The time has arrived for Women to be treated with Value and Respect by their male Partners...For too long Women were made to endure slavery, debauchery, exploitation and oppression by the Men in their lives who continue to beat, maim and kill them with impunity and without remorse...As Commissioner on the Women and Gender Equality Commission it is imperative that I remain vigilant to the fact that the Beijing Declaration that is fifteen years old has not had the momentum it should have given the fact that 189 countires committed to ensure women's right to equal pay for equal work...Women work tirelessly for minimal wages and their work in the Home remains a "Labour of Love"...Let us seize this moment to 'walk the talk' on women's rights...Let the theme really mean what it says,"Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities:Progress for All"...No Society can expect to be economically viable if women are not allowed to participate fully without Fear or threats to her person...She must be allowed to develop her full potential as she is the one that reproduces the members of the Society...The role of women as nurturer, Care-giver, friend, mother, Lover and yes as father (63% of households in Guyana are headed by females) cannot be taken for granted...What will happen to Society if ALL Women should stirke from all their duties, whether real or perceived?
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