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Go for the uncomfortable dream - What makes us Human

Anu Sieberk, a journalist from Estonia, who interviewed me writes:

"Mohamed Rafique is an Indian doctor and a senior citizens' care home owner. He encourages communities to dream: "We should not be shy of dreaming. Always go for the uncomfortable and the unachievable dream." When visiting communities, he has found that there is an unexpected gap between what you thought you should be looking for and what the members actually wanted to share. Rafique believes that there (in that gap), the real knowledge lies."

Please have a look and tell me what do you think:

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Comment by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on August 8, 2017 at 3:14pm

Hi Rituu, 

It is vital that we go for the unattainable dream.

For, until we push ourselves and try to attain the unattainable, we will never push ourselves beyond our comfortable limits. For, is not our human mind many-a-time so horribly wrong! As often, the human mind is psyched by the limits endured by others in history, etched in chronology as a record of sorts, the historical limit that has left foot prints on the shores of time, and which therefore we always think is the boundary or the horizon that we can never ever cross.

Therefore, if we begin dreaming our journey with a limit of what another has already achieved, that dream is actually not a dream, for it has already been achieved by the preceding person! We are at best only copycats!  

Moreover, a dream by its very definition once achieved by anyone is not a dream anymore. A dream remains a dream only as long as it is unattained, unachieved, unrealized, unaccomplished, and incomplete. Hence, technically, if someone has achieved, realized, completed, or accomplished a dream, it is not a dream anymore.

Finally, a dream by its very nature is unbounded, limitless, illimitable, infinite, endless, everlasting, immeasurable, incalculable, inestimable, bottomless, and fathomless. Consequently, we must constantly check our dreams and prune out from our dreams those elements that tend to limit or confine our dreams to more mundane and humdrum worldly reality! 

So, wishing you Rituu, the best of all unattainable dreams!

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on August 7, 2017 at 7:15pm

Hi Rafique,

Why should we go for unattainable dream?


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