Just like usual, the meeting was starting by explored hopes, concern and expectations. Mine are:
Always has a chance to learn, it’s personal. I believed that learning is a must in our whole life. And it fits with SALT. Learn has an important place in the SALT Process.
Community recognized their strengths and confident to use those. This is my hope to communities I will visited later on. I believed every community has strength. They just did not realize. And then…
Added by chandra nurhasz on June 26, 2009 at 5:23am —
[I met this elegant, graceful lady at an ACP learning event in Dimapur last month- Dr Joyce Angami. She is a medical doctor by profession and has vast experience in the field of HIV. Here she shares her experience in the first SALT visit.]
The team went on a SALT visit to Molvom (known as the pineapple Village), which is about 45 minutes drive from Dimapur, Northeast India. It was a hot day but the surroundings were really clean and fresh. The whole community waited for the planned…
Added by Rituu B. Nanda on June 19, 2009 at 2:55pm —
At the beginning of June we invited you to add your experience of the practice of "Acknowledgement and Recognition" on a Forum discussion. There has been lots of contribution to that discussion so thanks!
The dream we share:
HIV affects us all. We are honest to ourselves and our community and face the good and less good issues together. We share our hopes and concerns. We naturally and openly discuss HIV as a normal disease, as well as… Continue
Added by Geoff Parcell on June 19, 2009 at 11:00am —
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Ce qui est étonnant et impressionnant avec le meeting que nous vivons cette semaine, s'est le sentiment d'être libre et avoir l'opportunité et l'envie de pouvoir exprimer et partager des choses jamais exprimées en public ou en groupe et d'en prendre conscience.
Pour la première fois de ma vie, lors d'une visite SALT après l'Espace P, j'ai pris vraiment conscience, au plus profond de mon être, de mes comportements jusqu'à présent en matière de VIH-SIDA dans ma propre vie et des…
Added by Aude on June 19, 2009 at 7:54am —
A Wonderfull meeting
Nous voilà parti pour une semaine de meeting intensif…
We went for a week of intensive meeting ...
Que de réflexions, que d’expériences des uns et des autres, que de forces… Quel bonheur d’être à Chiang Mai, pouvoir partager avec les autres facilitateurs/coaches du monde entier. C’est powerfull !
What thoughts, what experiences of others, what forces ... What a joy to be in Chiang Mai, to share with others facilitators… Continue
Added by Aude on June 16, 2009 at 12:30pm —
ที่ผ่านมาผมใช้กระบวนการเพื่อนช่วยเพื่อน(ที่ได้เรียนรู้จากเวที International Khowlage Fair ) ในการเขียนบทคัดย่อการทำงานเพื่อเสนอต่อเวทีเอดส์ที่บาหลี
เครือข่ายศาสนาพุทธใช้กระบวนการดังกล่าวและได้จัดส่งจำนวน 3 เรื่อง
เราได้รับข่าวดีคือเรื่อง 3 เรื่องของเราผ่านการคัดเลือกเพื่อนำเสนอจำนวน 2…
Added by suriyon sungkham on June 16, 2009 at 4:45am —
J'etais en charge de la communication sur le sida au Programme national de lutte contre le sida dans mon pays en
Ma jeune soeur qui servait d'intermediaire pour tous les echanges avec la famille pendant mon sejour de
plus de deux ans a l'etranger est tombee malade. Nous etions tres proche l'un de l'autre. Lorsqu'elle m'a dit qu'elle
souffrait de tuberculose, je me suis dit que c'etait guerissable. Elle a commence le traitement mais voulait entourer
Added by Saka Saka on June 10, 2009 at 12:16pm —
Dear friends,
We all have something to share, we all have something to learn. The most valuable knowledge is not somewhere in books on shelves but it is in our heads. It is in the heads of millions of communities who respond, every day, to the issue of HIV.
We invite all of you to participate in this first global ‘knowledge asset’ building on Ning: the collection of our joint knowledge on the ten practices of AIDS Competence, based on our experiences.
We propose…
Added by Laurence Gilliot on June 1, 2009 at 12:30pm —
Sorry for cross posting but this is also a pressing issue, well almost the same as HIV. at the bottom of the well we see OUR very own behavior. There are a lot of issues on HIV and most of them boil down to behavior some need for behavior modification, easier said than done. I know, im on the process myself. now.... climate change ....irresponsible throwing of trash, irresponsible use of stry packages. blah, blah blah...... Lets see the parallel and maybe well learn to manage HIV the same way…
Added by Caca Carillo on June 1, 2009 at 2:43am —
SALT Facilitation team sat at a meeting room at the Pontianak BAPEDA. It was a preparatory meeting for the facilitators before the beginning of a 3 days’ workshop on ACP tools at Pontianak. I was one of them. I asked Lulu ( who is from a transgender organization), you have lately working intensely with your transgender community for safe practices, condom use, dissemination of information on HIV/AIDS, tell me when and at what point do you think people start changing their behavior’…
Added by rebeka sultana on May 28, 2009 at 10:51am —
When people feel free to organize and express themselves... the way they want... results that come are always surprising.
