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Stories about Response (2,349)

People know best how to solve own issues: Ban Pang Lao community shifting away from donor funding

Submitted by Amber Phalen, Interim Key Correspondent Coordinator, Health & Development Networks (HDN). Originally posted:

In the Ban Pang Lao community, a shift is taking place. This shift from reliance on donor funding and NGO support towards greater self-sufficiency is promoting greater sustainability and the power of a community, through dialogue, to determine their own… Continue

Added by Amber on November 20, 2008 at 5:50am — 2 Comments

SALT visits: Changing the view

The first thing that struck me was the approach. I’d been to numerous site visits since beginning my career in the non-profit industry over eight years ago. They all seemed the same after a while. Whether the visit consisted of taking international visitors in suits and ties to see the local farming initiative where we all discussed the situation of the poor shoeless farmer showing his family’s “inadequate” dwellings and property or seeing "yet another" hospice complaining of dwindling… Continue

Added by Amber on November 20, 2008 at 5:30am — 6 Comments

T for Transformation

The greatest impact of SALT happens to the visitor. This is what I learned in Merauke last month. When we started practicing SALT, I saw how SALT visits transform the hosts: as they learn about their own strengths, they are encouraged to act and share. In Merauke I saw how visitors are being transformed.

Dany as a lot of presence: when he speaks up, we all listen. An old teacher from Papua, he tells us how after practicing SALT in Merauke he travelled to his community all the way “up… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on November 19, 2008 at 9:40am — 2 Comments

Are we objects or subjects of development?

I belong to a strong community in Chiang Mai. My group of friends support and care for each other and the community tries sincerely to accept everybody. New people are given a warm welcome which causes many people to stay in Chiang Mai for much longer than they plan. They simply feel at home after they join our community. The welcome is characterized by a sincere acceptance of who you are and creating an environment to share and learn.

One of my best friends here is Gaura from… Continue

Added by Gaston on November 17, 2008 at 4:55pm — 2 Comments

We cannot underestimate the power of SALT

It is more than 1 year already after my second visit to people from Pontianak and Singkawang during the AIDS Competence workshop. Before flying to Indonesia, we had some discussion on email with some people from the local team members there about “What’s going on?” and “What should we focus this time?” What we got from the discussion seem to make us worry about the process this time because we plan to introduce some new tools and the build some knowledge assets together. The feedback from the… Continue

Added by Lawan Vejapikul on November 14, 2008 at 5:06am — No Comments

A new milestone in connecting virtually

Today is a special day. We are inviting coaches to our virtual platform that is linking people accross the globe around the issue of competence.

I am excited about this new milestone in connecting virtually with my good friends in all places in the world.

I remember so well my first 'AIDS' workshop, in Bulawayoo 1998. Thirty facilitators of local responses came together - and in the room was a clear sense of agreement on the importance of learning from these local responses. The… Continue

Added by Marlou on November 11, 2008 at 12:49pm — 5 Comments

Meet the ACP champions from India

I am delighted to share that interviews of Jayakar, Father Joe and Prabakar were featured in the Constellation newsletter. Congratulations to Jayakar (SAO, Hyderabad), Father Joe (NEDHIV, Dimapur) and Prabakar (SIAAP, Chennai). This became possible due to the efforts of Laurence whom I owe my sincere thanks to.

Here is a snapshot of Jayakar's interview:

"Everyone has something to share, Everyone has something to learn" I would like to share my experience on AIDS… Continue

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on November 7, 2008 at 4:35am — 1 Comment

3 short stories with a lot of SALT

1. The wedding

Suddenly the energy changes in the room. More than 60 people turn their minds into reflection. Gentle smiles occur throughout the room. I am at the wedding diner of my twin brother in the Netherlands. One minute ago, I took the microphone and invited people to express what they appreciate in the newlywed couple. ‘What strengths do you observe in this couple?’ What follows is a truly heart-warming and sincere flow of unique contributions ranging from parents to… Continue

Added by Gaston on October 31, 2008 at 9:11am — 3 Comments

quelle visite SALT

Quelle visite SALT nous avons vécu ce wk avec les résidents de Manhay (demandeurs d'asile).

Ce fût tellement riche !

Je pense que c'est une des visites SALT qui m'a le plus appris et fait prendre conscience de beaucoup de choses.

Notamment que pour pouvoir totalement vivre SALT'y, il faut soi-même avoir pris conscience de ses forces mais aussi ses faiblesses et limites ou besoins, qu'il faut encore progresser sur soi-même pour devenir un "bon" facilitateur.

Quel… Continue

Added by Aude on October 20, 2008 at 4:48pm — 4 Comments

Some of what participants said during the Philippines ADB-NGOCompetence National Learning Event

I participated in the Philippines ADB-NGOCompetence National Learning Event in Manila during the past 2 days (15-16 Oct) and would like to share some of what participants said during the event:

"Why I'm here in this event? Because I fall in love with the AIDS Competence Process, especially the self-assessment" (Mickey, PRRM)

"ACP is the gift we give to ourselves, and to the community" (Eden, PNGOC)

"This is the most memorable seminar I've ever attended. Eastern… Continue

Added by Usa Duongsaa on October 17, 2008 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

2 weeks of transformation by SALT

The airport lobby of Abu Dhabi is surprisingly lively at 3.00 AM in the morning. Reflections on the past two weeks spin through my mind. My brain eagerly tries to extract a list of concrete principles that I learnt. It doesn’t work. These are not technical principles. My mind can’t do the synthesis alone; I need to listen to my heart as well to do justice to my learning.

