Welcome! Bienvenue!
Nu enn cominote baze dan moris, ki travay ek lezot comunote, apran ar lezot ek montre lezot pou enn fitir meyer pu nu pei.
In Mauritius, we join hands for a brighter future for our country. Here we meet to learn, to strengthen and to achieve common goals with other communities... You are welcome to join!

<< Stories of Change from Mauritius
People and organizations are making some powerful changes in Mauritius today. You can see stories and testimonies about these changes by clicking on the links below or on the graphic to the left.
Powerful stories of change
What facilitators learned from Mauritius
Videos of change

Mauritius Team & Discussions >>
A team of Mauritian facilitators is ready to accompany change on drugs in communities. You can become part of the team and learn with them. Click on the picture to the right to find the team and join their discussions.

<< Mauritius pictures
A lot is happening. Teams are building dreams. Groups of family members, neighbors and people using methadone are discussing what they can do for themselves. NGO's and government are learning together from communities.
Click on the photo to see pictures of Mauritius in action.
How did it all started?
The first group who started using SALT to realize their dream for Mauritius,was the Mauritius Drug Platform. It is a group of committed people representing NGO's, private and public sector who work towards their dream of a drug competent Mauritius in 2035. This collaborative platform is already supporting people to make a change in their life on drugs. If you want to read about the work of the platform, go here.