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Stories about Response (2,453)

Exploring SALT visits and SALT behaviours

I would like to explore some aspects of a SALT visit (and SALT behaviours) that intrigue me and that puzzle me. To some extent this is a personal exploration, but I would be very intrigued to hear the thoughts of others.

I want to explore the power that comes from letting go of hierarchical relationships during a SALT visit. When a group of visitors merges with a group of visited so that the distinctions between them (us) fade away, the opportunities to learn from each…

Added by Phil on March 15, 2010 at 11:57am — 6 Comments

Honouring Commitment to Women as Standard Bearers of Humanity...The Beijing Declaration needs implementation now

The time has arrived for Women to be treated with Value and Respect by their male Partners...For too long Women were made to endure slavery, debauchery, exploitation and oppression by the Men in their lives who continue to beat, maim and kill them with impunity and without remorse...As Commissioner on the Women and Gender Equality Commission it is imperative that I remain vigilant to the fact that the Beijing Declaration that is fifteen years old has not had the momentum it should have… Continue

Added by Nicole Rhonda Cole on March 12, 2010 at 1:30am — 16 Comments

First experience with The Constellation

I arrived in Chiang Mai on february 26th. I just had time to order my stuffs in my room, and the Interfaith Work began already ! :)

Indeed, we met altogether at the Catholic Mission Center, in Muang District in Chiang Mai, on february 28th. There, were the Dutch Team (Brigitte, Alper, Mustapha and Bastiaan), Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique (from CARE, India), the INAT, the Constellation and I. I had never began a "work session" on a sunday ! :)

The session began with presentations of… Continue

Added by Marion on March 8, 2010 at 5:00am — 5 Comments

Learning event on SALT and HIV/AIDS interfaith work - when the Dutch team learned and shared with the Thai team

Attachment 1 AAR on SALT Visits.docAttachment 2 Summarizing lessons learned, planning application and follow-up.doc

We’ve heard that the Constellation considers itself a midwife. How about the SALT facilitators who work with the communities as well as try to transfer the…


Added by Usa Duongsaa on March 7, 2010 at 6:30pm — 6 Comments

Kabataang Gabay sa Positibong Pamumuhay Competes to Win a YouthActionNet Challenge at GlobalGiving


KGPP launched the MDG campaign for street youth ‘The OUT OF THE STREET, BACK ON THEIR FEET CAMPAIGN’ as project entry to the 2010 YouthActionNet GlobalGiving Challenge.

JohnPierre, YAN Fellow of 2005 and head of KGPP is reaching out to friends and acquaintances around the world…


Added by John Piermont Montilla on March 6, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments

Building team spirit in the fight against HIV

We all know about the ABC of HIV prevention which the cameroonian woman and her counterpart in the world use. Alot has been done and is still being done about teaching women their right, helping AIDS orphans , teaching aids awareness in schools and targeting special groups like sex workers or men in uniforms. Few programs target the married couple. It is in this light that we develop 'Building Team Spirit in Marriages'. as a mean of keeping couples intact and helping to reduce the spread of… Continue

Added by Njoh Angwi Constance on March 3, 2010 at 10:35am — 2 Comments

What's in my mind

Dear all, my last blog post on Ugandan experiece in fighting stigmatisation was to share with you how beneficial this is to our christian women's group in Cameroon.Fighting stigmatisation has been going on in many countries, but what makes the Ugandan case a lesson to learn is that the 'fight was coordinated by the head of state himself'. If the number 1 of a country is at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS, it is an example to emulate.Hence, we the christian women are trying to apply.… Continue

Added by Njoh Angwi Constance on March 3, 2010 at 10:12am — 1 Comment

España también empieza a soñar...

El pasado lunes tuvimos un primer encuentro en Barcelona con unas 30 personas para empezar a trabajar desde la competencia frente a la TB. Un grupo con una energía increíble y una motivación y entusiasmo con los que se podría cambiar el mundo. En tan sólo cuatro horas, hemos construido el sueño común y empezado a perfilar unas 12 prácticas para el marco de la Autoevaluación en TB. Hasta hemos tenido tiempo, aunque sí corriendo, de… Continue

Added by Marion Zibelli on March 1, 2010 at 11:06pm — 6 Comments

A Jodoigne, une communauté scolaire rêve d’une école autre.