Then Ian Campbell’s contribution pops up on why we are not ‘the Constellation for Community Competence’. Apart… Continue

Added by Gaston on October 1, 2008 at 9:28pm — 1 Comment

SALT Visit in Northern Thailand: It is over, but it is not.

It is over, but it is not. This meeting ends with a different feeling. Something small happened: each of us changed. That change is the start from something bigger: our change will spread to others. This is how AIDS competence will spread faster than the virus. Keeping the spirit is not easy. This is why this time around we will keep in touch.

I have experienced for myself the power of being appreciated. For the first time, a group told me clearly: “You inspire us”. Your feedback did not… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on September 28, 2008 at 4:46am — 1 Comment

Ecrit interpellant

Les nouveaux maîtres du monde, Jean Ziegler, pg 18

« L’être humain est le seul à pouvoir connaître ce qu’au plus intime de lui-même il souhaite réellement pour lui, pour ses proches et pour ses semblables.

La démocratie n’existe vraiment que lorsque tous les êtres qui composent la communauté peuvent exprimer leurs voeurs intimes, librement et collectivement, dans l’autonomie de leurs désirs personnels et la solidarité de leur coexistence avec les autres, et qu’ils parviennent à… Continue

Added by Aude on September 25, 2008 at 2:03pm — 1 Comment

L'approche en lien avec l'empowerment

Comme dans mon précédent message,

J'ai trouvé un ensemble de définition et d'explications sur l'empowerment qui est totalement l'approche de la Constellation et sa vision.

Je vous mets ci-dessous les points repris :

"- Certaines constantes se retrouvant dans la majorité des définitions applicables à l’empowerment. Les notions de caractéristiques individuelles (le sentiment de compétence personnelle, de prise de conscience et de motivation à l’action sociale), ainsi que… Continue

Added by Aude on September 24, 2008 at 4:15pm — 1 Comment

Building the Dream: An example of its power and a reflection on a problem.

Earlier this month, I was fortunate enough to take part in a Constellation workshop organised by Belcompetence in Brussels. During Friday afternoon and Saturday a wonderfully diverse group of about 30 people introduced themselves to the AIDS Competence process.

There were many things I could write about the weekend, but this note is about Building the Dream, the first step in the Constellation process. I thought about writing it immediately after the weekend, but I decided to give… Continue

Added by Phil on June 23, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Some thoughts from last week

Here are some thoughts based around what I have done and the conversations I've had over the last week.

1. In a conversation with Jean-Louis on Friday, we mused that we did not have a vocabulary to articulate strengths. I guess that what we are saying is that our vocabulary is not well developed. It's a bit like trying to discuss wine. We are all comfortable to say that is good or not so good, but we (I) find it very difficult to describe what is good about it and what is not so good… Continue

Added by Phil on June 16, 2008 at 11:08am — 7 Comments

Qui croire?

A Belcompétence, nous venons de vivre une semaine intense. Comme disait Aicha : « Nous avons abattu le travail d’un mois, mais on dirait que nous n’avons passé qu’un jour ensemble ».

Lundi matin : bienvenue chez l’échevine de la santé de Schaerbeek, commune où des personnes de 152 nationalités différentes vivent en paix.

Mardi midi. Les formateurs du centre de jeunes de Molenbeek nous ont invités. Ils sont 16, de toute origine, âge et sexe. Nous sommes venus à 6, nous… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on June 15, 2008 at 6:55pm — 3 Comments

Trust the development experts...all 7 billion of them.

Trust the development experts...all 7 billion of them. This is the title of an article in the Financial Times published on 29 May 2008 by William Easterly.

The article is a criticism of the report of the World Bank Growth Commission. This represents the work of a huge number of people giving their views on what countries need to do in order… Continue

Added by Phil on June 1, 2008 at 10:09pm — 3 Comments

"African Dream" et le sida

Il est 23 heures à Kinshasa, et je rentre à mon hôtel, l’«African Dream ». Situé sur le boulevard du 30 juin, c’est un chouette hôtel, très sympa, avec Internet gratuit, piscine et tout et tout… Mais voilà, le boulevard est plongé dans une nuit d’encre, et à l’hôtel ce n’est guère mieux : une bougie déposée devant ma porte me rappelle les nuits passées en brousse. Seulement là-bas personne ne facturait la nuit à 175 US$ ! Je me réfugie sous le drap pour échapper aux moustiques ragaillardis par… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 20, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Le vendeur de mandarines

Kinshasa, le 17 mai 2008.

Il n’y a pas grand monde dans les rues ce samedi : le jour est férié, car c’est l’anniversaire de l’entrée triomphale à Kinshasa de Mzee Laurent Désiré Kabila. Je me trouve à un rond point du centre ville, pas loin d’un supermarché. Un vieux papa vient m’offrir des mandarines.

« Le paquet à 2 dollars ! »

« Tu me coupes les jambes avec ton prix. Prends un dollar. »

« Tu prends combien de paquets? »

Tout-à-coup le vieux… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 17, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

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