Connecting local responses around the world
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Building a future together in a new country (click to access presentation)
Click on the link to view slides from one of the initiatives with refugees that started this summer in the Netherlands. …
ContinueAdded by Birgitta Schomaker on October 10, 2017 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments
For years I have experienced the power of the trust in others. During a recent bike trip I was on the receiving end of trust. Please read the blog post on the book's website. If you like it, do share it!
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on October 3, 2017 at 5:47pm — No Comments
On September 17-19, we had our second SALT training in English in the Belgian capital.
12 inspired, curious and inspiring participants came from many places (even as far as Switzerland), but most were from around here and many were professional facilitators who came to know and appreciate the SALT approach and who expressed their dream of building it into their work. …
ContinueAdded by Anita Sheehan-Nutz on October 2, 2017 at 2:53pm — 5 Comments
I have recently joined the Resonance Centre for Social Evolution, created by Peter Pula and several partners. They are dedicated to supporting the springing up of what they call resonant communities both through how they bring people together and the stories that are shared. While I know Peterborough, Canada is very distant for many, we would love to have anyone from the Constellation community who is interested join a festival in late October. The calling question for the festival is this:…
ContinueAdded by Michelle Strutzenberger on September 29, 2017 at 7:57pm — 2 Comments
I facilitated SALT approach in a neighboring country; Tanzania on 18th and 19th September 2017. Two trainings were conducted in Shirati and Musoma in Tanzania. The first training was for 30 staffs of Shirati District hospital who work with terminally ill patients. They were able to learn about the SALT approach which was new to the staff. The participants confirmed that much of time is taken concentrating on the weaknesses and problems.
The second training involved representatives…
ContinueAdded by MOSES OKOMBO AYANY on September 26, 2017 at 2:04pm — 4 Comments
(Texte en français à la suite)
Why was that partnership exciting and important?
At the beginning of the partnership, there were two incentives and two challenges: and there are often overlaps between challenges and incentives.
Incentive 1: to work on a cross-border issue; the restoration of the confidence between communities, the health staff and the health system in the large and remote area that was heavily affected by the…
ContinueAdded by Luc Barriere-Constantin on August 29, 2017 at 9:50pm — 3 Comments
Mindset Change! “...if we have not made a mistake, means, we might not be doing anything. If we make the same mistake twice, then we may not be learning from our mistakes.” Hon. Sydney Aleacock. This encouragement of introspection came to members of the 17th National Toshaos Council conference. This encouragement follows the thought “if want different results [from our action], then we cannot be doing the same things we did in the past that yielded unfavourable results.”…
ContinueAdded by Autry Haynes on August 28, 2017 at 1:28pm — 2 Comments
The human and learning experience
As the Visual Development team's journey in Poste Lafayette comes to a closure, as a SALTy individual I cannot but do my very own after experience reflection (AER). For sure my words will not do justice to this unique experience because certain things cannot be described but are just engraved deep within the heart.
What did I appreciate?
I loved the authenticity of my…
ContinueAdded by Yumilah Govinden on August 27, 2017 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments
In every year there are huge production of crops and vegetables in many countries. Developed countries utilize all of their production, but it is difficult for the developing and underdeveloped countries. Poor economy, lack of proper…
Added by Suman Chowdhury Mony on August 25, 2017 at 7:41pm — No Comments
Vanessa Moorghen, Mauritius shared this experience with me during the Global Learning Festival in 2016
I work with Chrysalide, a rehabilitation centre for women who use drugs and alcohol.
From the beginning of Chrysalide in 2004 we structured the centre in a way that a person coming for admission should start her therapy the day after joining. This means that the new resident has to immediately take on the responsibilities at the centre including therapy, participating…
ContinueAdded by Rituu B. Nanda on August 25, 2017 at 6:00pm — No Comments
On the sleepy afternoon of 12 August 2017, four ladies and a dozen children of the nondescript New Harijan Colony, in Peroor Village of Ettumanoor, gathered in their spartan Community Hall and drew, wrote, and sang their dreams impossible!
