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Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for keeping the candle burning and making CAD a reality.
On 30th November 2010 we had an outreach to one of the landing sites of Nakiwogo in Entebbe Municipality as part of a series of activities to mark the World AIDS Day. With the support of the local leaders members of the community were mobilised to come for Voluntary HIV counselling and testing. Community members organised for this activity at a nearby St. Stevens Church. I was humbled by the spirit of volunteer-ism depicted by members of the community. A total number of 35 community members were tested 17 males and 18 females. All of them turned out to be HIV negative. One of the ladies who introduced herself as a market vender requested HENU to visit the market where she works to extend the service there. She told us that they have leadership who would like to be trained to help others. We shall plan that outreach soon.

On 1st of December 2010, a group of 10 HENU Counsellor volunteers joined other members of wakiso district and the community in the match to celebrate the World AIDS day. We offered free VCT services to 60 community members of whom 8 were found to be having HIV. We made appropriate referrals for them. The Main celebrations took place at Kasenyi Landing site where research is showing the HIV prevalence rate to be at 26%!!!!!. We would have appended activity photos on this report but we do not have digital camera so the photos will be ready in a few days and definitely we shall share them with you.

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