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Uganda/India CLCP Learning Experience in Tanzania

I publish this post on behalf of Judith Bagachwa.

A community that once doubted that CLCP was ever going to work is now enjoying the benefit of the whole concept of CLC.  Community member now plan to expand their project and move together to a next level. This year, Bamba village had the privilege of being visited by guests from Uganda and India.…


Added by Marie Lamboray on July 3, 2017 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Building a Healthy Kibaha

From the Constellation 2016 Report, p. 40.

En français dans le rapport 2016, p. 40.

Organisation: HelpAge…


Added by Marie Lamboray on July 3, 2017 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Afya Kibaha 2025

I publish this post on behalf of Judith Bagachwa.


Afya Kibaha 2025

HelpAge International Tanzania, is implementing a health project in Kibaha region (Afya Kibaha 2025). In this project, about ten communities have been trained on the importance of health issues in communities and how best they can improve on their living lifestyles and also come up with innovative ideas on how they can use their available resources and become independent.

In 2016, ten…


Added by Marie Lamboray on July 3, 2017 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Il y a du SALT - Formation à Genève - There is the SALT - Training at Geneva

"Je connais des approches similaires, mais la grande différence par rapport aux autres c'est qu'il y a le SALT" C'est Valérie, une des participantes, qui a résumé en ces mots les trois jours de formation qui ont eu lieu à Genève.


Après ces trois jours de formation, je découvre que chacune est unique et exceptionnelle. Je crois que cela vient des personnes qui suive cette formation. Elles nous donnent de l'énergie et de l'enthousiasme, elles partagent avec nous leurs…


Added by Loli Rey on June 30, 2017 at 3:23pm — 2 Comments

If you want to understand what the Constellation in 35 seconds....

In my last post, I mentioned Usa. I am sure that there are many people who do not know Usa. She has been a source of inspiration to many people in the Constellation.  

Here is a video clip that I recorded of Usa some time ago that explains why. I use it to explain to people why the Constellation does what it does: …


Added by Phil on June 30, 2017 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Two questions for Usa

A reflection on Chapter 6 of our shared dream

“What makes us human?”

In the book, Jean-Louis says that his exploration with people leads him to conclude, “We are human because we are similar, we are proud of our origins and we aspire to a better life for ourselves and our families. We are human because we love our country and our community, because we want to live together in peace, because we love nature and want to protect it, and…


Added by Phil on June 30, 2017 at 11:11am — 1 Comment

As you open your eyes: Exploring Poste Lafayette (Mauritius)

David, Jessica and little baby Clara have reached Mauritius on Wednesday the 14th of June 2017.They have been warmly welcomed by the inhabitants of Poste Lafayette. The team started their field work the very next day and I am glad to be sharing the experience with them. So many things amazed me among which how little Clara interacted with the inhabitants. It was beautiful to witness how a child could connect people. I am proud to say that I now know what is a…


Added by Yumilah Govinden on June 22, 2017 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments

Parents realize the strengths of their children

My colleague Tutumani and I did a SALT visit to a group of people in May 2017. This is a remote village called Hatipota part 1, Mazbat block in Assam, India. The group we met included 5-6 women, one man and 4-5 children. They are daily wage workers who often get to work in tea gardens nearby.…


Added by Jyotika Barua on June 21, 2017 at 8:06am — 1 Comment

Finding sustainable livelihood from what my grandfather taught me.

Traditional Soda Ash Production

NGAO Society/ABCD Kenya has just embarked on a journey to map the assets, strength and capacities of individuals, associations and institutions within Kangemi. Here is our…


Added by charles esibikhwa edward on June 20, 2017 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments

Cow & tiger : Connecting with community through games and linking those games with immunization

During the learning event held at Bongaigaon, Assam, India from 5th-7th June, 2017, Constellation team memebers, Marlou de Rouw, Rituu B. Nanda and Bobby Zachariah were present. Presently the SALT approach is being implemented in 3 districts of Assam, India for increasing immunization coverage.

During the dream building exercise held at Nayapara village, Bongaigaon district, Marlou requested the community to teach her a game so that she can play…


Added by Anirban Goswami on June 19, 2017 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Engagement of Mother's for the proper health of their children through SALT approach

Its one of the villages named Kuchia Kata under Bongaigaon District, Assam in which SALT intervention is on process. The picture shows a Mother documenting her dreams for the proper health and future of her child. It was of great extend to interact with the family and the mother through which the strength of her own capacity could be revealed. She is a mother who…


Added by Jahirul Choudhury on June 17, 2017 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

Would you like to have a presentation document of the Constellation?

