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Stories about Response (2,355)

Paolo Freire (English)

Note: Francophones, je vous proposerai bientôt la traduction :)…


Added by Marie Lamboray on September 14, 2010 at 2:30pm — 8 Comments

Dougoudouma, a tale from the future

I’m going to tell you the story of Dougoudouma, a village where life is good. Usually stories and tales start with “once upon a time”. But our story takes place in 2022! We created it with a colleague from UNICEF in Bamako during the founding meeting of Malicompetence, a member organization of the Constellation. We didn’t know each other…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on September 13, 2010 at 12:00pm — 4 Comments

Dougoudouma, un conte du futur

Je vais vous raconter l’histoire de Dougoudouma, le village où il fait bon vivre. En général les histoires et les contes commencent par « il était une fois ». Ici par contre notre histoire se passe en 2022 ! Nous l’avons créée avec une collègue d’UNICEF à Bamako lors d’une réunion fondatrice de Malicompétence,…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on September 9, 2010 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

ADB-NGO Competence, CLCP Refresher Training - Cambodia

This workshop was organized for 4 full days, including evening sessions for 2 days to be counted as 5 day since the original agenda was adjusted to suit the traveling time. The workshop was organized during 16 – 20 August 2010 in Mondulkiri province, Cambodia. It was attended… Continue

Added by Vichet LOK on September 7, 2010 at 8:46am — 4 Comments

The little effects of sharing

Hi all,

Last month, Pontianak Salt Team visited Singkawang Salt Team. Singkawang took 3 hours trip by car from Pontianak. We are about 15 peoples in 2 cars.

The meeting started by having lunch together in the atmosphere of familiness. After lunch we shared each other. We shared about our family and also work, particularly experiences from the field. There were 2 new boys, youth, from KPA Pontianak who were very enthusiastic to be involved in this even. They are new…


Added by chandra nurhasz on September 6, 2010 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

A song about malaria from Nanergou in Togo

Jean-Louis' video from Mali reminded me of a wonderful experience of singing and dancing from Togo that continues to inspire and to please me.But it also shows the remarkable power of song to get messages across. Here is the link

Added by Phil on September 3, 2010 at 6:26pm — No Comments

Le Chef de Monpiela

Nous sommes une petite équipe venue de Bamako encourager les facilitateurs de la réponse

locale dans la Région de Sikasso au Mali. Nous sommes en avance, et on nous

installe sur une natte. Une femme nous accueille et nous
invite à la danse!…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on September 1, 2010 at 11:00am — 6 Comments

When sharing is scary...

I have had "writer's block" for 3 months....

........Or at least that's the excuse I used. I believed it at first. I had 4 weeks of back-to-back field trips, learning a new language, new friends, new places, and an overwhelming sense that I had bitten off more CLCP, ACP, Gender Competence and UNFPA SALT mainstreaming.... than I can chew.

After every field-trip or SALT visit, I…

Added by Olivia Munoru on August 31, 2010 at 11:30am — 17 Comments


Soumya and her friends are happy today, because they have witnessed the withdrawal of community notions on female blood donation. A huge number of girls and women donated their blood voluntarily during a blood donation camp conducted at Kannur District of Kerala organized as part of the ‘World…


Added by BPDU on August 31, 2010 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

The 11 Practices of Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Competence

Eleven Practices of Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Competence at Manonjaya Tasikmalaya

1. Knowledge and Acknowlegment of ARH

2. Inclusion

3. Access to information and services of Family Planning

4. Access to information and services of STI and HIV-AIDS

5. Identification of pregnancy signs and emergency obstetric

6. Gender

7. Ways of working

8. Measuring changes and adapting response

9. Mobilization…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 31, 2010 at 6:33am — 7 Comments

With Love From Manonjaya Tasikmalaya - Indonesia (2)

I initiated to facilitate session on CLCP cycle. I was preparing pictures and papers and the like while I was listening my collegues facilitating session on sharing what students have done and what they have known about CLCP cycle. They stopped me drawing the CLCP picture. Wooww...I just can borrow them. They were splendidly share us steps of CLCP, drawing good picture and can share with us their experience and view point. It reminded me that I'm not an expert of CLCP who's going to teach…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 31, 2010 at 6:17am — 2 Comments

With Love from Manonjaya Tasikmalaya - Indonesia (1)

This is another captured learning I can share with everybody. Lulu and I (facilitators of IndoCompetence) and Rebeka Sultana (Consultant for UNFPA on HIV-AIDS Program) have facilitated Learning Event and Knowledge Festival last week. This three days activity were divided into two session. One was learning event to have self assessment (at two schools) and one was knowledge festival attended by 40 students from two schools and fathers, mothers, service providers and local NGOs, members og ARH…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 31, 2010 at 5:48am — 6 Comments

Almost 500,000 new sex infections in UK last year

It seems we need more action in the United Kingdom too My concern is that there is little discussion about HIV/ AIDS just STIs

Added by Geoff Parcell on August 25, 2010 at 10:34am — 1 Comment

AIDS Competence with the Indigenous People of Guyana

The National Toshaos Council (NTC) comprising 157 Amerindian villages/settlements is in receipt of grant funds from UNDP to implement AIDS Competence targeting governance level.

In the first instance the executive members [20 members] and two other village

council members will be engaged in the building of AIDS Competence techniques.

The approach then engages four villages’ council and other leaders [youth,

religious, women’s group and sport groups] in…


Added by Autry Haynes on August 24, 2010 at 3:13pm — 3 Comments

Live your Dream

Kevin Mnone, short, hopeful keen on what it takes to bring comfort in his family is an intern and part of the public relations and resource development team of Metro evangelical services.

His vision is to financially empower himself to be an independent citizen with a tertiary education and sustainable income to make a living and to take care of his mother.
Kevin… Continue

Added by Onesmus Mutuku on August 23, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments


Salt has both positive and negative impact. If you apply too much of salt in the food it will be too salty and if you don’t apply salt in your food, the food will be tasteless. Remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, when God wanted to destroy the city, he ask Lot to flee out of the city and not to look back, but…


Added by ukeme okon on August 23, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

With more listening time care will deepen

In the context of his reconfirmation as Constellation coach Ian Campbell is sharing his learning during a Mildway…


Added by Marlou on August 17, 2010 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments


I have made two visits for the month of July in Region 6, [New Amsterdam Support Group and Upper East Berbice Skeldon Support Group] these visits were very important, however, i had the opportunity to discuss with these groups they strength and weaknesses where a lot of weaknesses were shown in these two group.

discussion were held with the Chairman of both groups, where I identified they weaknesses, and encourage them to work more closely with their peer and to go that extra mile to… Continue

Added by Lyndon Welch on August 16, 2010 at 6:05pm — 6 Comments

Invitation for Community visits in South India

Dear Members,

Every community has the capacity to respond to life issues, to envision and to act. Facilitators of the Constellation discover and reveal strengths which communities themselves might not realize, by asking appreciative questions. We call this mode of interaction with communities ‘SALT’: Stimulate, Appreciate, Listen, Learn and Transfer.

The Constellation and India Competence invite you to participate in a week of SALT… Continue

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on August 15, 2010 at 8:45pm — No Comments

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