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With Love from Manonjaya Tasikmalaya - Indonesia (1)

This is another captured learning I can share with everybody. Lulu and I (facilitators of IndoCompetence) and Rebeka Sultana (Consultant for UNFPA on HIV-AIDS Program) have facilitated Learning Event and Knowledge Festival last week. This three days activity were divided into two session. One was learning event to have self assessment (at two schools) and one was knowledge festival attended by 40 students from two schools and fathers, mothers, service providers and local NGOs, members og ARH Competence at sub-district. I've been overwhelming with happiness, pride and joyous when facilitating the session.

One of the most wonderful experince is that learned from the first time facilitating knowledge assets. I tried to read from ning fisrt since I was unsure about my skill. Rebeka supports me alot that we need practices on doing this. I was trying to listen more and more to stories my communities's telling than I can see some communalities from the story, AHA...I got it!!!. Lucy, my local partnert said: She learned alot on how to extracting some stories by listening actively to stories told and common values start revealing from that. The values, that I learned are very simple and modest. There are embeded on us as person who try to keep learning. Also I believe more practices will ease me dragging common principle from the stories. What need to be done is that reconfirming this with the story tellers and dig some further information from them. By doing this both parties, me and those who were telling a story understand and agree that common value. (I learn also from Geoff and will one from MariJo, on KA working)

One of the story was from Panji (a senior high schools student). He was confused at his teenagers. He wanted to try everything. Panji made friendship to his gank. Actually the gank members were remained as bad boys by the community. Panji started not to going to school. He played with his gank. His parents worried him alot. And scolded him as a bad boy too. Panji confused. He was not confident as a teen. What he want is that to follow his heart to follow his teenager time. Finally, school gave him strong reminder and sentenced him not to come to school again. Having this sentence he aware that he didn't mean to be a bad boy. He just follow his intuition. Panji attend his new school. Most of students are good and learning atmosfere was good too. He has friends, teachers and mentor to whom he could share. Finally he joint ARH Competence. He share his experience and aware that someone need support to be self confident and help him to be aware that he has strenght to live his teenager life. Panji admit that sentence from the school made him thinking and trigerring his comitment to have better and joyful life at new and supportive community/school.

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Comment by wiwin winarni on September 21, 2010 at 8:00am
Dear Rituu, Laurenc also..

Sorry to keep you two waiting for my reply to your questions due to ARH Competence at my neighboring-hood. This work with 8 - 12 graders. Salt team visited them every 2.5 months. We have three ARH competence at three schools (each consist of 20-25 students) then they scaling up and promoting SALT approach to their friends and community around them. Each of group had been visited three time at 6 months.

Generally we try to look for information and their concern about their dream to be good boys, girls and their dream of being better person in the future. Most of them still have abstract dream. They want to be a presidents, hero, tree who could gives and protects other etc.

Discussion with them make me and them realize that to be able to reach their dream they need to be health, not getting pregnant, do not use drugs, not being infected by HIV-AIDS etc. Along with this ARH practices are introduced. One of the practices is sport and art activities. Laurence asked me a question in what extend that this practices support ARH Competence. I shared this with students and fathers groups and Chandra also.

Students said that these sport and arts activity will make them spent their spare time by doing these activity. By joining sport and arts clubs or activity they can make friendship with other, discuss more, doing something productive and healthy. Dadi (17 years, a male student) said that he found his friend was got unwanted pregnancy. He learned that his friend has no other activity, she just go with her boyfriend and spending her spare/leisure time with her boy friend. At the end his friend getting pregnant. That what Dadi want to avoid. having sport and art activities as another ways of spending his time and making more friends, and sharing with them more interesting topic. Chandra said that perhaps general principle of this practice is not the sport and art activity then, but how youth spend their spare/leisure time by doing these activity that in turn will make them having something positive, productive, enlarging their friendship with others etc.

Community itself who initiate to put this practices as one of ARH 11 practices as uploaded at my blogs.

Dear Rituu, I'd love to share via email and skype. I'm preparing knowledge assets that we built. Soon will be sent to you.

Best Regards

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on September 21, 2010 at 6:24am
Dear Wiwin,

Thanks for your wonderful sharing. Would love to know more about school competence in schools, what classes are you doing with, how often do you visit, what are the issues you are looking at etc. We could discuss over skype/email if you wish. Would you also like to share the knowledge assets that you built?

Do you know Jossef Khamara has also started School competence in Sierra Leone. Constance from Cameroon has applied a strength-based approach in schools.

Warm regards,

Comment by Dewi Rahmadania on September 14, 2010 at 10:48am
dear teteh,,,
tenkiu so much to allow me to share your exellent story for our mid term report..,
waiting for your next great story..,

Comment by chandra nurhasz on September 6, 2010 at 7:35am
Hi teh wiwin, I always impressed with my experience of interacted with friends from Manonjaya. They are very humble, familiar and seems like always open their hands for new persons.
ACP/ARHCP - CLCP -, in each event, has take us to the situation where everyone are equal and interacting in the level of human being. Off course we have a lot of events when youth/teenagers meet with parents, community/religion leaders, medical providers, etc. But this time they really feel equal. They have the same portion to talk, everytime they share, others are listening.

Last week, I attended the meeting at NAC to talked about National strategies of HIV&AIDS prevention on children & youth. Ibu Naff (NAC's executive secretary) needs the inputs on how to increase rapidly the knowledge (of HIV&AIDS prevention) among youth and children. Then I shared my experience of Manonjaya event. I believe it's not only increase the knowledge, but also the sensitiveness of us as human being. In case of Manonjaya, youth and parents discussed together to talked about youth issues, dating, etc openly and with no taboo. This is what Ibu Naff looking for: how to deliver youth issues with parents and community/realigion leaders with no taboo. The challenge from Ibu Naff to us is how to make it faster and bigger (scaling up)? Anyone has experience on that?

Btw, thanx to Manonjaya and Teh wiiwin for inspiring me.

Comment by Gaston on September 2, 2010 at 4:47am
Thank you Wiwin. During the building of Knowledge Assets the skill to 'listen for commonality' is one of the most difficult. We are educated and trained to hear the differences or say "in my context, this is not applicable because I have a different religion, culture, climate etc'. But we're all human and when we listen deeply, we can discover the common principles in our experiences.

Also look at the Knowledge Assets on Ning and how principles are drawn from the stories. This might help as well.
Comment by Laurence Gilliot on September 1, 2010 at 4:39am
Hi lovely Wiwin,

Thanks a lot for sharing about the event. I personally find the facilitation of Knowledge Fairs one of the most challenging but fun things, especially to end up with good knowledge assets in the end that can be used by others.

On the website of the Constellation, you will find some resources about the practice of Learning and Sharing in general: how to facilitate a peer assist, building knowledge assets, facilitating a knowledge fair. For those of you who are new to this, please have a look:

Wiwin, did you also build Knowledge assets? If yes, can you maybe share the end results as an attachment?



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