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Mobility Competence Process - Self Assessment Framework

Session on Self Assessment Framework

CIHQ, Dec.16, 2010 (11 a.m.-2 p.m.)…


Added by Sandhya Saxena on December 23, 2010 at 2:04pm — 4 Comments

Dream building exercise, Modicare Foundation

Date of visit- 16th Sept 2010



Added by Sandhya Mishra on December 23, 2010 at 7:44am — 5 Comments

Smile and simple for S and touch for T, another enrichment along community engagement

Last November (22 - 26) Chandra and I facilitated Adolescent Reproductive Health Competence at Singkarawang, about 3 hours driving from Pontianak West Kalimantan - Indonesia. Local facilitators from Pontianak, Rudi and Kang Alit also came along. From Tasikmalaya aslo joined our lovely midwive Siti Aminah. We had wonderful time exploring and learning as a person and facilitators among five of us. We have different background this we shared many things from our individual life, learning,… Continue

Added by wiwin winarni on December 21, 2010 at 3:32pm — 4 Comments

CLCP – An Effective Approach


Nari Saksham is a federation of 10 Sex worker CBOs in Andhra Pradesh supported by CARE India.  I am the project coordinator of Community Life competence project with Nari Saksham. India competence is facilitating this process.  I am posting the story shared by Sathyavathi a community facilitator which I have translated from Telugu to English and hoping that this story of Sathyavathi would inspire other’s to attain their dreams in a positive way.


In the process of my…


Added by CHIKKALA PADMA RANI on December 20, 2010 at 5:33pm — 5 Comments

En Belgique,le SALT ne se dit pas,il se montre

En Belgique, le SALT ne se dit pas, il se montre…


C’est une des leçons apprises lors du week-end à l’auberge de Taverneux, le 03/12 et 04/12/2010.

S’il est vrai qu’on peut apprécier les forces de la communauté en posant des questions, il  est d’autant plus facile de les apprécier à travers une activité avec l’individu ou la…


Added by Louis Marie on December 19, 2010 at 8:23pm — 4 Comments

CAD among Peer Educator PMI East Jakarta, Indonesia

Hiii All Friends.,

On 12 December 2010, around 13 Peer educators from Indonesian Red Cross ( PMI East Jakarta )celebrate Community Action day with doing building a dream and do the self assessment.there's a lot of fun and laugh during the activity.,we share and learn from each other.,

the dream of Peer educator is they want to spread the process where ever it is.they want to have a youth center, so every young people can access the information about HIV and AIDS and about…


Added by Dewi Rahmadania on December 15, 2010 at 7:49am — 8 Comments


CHED plan to conduct its SALT Visit and Self-Assessment to the staff in Dec 20-25 2010 in Sihanouk Ville. CHED provided HIV/AIDS/STI/RH Intervention to Military Families in Battambang and Kampong Cham Provinces in Cambodia through Peer Facilitators network supporting CHED´s project activities as volunteers .

The project main interventions included.

  • Provision of health education sessions (monthly for women only, and quarterly for couples)
  • Provision of…

Added by Vichet LOK on December 15, 2010 at 4:51am — 2 Comments

Community Action Day with Dimapur youth

People in Need Foundation (PNF) and Youngs club in Dimapur, Nagaland, India organised Community Action day with the local youth. The youth were given orientation on Community Life competence Process, they built their dreams and made action plans.

Date: 28th November 2010

Venue : PNF, Conference Hall, Dimapur, Nagaland, India

Organized by PNF and Youngs Club, Dimapur

Total No. of Participants: - 24

Facilitators - Fr. Joe Namgkhuchung(PNF, Dimapur)

Bijoya (Program…


Added by Jenpu Rongmei on December 14, 2010 at 7:03pm — 1 Comment

Just a simple stimulation and appreciation helped me to become the 'President of Nari Saksham'- Baby

During theSALT visits in Rajamundry in the month of November 2010, Baby, President of Nari Saksham shares her story to stimulate sex workers to talk. I am glad to share this simple but very inspiring story.

Baby is a very simple and shy woman hailing from a small village in Rajamundry. She has been in sex work profession for the past 20 years and is just a literate. She happened to attend one of the meetings facilitated by K.Padmavathy, Manager-Capacity building. Baby introvert by…


Added by YERUVA ANTHONY REDDY on December 10, 2010 at 1:26pm — 2 Comments

Le planning des activités du mois de la lutte contre le VIH et sida au Mali


Voici le tableau complet des activités que le Mali est en train d'exécuter pour le mois de la lutte.