Here it is a new document to spread the word about the Constellation. Enjoy!

Please contact me:, if you would like to receive the document in high resolution.

Our gratitude to Zen Nguyen for the layout and to Vittoria Dentes, Gafsa’s Health Platform, Laurence Gilliot, Sebastien…


Added by Marie Lamboray on June 15, 2017 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Presentation at the Evaluation Conclave 2017, Thimphu, Bhutan

It was a memorable experience to visit Bhutan and talk about the novel community engagement approach SALT, related evaluation challenges and the lessons learnt from the field. I would like to thank 3ie for the opportunity. In case you are interested, the slides are given in the link below:



Added by Santanu Pramanik on June 14, 2017 at 9:00am — 6 Comments

What will you do to make our dream come true?

A community conversation in Majpara, Assam, India. With 38 degrees and 98 percent humidity in the air we have come together in the nursery of this village. The heat is almost unbearable and all our faces, hair  and clothes are wet. We look at each other and laugh. "If you can hold on, so can I", we seem to think. The conversations give the energy.

New facilitators are finding their way in asking encouraging authentic questions and…

Added by Marlou on June 11, 2017 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

La concertation de facilitateurs de Mwene Ditu partage ses secrets - leçon d'un échange en RDC Compétence et Racine de l'Espoir (Burundi)

Fin Avril, début Mai, avec l'aide de la Fondation Roi Baudoin, une équipe de Racine de l'Espoir (Burundi) est venu visiter l'équipe de RDC Compétence et partager, apprendre et nourrir leurs réflexions le temps de visites SALT auprès des communautés de Mbuji Maï et des concertations de facilitateurs de la région. 

La rencontre auprès de la concertation de Mwene Ditu à donné lieu à un superbe partage de bonnes pratiques. 

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le secret de cette…


Added by khorchi laurie on June 8, 2017 at 6:56pm — 2 Comments

A feast of interdepency

I’d like to come back for a few moments to a day a small group of us shared on April 17th 2017, a day in “the (he)Art of Europe”.

We sat in a clown school in Grez-Doiceau, a space to host People making Art, and Play.

“We” were a group of 10 people gathered around a common intention: reconnecting to our dream for Europe.

Volatile politics and…


Added by Célicia Theys on June 7, 2017 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

As I learn to apply SALT

I had my first taste of salt in 2014 during my professional diploma training that took place for three (3) months in India. The method had since remained in my mind, as i enjoyed its appreciation method as well as its capability to allow me to realise the internal strength I have never known existed.

2016 i had taken a decision to be socially involved in a community i live in, and I served in a home accommodating children between the ages of 07 - 13 years.  The first step i had…


Added by Masekhanya Meme Matsie on June 7, 2017 at 10:30am — 4 Comments

11 Podcasts on Asset Based Community Development - Community Building

Hi Everyone,

Rituu invited me to post these podcasts on this forum, so here they are. I hope you find them useful. If you have any questions or want to get in touch please drop me an emil or tweet me @mrrrichholmes. 

This is a series of podcasts featuring people from around the world who have been supporting residents to grow inclusive and welcoming communities.

1. Richard talks to Gilbert Rochecouste about Placemaking and ABCD. They discuss Gilbert's project of '100…


Added by Richard Holmes on June 3, 2017 at 9:32pm — 1 Comment

Team facilitation in an unfolding group process

Dear all, 

Do you remember a situation when the group is going in another direction than what you and your colleague - facilitator anticipated? We can make an outline for the meeting, but the group might need to expand upon a certain issue, or suddenly a new topic comes up that seems very important. 

There is always one of the facilitators who is ready to 'go with the flow' of the group, which is nice, but can also create discussion afterwards about the choice that was…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on June 3, 2017 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

"that what is transformative is ultimately beyond the individuals and group, beyond a method, and beyond words."

Dear all, 

The quote in the title of this blog reminds of Jean-Louis' book "What makes us human?"  The quote however is from this article by Lane Arye, a facilitator in an approach called Process Work & Deep Democracy who worked six years in the Balkan (former Yugoslavia) with a colleague on post-war reconciliation and conflict prevention. 

In the article Lane…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on June 3, 2017 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

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