For Chinju, Jismi, and Deepak from Archana Women's Center, egging and encouraging the dreamers to dream the impossible…
ContinueAdded by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on August 17, 2017 at 7:54pm — 2 Comments
Enjoy the film which affirms that neighbourhood matters most; systems need to adapt to local neighbourhood strength for response; and personal faith is a core foundation for courage and action.
The exhibition expands some of the stories in the film, and includes some images from the GLoCon stories gathered during 2012/13.
The community journey continues.…
ContinueAdded by Ian Campbell on August 12, 2017 at 2:43pm — No Comments
A la fin du mois d'Avril 2017, une équipe de l'association Racine de l'Espoir (Burundi), composée de deux jeunes facilitateurs et d'un coach Constellation (Nathalie, Vianney et Eric), se rendent en République Démocratique du Congo pour rendre visite à leurs voisins et amis.
Ces deux équipes de facilitation vivent dans des contextes différents, des situations tantôt similaire, tantôt différentes, néanmoins ils partagent les mêmes valeurs, les mêmes aspirations et la même…
ContinueAdded by khorchi laurie on August 1, 2017 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment
(Version française : find the english version at the end of the french version)
Hier (26 juillet 2017), Simone, Lorenzo et Luc ont commencé à accompagner une école Montessori dans un petit village français, Champagne-en-Valromey. Le but de cet accompagnement est de «ré-enchanter la cours de récréation». Le dessin développé par un petit groupe de l'association des parents illustre…
Added by Luc Barriere-Constantin on July 28, 2017 at 3:56pm — 5 Comments
Let's go to Northeastern part of my country, India. A remote, beautiful village with paddy fields, surrounded by hills- Tinkonia Part one, Bongaigaon, Assam. This is the location of my story where we are working on immunization.
For the past three months our CNES team has been doing home visits in this community. On 5th June, we gathered different sub-groups in the community to discuss what is their dream for healthy children in the village.
Then next day on 6th June about 40…
ContinueAdded by Rituu B. Nanda on July 25, 2017 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments
Anu Sieberk, a journalist from Estonia, who interviewed me writes:
"Mohamed Rafique is an Indian doctor and a senior citizens' care home owner. He encourages communities to dream: "We should not be shy of dreaming. Always go for the uncomfortable and the unachievable dream." When visiting communities, he has found that there is an unexpected gap between what you thought you should be looking for and what the members actually wanted to share. Rafique believes that there (in that…
Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on July 22, 2017 at 7:59pm — 2 Comments
together 30 sec from Neil…
ContinueAdded by Andrew Cox on July 19, 2017 at 8:30am — No Comments
As you open your eyes, you see beyond…
Beyond the hollow of empty eyes, the promise of a dream
Beyond the veil of the weary tears, the birth of a smile
As you open your eyes, you see above…
Above the fall of the gloom, the blossom of open arms
Above the fly of faded flowers, the hope for better days…
ContinueAdded by Yumilah Govinden on July 9, 2017 at 8:00am — 5 Comments
4 July 2017: Ajinlal Joseph parked the vehicle in a corner of the shuttle badminton court in what he said was called New Harijan Colony in Peroor Village hardly a couple of kilometers from Ettumanoor Town. The badminton court had on its four sides a spacious Community Hall, a large Banyan tree with small idols forming a temple, a large concrete stage, a couple of…
Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on July 5, 2017 at 11:41am — 4 Comments
I publish this post on behalf of Judith Bagachwa.
In March 2017, a learning festival was held in Kibaha, and ten communities that had been engaged in the project Afya Kibaha 2025 were invited to come and share their experiences. During the festival, video clips from different communities and their projects were shown. Through these and the testimonies of how the Intergenerational project had helped children, youths and older persons, all were able to…
ContinueAdded by Marie Lamboray on July 3, 2017 at 12:52pm — 1 Comment
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