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Stories about Response (2,395)

Lancez-vous dans le financement participatif pour une réponse locale : à Sankuru, ensemble contre le monkeypox

Qu'est-ce qu'une réponse locale et comment puis-je aider ?

Les équipes locales relèvent les défis qui se présentent à elles et travaillent à leurs rêves à plus long terme en encourageant l'appropriation locale des problèmes et des solutions. C’est ce que nous appelons la réponse locale.

Les équipes ont parfois besoin d’une aide ponctuelle et urgente et bénéficieraient grandement de votre soutien.



Added by Marie Lamboray on October 21, 2016 at 12:37pm — No Comments

Financia una respuesta local: en Sankuru nos unimos contra la Viruela del mono

¿Qué es una respuesta local y cómo puedo ayudar ?

Los equipos locales responden a sus desafíos y trabajan para el logro de sus sueños a largo plazo estimulando la propiedad local de los temas y las soluciones. Eso es lo que queremos decir con respuesta local .

Algunos equipos tienen necesidades más urgentes que otros en un momento determinado, y el propósito de esta página es hacer un…


Added by MariJo on October 20, 2016 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Crowdfund a local response: in Sankuru, together against monkeypox

What is a local response and how can I help?

Local teams respond to their current challenges and work towards longer-term dreams by encouraging local ownership of issues and solutions. This is what we mean by a local response.

Some teams have more pressing needs than others at any given time, and would benefit greatly from your support now.

In Sankuru, together against monkeypox

In Sankuru,…


Added by Marlou on October 20, 2016 at 3:00pm — No Comments

"The courage to listen", Rev. Jeffrew Brown and violence reduction

Dear all,

I'd like share about the work of Rev. Jeffrew Brown who led a reduction of youth violence in Boston (USA) by 79%.

Here you can watch his impressive, moving and inspiring 30 minutes talk on how Rev. Brown got involved. I'm sharing this video here because Brown's effective approach to community development is very similar to what I understand SALT is about:…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on October 19, 2016 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Visites SALT en pays de Redon

Avant notre réunion régulière du GST et comme nous en prenons maintenant l’habitude, nous avons voulu faire quelques visites SALT dans des associations et groupements locaux afin de nous redynamiser au contact des associations et des personnes actives dans la région. Ensemble avec les membres du Comité Local pour « Ensemble la Santé pour tous dans le pays de Redon » nous avons donc ont effectué des visites SALT dans 3 associations et au sein du conseil municipal du Bourg St Vincent dans le…


Added by Luc Barriere-Constantin on October 18, 2016 at 8:17pm — No Comments

Should community decide what they want? why should they dream?

National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development (NILERD) is an autonomous Institute under NITI Aayog ( erstwhile Planning commission), Government of India. NILERD organises M&E course for foreign professionals. I took a session on SALT and its application in M&E and development.

We had a lot of discussion around importance of us asking the communities what they want rather than going with our pre-determined agenda. A participant from Kenya remarked that the…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on October 15, 2016 at 8:02pm — No Comments

Two weeks of SALTiness :-)

I am profoundly impressed by the program. It made me think of the Salt March initiated by Gandhi which was an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in colonial India so as indian are allowed to produce salt from the seawater in the coastal village, as was the practice of the local populace until British officials repeatedly used force to stop it.

The program to me is a non violent and legitimate act to make education accessible to each and everybody. It is giving back the power to the…


Added by Yumilah Govinden on October 14, 2016 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments

ESBZ a Berlin SALT visit

SALT visit in ESBZ (see reinventing organisations)in Berlin

This is a very remarkable school for pupils from 10 to 18 years. The young learners call their teachers study coaches, they plan their own learning pace and goal. Two times a year they show their projects to the coaches, up to their 16th year they never get grades. Later they do, to be compatible with…


Added by Suse Meffert on October 14, 2016 at 6:15pm — 4 Comments

"Get an education" ...traditon v technology and emotions

"Autry, can you come early, like one hour before so that we can prepare? would like to put somethings on powerpoint.." Piriscilla. "Okay.." said Autry. I always keep an open mind. In fact a colleague and me had a conversation on almost similar subject only recently. How does our way of working with only paper, markers etc fit in today's hi-tech world? How do we balance our traditional way of doing things with the fast-paced world, especially with a younger generation that is 'addicted' to…


Added by Autry Haynes on October 7, 2016 at 2:35am — No Comments

SALT in the Family: Why would I need to be the SALT expert?

I have been enjoying many conversations lately with friends in the Constellation around how we as CLCP facilitators apply ‘naturally’ SALT as a way of working in our own lives as well. Sometimes we say jokingly ‘don’t try this at home’ when it comes to Support, Appreciate, Learn and Transfer in the private circle.

Is SALT in our own family sometimes difficult because we fall into an old trap: we think it is up to us to be the expert?

A small remark from my…


Added by Marlou on September 12, 2016 at 8:46am — 3 Comments

Intentions and assumptions - field visit in Jaipur (India), Theory U style

Adam Yukelson, co-creator of the edX course u.lab on Theory U (Transforming Business, Society and Self) wrote an inspiring story on the application of Theory U in a business setting.

