strengths' in order for partnerships to work.

Networking and participation/ involvement of all stakeholders from the beginning is essential for one major reason: ownership of the process and outcomes. Sometimes, it does take more time (and perhaps it's easier if just a consultant fixed the process), but on the longer term you'll pay the ownership price....

Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on May 28, 2009 at 3:32am
Dear All,

The article called, "Fighting malaria in urban India. Public and private sector stakeholders join forces." is a must read for those aiming for Malaria competence. It is available at:

However on this page, I tried to look at the diagrams by clicking for the Insights #32 Full document, but this link does not work.

So, I searched around and googled till I got the missing diagrams with the full text at:

Hope this saves time for every one of us who want to be better informed about Malaria competence.

Comment by Adam Jagne Sonko on April 30, 2009 at 2:09pm
Hello friends,
As a way of promoting malaria competence at the family we ask families basic questions:
Do all your families sleep under bednets
Do they know the signs and symptoms of malaria and know what to do when they are affected
Are the pregnant women benefiting from malaria in pregnancy services mainly IPT and ITNs
Comment by Marlou on April 29, 2009 at 3:57am
Tousaint, bienvenue. Pour un bonne depart, tu pourras visiter Tu verras les experiences a Togo et the Gambia qui sont tres encourageantes. Tu y trouves aussi des outils. Dis-nous si ceci est utils s'il te plait!

Members (18)


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