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I have made two visits for the month of July in Region 6, [New Amsterdam Support Group and Upper East Berbice Skeldon Support Group] these visits were very important, however, i had the opportunity to discuss with these groups they strength and weaknesses where a lot of weaknesses were shown in these two group.

discussion were held with the Chairman of both groups, where I identified they weaknesses, and encourage them to work more closely with their peer and to go that extra mile to ensure that all member of the PLHIV in their community are well look after both social and medical. To ensure that they work more with them on their Personal Development along with selfesteam, which showed a grate signed of not so well, for the region who have so much of PLHIV who are working in the medical field, also Per-Educators within the Ministry of Health.

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Comment by Marie Lamboray on February 6, 2014 at 11:37am

Traduction du commentaire de Laurence:

Mon plus grand défi a été en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée alors que je parlais avec de jeunes garçons. Ils nous ont décrit leurs habitudes par rapport à l'alcool et la drogue. Ils voulaient changer. Ils ont même parlé de viols collectifs. Il est difficile dans cette situation de voir les forces. Mais notre équipe a quand même fait de son mieux. Nous avons écouté et essayé de comprendre les garçons, nous imaginant grandir dans leur contexte. J'aurais probablement fait la même chose. Nous avons également partagé au sujet de notre propre vulnérabilité. Nous avons essayé de communiquer en tant qu'êtres humains égaux avec eux. C'était la première fois que quelqu'un disait à ces garçons qu'ils avaient des forces et qu'ils étaient capables de changer leur situation. […] Ils ont commencé à parler action en organisant des soirées café. Ils ont mobilisé toute leur communauté. Parfois, il ne semble pas logique de chercher les points forts quand on voit les faiblesses. Il semble moins efficace de laisser les gens découvrir leurs propres forces quand on peut si facilement leur dire toutes les choses que nous voyons qu'ils ne font pas bien. Mais nous croyons qu'il vaut la peine de laisser les gens découvrir par eux-mêmes leur vérité, leurs forces et leurs domaines à améliorer. Le petit détour en vaut la peine ...

En avez-vous aussi l’expérience?

Comment by Paula Sampson on September 3, 2010 at 5:21pm
Wherever I go I add SALT. Just last night I worked with some women and introduced the concept of SALT whioch they accepted and are anxious to continue. this group is Womrn Across Differences, these are women who would have encountered some form of abuse or other or women who need a support gorup for whatever reason. the self assessment cause them to really refleact on themselves which many expressed they were neglecting. The time factor did not afford us with much time causse they assemble after work. They rrequested that the sesion be continued. In disclosing their concern and hope and being able to dicuss had added a new dimension in their "Way of thinking and Working: Interesting to see what happens the next time we meet. Will keep you posted.
Comment by Gaston on August 30, 2010 at 5:10am
Hi Lyndon, great to read your putting SALT into practice. How did you assess your own SALTiness during these visits? What did you think went well as a facilitator and what could be improved in terms of SALT?

Kind regards, Gaston
Comment by Lyndon Welch on August 27, 2010 at 6:31pm
On the 26th August 2010, a SALT visit was done, with the Upper Demerara [ Wismar Christianburg Hospital] at Wismar Linden, in Region 10. with the Support Group, and the areas are as follows:


However, for the Self Assessment session the Group members showed a great deal of interest in moving from one stage to the next.

it was also observed that to make this possible the Leadership should be more strong and effective in mobilizing members of the Support Group. An invitation was extended to the Head and Social Worker for any assistance they will need in this regards.

A review will be don at the next Support Group session in September 2010.
Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on August 22, 2010 at 7:23pm
Dear Lyndon and Laurence,

Just read this and wanted to share what Peter Drucker says - The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths, making our weaknesses irrelevant

Comment by Laurence Gilliot on August 22, 2010 at 1:55pm
Hi Lyndon,

Great that you did two SALT visits! Did you go as a team with other friends? Did you do an After-Action-Review?
What did you learn from the communities you visited that enriched your life? Did you tell the people you visited about what you learned from them?

I can totally understand that you identified weaknesses. In some places it is a challenge to see strengths. My biggest challenge was in Papua New Guinea when I was talking with young boys. They were sharing about their alcohol and drug behaviour and how they wanted to change. They even talked about gang rapes etc. It is difficult in that situation to see strengths. But still our team really did its very best. We listen and tried to understand the boys, imagining that we grew up in their context. I probably would have done the same. We also shared about our own vulnerability. We tried to connect as equal human beings with them.
It was the first time ever that someone had told these boys that they had strengths and that they could do anything they wanted to change their situation. That they had strengths and that they were good people.

They started talking action by organising coffee nights. They mobilised their whole community.

Sometimes it seems not logical to look for strengths when we see weaknesses. It seems less efficient to let people discover their own strengths when we can so easily tell them all the things we see they are not doing well. But we believe that it is worth letting people discover their own truth, their own strengths and their own areas to improve. The little detour is worth it...

Is this also your experience?


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