If you are interested in learning more about application of Theory U, you might like this article on his visit to a rug manufacturing company in Jaipur, India (Jaipur Rugs):…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on September 11, 2016 at 12:30pm — 10 Comments

Sefhoke on The Move

(posted on behalf of CATCH team - Botswana)

Communities tracking and measuring community-driven actions at Ward Level in the South East pilot district of the approach called Communities Acting Together to Control HIV (CATCH).

The CATCH approach that has been piloted since June 2015 in the South East district in Botswana with the support of NACA, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Local Government, UNAIDS, US partners and the Humana…


Added by Marlou on September 10, 2016 at 12:01pm — 2 Comments

Salt visit ?

Dear all,

next saturday, 10-9-2016 there is an open day at startblok riekerhaven. Birgitta and I have been there earlier for a SALT visit, there was also a picture posted then.

So there's a new possibility to get in contact with this community at the open day, would be a good thing for another visit. If someone is interested, Amsterdam practitioners, we could join and visit, reflect and experience…


Added by Suse Meffert on September 7, 2016 at 7:19pm — No Comments

S for stimulation in SALT/साल्ट में उत्प्रेरित करना

जन जाग्रति केंद्र  पिथौरा, जिला - महासमुंद, छत्तीसगढ़ एक गैर सरकारी संस्था है, जो बंधुआ मजदूरी के ऊपर काम कर रही है, यहाँ  पिछले साल जुलाई  2015 में साल्ट का एक ट्रेनिंग रखा गया था जिसमे फील्ड में काम करने वाले वालेंटियर भी शामिल हुए थे | इस साल्ट ट्रेनिंग में शामिल हुए एक वालेंटियर ने इसका प्रयोग पंजाब के एक ईट भट्ठा में किया उस वालेंटियर के अनुभव व उसके द्वारा मजदूरों को उत्प्रेरित करने के बाद जो बदलाव आया वो इस प्रकार है -

                  मेरा नाम खेमलाल खटर्जी है मै जन जाग्रति…


Added by Pratibha Lal on September 3, 2016 at 7:00am — No Comments

Building the Dream with your body

Together with some friends we experimented:

How can you do dreambuilding using less words and more body talk?

It was great fun to do this experiment and it lead to some deep sharings and understanding. Letting your body do the talking is so powerful!

Here you see our group dream of a community where it is nice to live,

where we know and meet the…


Added by Joke D´haese on September 1, 2016 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments

Je redécouvre SALT

A l’occasion de l’organisation de la première édition du Forum Régional de Santé à Gafsa fin Aout 2016, nous avons initié les participants à l’approche SALT.

10 associations ont participé à ce forum. Ce forum avait pour objectif la promotion de la réponse locale et l’implication des organisations de la société civile dans le changement…


Added by MAATOUG on August 30, 2016 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Un rêve au delà de mes espérances.

A l'association Le Pont du Tamarinier, où je travaille depuis trois ans et demi, nous avons adopté l'approche SALT depuis 2015. Je fais du travail administratif et aussi j'organise des activités pour les enfants du village du Tamarinier à Rivière Noire, à Maurice.

Depuis l'année dernière, je collabore avec une des mamans du village pour préparer les vacances de fin d'année des enfants. Nous avions d'abord prévu de…


Added by Marie Sandrine Lo Hun on August 29, 2016 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Not - knowing ...... a practice?

Appreciating the practice of   ‘not knowing’  

                         ...a personal reflection concerning today’s triad skype talk about action planning…




You have heard of flying with wings,

But can you fly without wings ?

You have heard of the knowledge that knows,

But can you practice

The knowledge that doesn’t know?


Consider a window: it is…


Added by Suse Meffert on August 29, 2016 at 12:19pm — 7 Comments

Appreciation, positivity and conflict

In our Blended Learning program (with Anita, Autry, Célicia and Suse) we talk about SALT and its impact. In that respect Anita, Suse and I touched upon a potential risk of denying (hidden) conflict when the appreciative style would turn into 'only talking about the positive', or what is sometimes called 'sugar coating'. 
As for myself, I find it hard to deal sometimes with animosity or tension in groups. What to do when an appreciative approach doesn't lead to…

Added by Birgitta Schomaker on August 27, 2016 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Oh, quel miracle ? J’ai même envie de dire, SALT a force d’ordre, plutôt qu’aux forces d’ordre à Madagascar.

Merci et félicitations à Modeste et à toute l’équipe pour leur assiduité et perspicacité. Merci aussi, Célicia pour le partage de cette histoire combien merveilleuse qui confirme en fait, le pouvoir qu’incarne l’approche SALT. Celui d’être capable de susciter/déclencher la conversion (effet de curage du poids de la conscience) même au chef d’un caïd, un dur à cuire, à l’instar du tristement célèbre officier Malgache, bourreau intraitable des dahalo. Et ce, à l’espace rien que de la durée d’une… Continue

Added by Jean Baby Fulama Zanzala on August 27, 2016 at 4:24am — No Comments

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