Semaines thématiques

Cérémonie officielle de…


Added by Younoussa Diarra on December 10, 2010 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Weekend à Taverneux le 3 et 4 décembre

Vendredi 3 décembre :

Alors que tout le pays se recouvre d’une fine couche de glace et d’une fameuse couche de neige, Jean-Louis et moi arrivons dans le gîte

de Pierre et Agnieszka tout tremblant de froid. La maison est magnifique. Nous

allumons les feux ouverts et nous préparons l’arrivée de nos amis de Bého. Une

douzaine d’africains totalement gelés arrivent vers 17h et se montrent à



Added by Gaetane Gilliot on December 7, 2010 at 4:33pm — 6 Comments

Individuals and communities continue to amaze

It has been more than a month since the SALT visits in Karnataka, and I continue to hear stories of amazing things which the communities have been doing, be it care, be it conflict resolution, be it responsiveness, the individuals are showing remarkable maturity, acceptance and courage.

I have posted a few recent stories on Samraksha's blog and am attaching the links here.…


Added by Divya Sarma on December 7, 2010 at 7:32am — No Comments

Autoévaluation GPSP

Le mardi 30 novembre 2010, nous avons réalisé l'autoévaluation du personnel du Groupe Pivot santé population. Les participants étaient au nombre de 20 comprenant le directeur, les comptables , le courtier, les chauffeurs, la secrétaire, le chargé du personnel, des superviseurs et coordinateurs de projet, les chargés d'entretien, les gardiens, le cameraman.

" Nous faisons beaucoup de choses pour les autres, mais pour nous mêmes, c'est la première fois. C'est extra" a dit un…


Added by Younoussa Diarra on December 6, 2010 at 5:48pm — 3 Comments


Rapport Journee Mondiale du SIDA au GSBP.doc" Pourquoi est-il difficile de parler du SIDA et la santé sexuelle en famille?" Au Groupe Scolaire Bilingue les Poussins de…


Added by Jeanne d'Arc Kengne on December 6, 2010 at 5:02pm — No Comments

CAD activities on World AIDS Day

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for keeping the candle burning and making CAD a reality.

On 30th November 2010 we had an outreach to one of the landing sites of Nakiwogo in Entebbe Municipality as part of a series of activities to mark the World AIDS Day. With the support of the local leaders members of the community were mobilised to come for Voluntary HIV counselling and testing. Community members organised for this activity at a nearby St. Stevens Church. I was humbled by the… Continue

Added by NAMARA ARTHUR ARAALI on December 5, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

March for India`s Missing girls-A March against female feticide.

Dear Friends ,

A global walk to protest female foeticide and infanticide in India is being held on the weekend before /after the International Women`s day .

India and many other countries are facing the worst genocide in history.According to a study by UNICEF, 7000 girls are killed EVERYDAY in India by female feticide. 7000 girls, lose the right to be born, live, laugh and grow just because they are females.

Join us to protest against this henious crime.…


Added by Dr Mitu Khurana on December 4, 2010 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Journée Internationale du SIDA au groupe scolaire Mission de la Création (GSMC /BANSAMBI) Mbuji Mayi

Les enfants responsables de la santé au sein de l’école ont discuté avec leurs amis et parents à l’occasion de la Journée internationale du SIDA sur le Thème : « Découvrons nos forces pour enfin briser le tabou autour du SIDA et la sexualité en famille ».

Un débat peu motivant pour les parents mais très humoriste lorsque les enfants dans leur franc parler demandent aux parents : « Chers parents, pouvons nous analyser les forces qui peuvent nous permettre de parler sans honte du SIDA… Continue

Added by Jeanne d'Arc Kengne on December 4, 2010 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Intiating Knowledge & Capacity Building among Rickshaw Pullers in India : Project Aarambh

Project of Aarambh inaugurated on World AIDS Day (1 dec. 2010) by Dr James Maddirala,

Executive Director of Global HIV /AIDS Alliance ,Dr Mario Azevedo,School of Public Health, JSU, Mississippi,Prof. Maitreyi Kollegal , Director IIHMR…


Added by Abhinav Singh on December 3, 2010 at 7:05pm — 2 Comments

Le mois de lutte contre le VIH et sida au Mali

Au Mali pour la Campagne nationale de lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA Edition 2010 le thème est « Accès Universel à la Santé et Droits de l’Homme » et les slogans sont : « Au Mali, l’accès à la prévention et à la prise en charge du VIH et du SIDA, un droit et un devoir pour tous» et «50 ans d’indépendance, 25 ans de réussite dans la lutte contre le VIH et le Sida »

Les activités et les slogans du mois sont :

Semaine 1: Soutien :

Droits humains et VIH…

Added by Younoussa Diarra on December 2, 2010 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

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