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Stories about Response (2,465)

Intentions and assumptions - field visit in Jaipur (India), Theory U style

Adam Yukelson, co-creator of the edX course u.lab on Theory U (Transforming Business, Society and Self) wrote an inspiring story on the application of Theory U in a business setting.

If you are interested in learning more about application of Theory U, you might like this article on his visit to a rug manufacturing company in Jaipur, India (Jaipur Rugs):…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on September 11, 2016 at 12:30pm — 10 Comments

Sefhoke on The Move

(posted on behalf of CATCH team - Botswana)

Communities tracking and measuring community-driven actions at Ward Level in the South East pilot district of the approach called Communities Acting Together to Control HIV (CATCH).

The CATCH approach that has been piloted since June 2015 in the South East district in Botswana with the support of NACA, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Local Government, UNAIDS, US partners and the Humana…


Added by Marlou on September 10, 2016 at 12:01pm — 2 Comments

Salt visit ?

Dear all,

next saturday, 10-9-2016 there is an open day at startblok riekerhaven. Birgitta and I have been there earlier for a SALT visit, there was also a picture posted then.

So there's a new possibility to get in contact with this community at the open day, would be a good thing for another visit. If someone is interested, Amsterdam practitioners, we could join and visit, reflect and experience…


Added by Suse Meffert on September 7, 2016 at 7:19pm — No Comments

S for stimulation in SALT/साल्ट में उत्प्रेरित करना

जन जाग्रति केंद्र  पिथौरा, जिला - महासमुंद, छत्तीसगढ़ एक गैर सरकारी संस्था है, जो बंधुआ मजदूरी के ऊपर काम कर रही है, यहाँ  पिछले साल जुलाई  2015 में साल्ट का एक ट्रेनिंग रखा गया था जिसमे फील्ड में काम करने वाले वालेंटियर भी शामिल हुए थे | इस साल्ट ट्रेनिंग में शामिल हुए एक वालेंटियर ने इसका प्रयोग पंजाब के एक ईट भट्ठा में किया उस वालेंटियर के अनुभव व उसके द्वारा मजदूरों को उत्प्रेरित करने के बाद जो बदलाव आया वो इस प्रकार है -

                  मेरा नाम खेमलाल खटर्जी है मै जन जाग्रति…


Added by Pratibha Lal on September 3, 2016 at 7:00am — No Comments

Building the Dream with your body

Together with some friends we experimented:

How can you do dreambuilding using less words and more body talk?

It was great fun to do this experiment and it lead to some deep sharings and understanding. Letting your body do the talking is so powerful!

Here you see our group dream of a community where it is nice to live,

where we know and meet the…


Added by Joke D´haese on September 1, 2016 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments

Je redécouvre SALT

A l’occasion de l’organisation de la première édition du Forum Régional de Santé à Gafsa fin Aout 2016, nous avons initié les participants à l’approche SALT.

10 associations ont participé à ce forum. Ce forum avait pour objectif la promotion de la réponse locale et l’implication des organisations de la société civile dans le changement…


Added by MAATOUG on August 30, 2016 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Un rêve au delà de mes espérances.

A l'association Le Pont du Tamarinier, où je travaille depuis trois ans et demi, nous avons adopté l'approche SALT depuis 2015. Je fais du travail administratif et aussi j'organise des activités pour les enfants du village du Tamarinier à Rivière Noire, à Maurice.

Depuis l'année dernière, je collabore avec une des mamans du village pour préparer les vacances de fin d'année des enfants. Nous avions d'abord prévu de…


Added by Marie Sandrine Lo Hun on August 29, 2016 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Not - knowing ...... a practice?

Appreciating the practice of   ‘not knowing’  

                         ...a personal reflection concerning today’s triad skype talk about action planning…




You have heard of flying with wings,

But can you fly without wings ?

You have heard of the knowledge that knows,

But can you practice

The knowledge that doesn’t know?


Consider a window: it is…


Added by Suse Meffert on August 29, 2016 at 12:19pm — 7 Comments

Appreciation, positivity and conflict

In our Blended Learning program (with Anita, Autry, Célicia and Suse) we talk about SALT and its impact. In that respect Anita, Suse and I touched upon a potential risk of denying (hidden) conflict when the appreciative style would turn into 'only talking about the positive', or what is sometimes called 'sugar coating'. 
As for myself, I find it hard to deal sometimes with animosity or tension in groups. What to do when an appreciative approach doesn't lead to…

Added by Birgitta Schomaker on August 27, 2016 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Oh, quel miracle ? J’ai même envie de dire, SALT a force d’ordre, plutôt qu’aux forces d’ordre à Madagascar.

