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Posted on April 7, 2012 at 5:54pm 0 Comments 3 Likes
Last week I was at an inspiring meeting in the Santa Cruz Mountains. A dozen of us gathered from different parts of the US to continue an exploration of common ground. There's a confluence happening. Especially over the last decade people have been working with different words to explore the same questions: How do we create healthy communities? Communities where happiness is pursued, not consumption. Communities where people live with the graceful bounty of this planet rather than…
ContinuePosted on November 17, 2011 at 12:36pm 3 Comments 1 Like
We* spent a second day visiting four different places in the the Tohoku disaster area. I'll just talk about two.
Eight months ago today the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown hit Japan. Back in the tsunami area of Miyagi Prefecture, I impressed with the extent of clean-up and it is still hard to look at the extensive damage.
We started the day meeting with Watanabe-san, the volunteer coordinator in Minami-Sanriku-cho. Watanabe-san was born in Sendai, and was…
Posted on June 1, 2011 at 1:15am 7 Comments 4 Likes
Posted on May 25, 2011 at 1:29am 3 Comments 0 Likes
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Enjoyed your webinar so very much on Disaster as a springboard for transformation - of thriving resilient communities. Comment of the communities in Japan was very striking " We have been released from the future we did not want. Maybe now we can do something differently."
A very happy birthday Bob! All my best wishes.
A very happy birthday Bob! have a great celebration. Highly appreciate the work you do.
Dear Bob,
I am very happy to have you here. Hope you will share stories of resilient communities. We would like to learn from your experience especially in Japan. I was also reading about the green house project in Jo'burg. Would like to know more on it too.
PS: Hope you will add your photo to your profile. Thanks Bob!
Dear Bob,
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