I was amazed to hear an Association of the Visual Impaired People of Mozambique say "we succeeded with our community. We are so demanded to help our people their..". Attention to the words demanded to help! They have such a meaning that is very difficult here to describe. Just for quick getting together, because I believe I might have lost you, they are blind and…
Added by Joao Arnaldo Vembane on May 27, 2009 at 6:09pm —
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This is a short report/update on the above action which took place in Sierra Leone on May 26, 2009. The Sierra Leone National HIV and AIDS Coalition, a Civil Society Organization, invited partners/stakeholders to a one-day self-assessment of the National HIV and AIDS Programme which was part of their activities on Global HIV Action Week held at the YWCA Hall. It was an initial stakeholders self-assessment of the National HIV and AIDS Programming which included representatives from the National…
Added by Joseph Senesie on May 27, 2009 at 12:28pm —
Objectives :-
To increase participation and involvement of women in decision-making processes and advocacy activities for their HIV and SRH rights. To decrease in discriminatory practices and attitudes towards women living with HIV/AIDS, to reduce the spread of HIV infection and to mitigate its impact among our target women population and to improve the reproductive & sexual health.
Major Issues and Problems
Women are more vulnerable to the STI’s, HIV…
Added by Rajapanthula Madhavi Ganapathi on May 26, 2009 at 5:00am —
1 Comment
It was already past midnight, but I thought it was time for a SALT visit 30,000 feet above sea level on my way to Kolkata. The Indian guy next to me was an engineer working on ships around the world for 6 months/ year. The other 6 months he spends with his family in Kolkata. After some small talk about work and his fear of losing his job in the economic crisis, he asked about my work. His questions came up: ‘If there are 10 Indians and 1 has HIV, can you see the difference? Can you get it…
Added by Gaston on May 23, 2009 at 3:51pm —
May 4th 2009, Mr. Gaston, touched down at Dimapur 1:30 pm. The much awaited event had arrived, ACP National Review India in Nagaland. Gaston is the first to arrive. The next day, Bobby Zachariah-the Country ACP-Connector and Rituu B Nanda from UNAIDS joined us.
We had been gearing up for this event since September last. Many a hitches had kept the event postponed from December to January, then to March and then finally to May. The final hiccup came in the form of most of the ACP…
Added by Joe Ngamkhuchung on May 22, 2009 at 6:00am —
I found this article interesting.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8056299.stm It is not just in Africa and Asia that the virus is spreading. Tourists and travellers are spreading it too. But are they acknowledging and recognizing the issue?
Added by Geoff Parcell on May 20, 2009 at 11:30am —
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La foire d’échanges, une sorte de conférence interactive pendant laquelle les communautés présentes partagent avec d’autres leurs expériences et apprennent des nouvelles leçons, ne s’était jamais organisée à Kinshasa. Les concertations de Yolo et de Kimbanseke sont les pionniers dans ce domaine.
En effet, le samedi 04 avril 2009, 10 représentants de chaque concertation se sont retrouvés pendant plus de 5 heures à la Paroisse St Hélène de Kimbanseke pour partager leurs expériences. L’une…
Added by Ngabala Eric on May 19, 2009 at 4:35pm —
1 Comment
Would like to share the request that we made on 16th May,2009 with the stakeholders in the state to finalize and strengthen the plan of action for averting suicides by the PLHIV in the state.
Dear Friends,
There have been some alarming developments which have led to suicides by four people living with HIV/AIDS in our state in a span of about two months.
Many of these most unfortunate developments could perhaps be a culmination of a series of…
Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on May 19, 2009 at 11:56am —
After attending the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Facilitators training on the Malaria Competence Approach in Kenya in May 2005, and due to my preserved need for such a community tool, I introduced the Malaria Competence Approach in Bonthe district, Southern Sierra Leone. The initial simple process for introducing the Competence Approach to communities was by inviting five representatives from each of the 12 chiefdoms in Bonthe district to two-day Community Development Consultative meeting on the…
Added by Joseph Senesie on May 19, 2009 at 12:20am —
Grille d'auto évaluation sur la SR.docHello, je suis membre fondatrice de RDC Compétence,et je travaille actuellement avec CARE International dans un projet de la santé de la reproduction dans le Maniema.J'ai le cadre d'auto évaluation que j'ai adapté à la santé de la reproduction et le met en pièce jointe afin de recevoir vos observations. Merci
Added by Christiane KASORO on May 18, 2009 at 3:03pm —