Josiane, Jean-Louis et moi-même, nous nous étions fixés rendez-vous le 25/02/10 à10h30 au CEPES de Jodoigne…

Added by Gaspard Ntamwana on March 1, 2010 at 7:29pm — 5 Comments

Fighting Stigmatisation

Dear friends, share this about Uganda .

Tha AIDS Support Organisation (TASO ) Uganda 2008.

TASO Vision

A world without Aids

TASO Mission Statement

TASO exist to contribute to a process of preventing HIV infection, restoring hope and improving the quality of life of persons, families and communities affected by HIV infection and diseases.

TASO… Continue

Added by Njoh Angwi Constance on February 24, 2010 at 12:18pm — 1 Comment

My experience of growth

Just wanted to share my passion

From my experiences working with strenghtbased development with teenagers, individuals and families for many years and from my experience as manager and now consultant in leadership organisational and community development... I believe that it is all about the same thing

How can we make people feel that they are important for the whole? How can we support people to create meaning in their…

Added by Kicki Oljemark on February 24, 2010 at 11:11am — 5 Comments

Un weekend avec SALT a Kinshasa

Samedi, 6hr du matin. C’est le weekend, mais le réveil sonne parce qu’aujourd’hui nous allons accompagner une nouvelle équipe des facilitateurs à Kinshasa. Sur invitation d’UNICEF 50 relais communautaires étaient formés par l’équipe de rêve (‘Dreamteam’) RDCCompetence. Ils ont appliqué l’approche sur 5 pratiques de la sante en famille, inclut la malaria, les maladie/…


Added by Gaston on February 21, 2010 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

Knowledge FAN: Youth & Community Knowledge Sharing in the North East

CHP, Care Foundation, Galaxy Club, Kripa Foundation and Prodigals' Home recently launched the Knowledge FAN project in the north eastern states of Manipur and Nagaland with the support of UNAIDS, India.…

Added by Ash Pachauri on February 19, 2010 at 4:00am — 5 Comments

Hope for PLWHIV

Apart from standard medication and food, there some plants in the world that can help boost the immune system of PLWHIV.

-Galic ( Allium sativum) . This plant is noted for it antibiotic, antiseptic antiviral, antifungal and anti diabetic properties. It is known to slow down the progress of herpes simplexI which is a virus that stimulates HIV.We are encouraged to include much raw galic into our daily meals.

-Aloe… Continue

Added by Njoh Angwi Constance on February 18, 2010 at 11:32am — 2 Comments

SALT- The 'spotlight' in Mlolongo major Truckers stop- Kenya.

Dear Friends,

Added by Onesmus Mutuku on February 16, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments

Reflections at Georgetown airport

As I was sitting at Georgetown airport, waiting for my flight, I overheard a guy some distance away saying on the phone “This country is very corrupt …”. I couldn’t help looking up at him and thinking, “The poor guy! He didn’t know what he missed!” I didn’t know what he had experienced while here and what ‘lens’ he’s been using, but obviously he must have been using a different…


Added by Usa Duongsaa on February 14, 2010 at 5:29am — 11 Comments

From AIDS to Life

(voir plus bas pour le français)…


Added by Laurence Gilliot on February 12, 2010 at 4:29pm — 1 Comment

Hivos partners platform

Human capacities are the foundation of actions we take. This core capacity needs to be built through conscious and constant review, reflection, learning and practice. This is inclusive of processes to support, stimulate, appreciate, ask about the actions taken, listen, learn and link them with appropriate sources, work in teams and transfer learning from one community / organisation to others. This will enable capacity building not just within a particular organisation or constituency but with… Continue

Added by Indumathi Ravi Shankar on February 12, 2010 at 1:45pm — 4 Comments

The secret of Guyana

"What is the secret of Guyana?". This was the question my colleague asked me yesterday after seeing, hearing and reading the results after 9 days of learning event on AIDS Competence in Guyana. Apart from excellent organization, logistics, good preparation and impressive UNAIDS leadership, there was something else that made this event such a success.

Although Guyana is nr 114 on the ‘Human Development…


Added by Gaston on February 11, 2010 at 3:32pm — 4 Comments

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