Merci et félicitations à Modeste et à toute l’équipe pour leur assiduité et perspicacité. Merci aussi, Célicia pour le partage de cette histoire combien merveilleuse qui confirme en fait, le pouvoir qu’incarne l’approche SALT. Celui d’être capable de susciter/déclencher la conversion (effet de curage du poids de la conscience) même au chef d’un caïd, un dur à cuire, à l’instar du tristement célèbre officier Malgache, bourreau intraitable des dahalo. Et ce, à l’espace rien que de la durée d’une… Continue

Added by Jean Baby Fulama Zanzala on August 27, 2016 at 4:24am — No Comments


There is nothing difficult when people are united by a dream that is bigger than all of them.One year ago when exploring the concerns in Embu community where I am working most members named Orphans and Vulnerable children as a concern.Children were missing school to go and harvest Mukuka/Miraa(a chewing drug).There were alot of cases of child labor.Through discussions guardians and caregivers agreed to start acting together for their own economic…


Added by John Mutua on August 25, 2016 at 7:40pm — 1 Comment

Le SALT aux forces de l’ordre

Je viens de terminer les séries d’atelier d’initiation à l’approche SALT. Des activités réalisées auprès des communautés dans les 11 régions, en collaboration avec l’Unicef Madagascar. Cela entre dans le cadre de la promotion des pratiques familiales essentielles et de la campagne de vaccination. A mon avis, l’apprentissage a été un succès. L’approche a été appréciée voire adoptée par les participants. Ils ont commencé à planifier des petites actions faisables. Mais ici, j’aimerais partager,…


Added by Jean Modeste Ranaivoson on August 25, 2016 at 9:00am — 4 Comments

Deepening our learning with the Blended Learning program

Anita (from Brussels), Suse and I (from Amsterdam) started the Blended Learning programme approx. two months ago. We're really enjoying learning about SALT and moving through the motions of the CLCP. I've done the CLC Process twice before in a group, in a 3-day facilitators course, and I'm learning a lot of new things now. Personally I find it easier to…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on August 20, 2016 at 12:30pm — 9 Comments

Applying SALT through a Song

Getting to know each other beyond our Terms of Reference and job description. 

I made use of SALT here, listening to their dreams and aspirations and concerns. The exercise seemed so simple - but at the end of the evening, we had a different perspective of each other. The activity was Stimulating, we got to Appreciate each other more, , And yes, we Listened to their concerns and aspirations. and continue with a Team we can Trust.…


Added by Joy Ferriols-Pavico on August 14, 2016 at 4:00pm — 6 Comments

Now, we listen carefully! अब ! ध्यान से सुनते है हम |

During SALT training from 28th to 30th August 2016 we had a discussion on ‘listening’ in our organization in Jan Jagriti Kendra, Chhattisgarh.  47 including 19 women and 28 men all from age group of 22 to 57 years participated in the session.

I am sharing important points from the discussion through following questions:

  • What was the situation?
  • What was the action? What brought about a change?
  • What was the change? What did we learn…

Added by aanchalji on August 13, 2016 at 6:00am — No Comments

Connecting at the Core

I have heard it said that "we are one nation - a human nation." By embracing this belief as a starting point in any connection made between individuals, the resulting dissolution of divisiveness enables true possibility to emerge.

This quote was shared through the Axiom News channels. Thank you Rituu for the invitation to share…


Added by Yvonne Hollandy on August 11, 2016 at 6:21pm — 1 Comment


 The first CLCP facilitator's team in Tanzania. The team has 7 facilitators and not all of them appear on this photo. It was a great experience and as a social worker i enjoyed every move about the SALT visits.

Added by Judith Bagachwa on August 11, 2016 at 5:05pm — 4 Comments

How can we listen and respond to the neighborhood?

This is a story from two creative people who are associated with Salvation Army UK and have expertise in video documentation- John Anscombe and Neil Maclnnes.  The blog captures their perspective as observers of SALT process in the community. Neil filmed the Glocon in the US. Neil on his return to the UK shared his experience with John. I happened to note their insights!…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on August 1, 2016 at 6:00pm — 11 Comments

SALT et l'entreprenariat des jeunes ruraux


Responsable du Bureau

Racines de l’Espoir

Facilitatrice SALT


Projet d’accompagnement des jeunes ruraux de GIHETA et RUTEGAMA « Le café moteur de développement local au Burundi » financé par la Fondation Roi Baudouin.

Le projet a pour objectif de développer les talents, stimuler les compétences des 100 jeunes à entreprendre des projets qui répondent  à leurs aspirations et aux besoins de leurs proches et de la…


Added by Nathalie on July 26, 2016 at 5:00pm — 6 Comments

The fun, wonder and pure selfishness of listening

Good morning! I've been invited to share this blog post on listening, so here it is! I hope you enjoy it! I've also been asked by our dear colleague Rituu how I have used listening in my work. As someone dedicated to lifting up other people's stories, listening is absolutely core to my work. My intention is not just to listen for the facts, but the essence, the energy and the possibility in a person's story. I hope to share more about this in a coming blog post. In the meantime, be well!…


Added by Michelle Strutzenberger on July 25, 2016 at 5:18pm — 7 Comments

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