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Added by Steve Muthusi on March 21, 2014 at 7:49am — 2 Comments
The KAY club meeting was turning out great. We began by allowing the children some time to play soccer-the kind of soccer that can get attention from a lover of children not a lover of the game itself. The children chased the ball, kicking it in all directions, until at some point one young man took the ball, and said, 'we need to form teams and play against each other. Soon they started grouping themselves and the game began. As I watched the children play,my attention,was drawn to the…
ContinueAdded by John Mutua on March 18, 2014 at 1:43pm — 4 Comments
Added by Geoff Parcell on March 14, 2014 at 10:24pm — 1 Comment
Rapport%20final%20GCVC%20Tanganyika%20280114.pdfBonjour Chers compétents,
Added by Judith DIALUNDUA on March 14, 2014 at 10:00am — 1 Comment
Added by Emmanuelle Bricq on March 12, 2014 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment
I was fortunate to attend a session by Chris Collison, Knowledge Management specialist on learning. He was one of the speakers at Africa Evaluation Association Conference held recently in Yaounde, Cameroon. Here are some of the points Chris shared:
Individual learning happens naturally. When we move from individual learning to group of people learning collectively there is a big leak. Learning does not spread naturally from person to person. Moreover, learning decays over time when…
ContinueAdded by Rituu B. Nanda on March 11, 2014 at 4:10pm — 1 Comment
A second team of constellation stars [coaches] joins the Mauritians in this beautiful island to share and learn together as humans ,we are invited by Mauritius commercial bank forward foundation to visit stakeholders and NGOs that were not visited November , to appreciate strengths ,build relationship and co create a program with a view of facilitating a platform that defines its common vision ,develop a strategic framework ,assess its situation and plan action together.
Our dream…
ContinueAdded by ABEDNEGO KITHEKA MUTUNGWA on March 10, 2014 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments
We Pokhara CLC team on our endeavor of sharing our learning of Community Life Competence in Pokhara, on 24 January 2014 we went to Nursing Students of Novel Academy Pokhara. The idea of sharing the concept and approach of Community Life Competency Nursing students came to our mind, when visited FPAN Kaski few weeks earlier. After sharing this concept with peer educators of…
Added by Nabaraj Adhikari on March 3, 2014 at 11:00am — 2 Comments
Added by Gaston on March 1, 2014 at 1:29pm — 5 Comments
Quand une convention chrétienne évangélique se transforme en CDV
Suite à la présentation du programme famille espoir et vie de l’union à l’assemblée régionale de l’UEESO CI à Danané à l’extrême ouest de la Côte d’ivoire en Afrique de l’ouest, les responsables ont retenu que le VIH/SIDA et la violence Basée sur le genre soit un thème durant leur convention. Celle-ci s’est déroulée du 16 au 23 février 2014 à Danané préfecture. Elle a regroupé plus de 2700 membres…
ContinueAdded by koya Troh Antoine on February 28, 2014 at 6:22pm — No Comments
I do not really remember when I got acquainted with SALT method – I accidentally got to the meeting made by Svetlana Izambaeva where I first heard about SALT method. I can say that I didn’t get it fully and never thought that in a while I will have another meeting. My first SALT experience happened in October 2012 when Rituu came to Kazan to teach us something new and…
Added by Milka on February 28, 2014 at 2:21pm — 2 Comments
Swaziland is currently facing a high unemployment rate. Up to 40% of youth aged 15-39 are unemployed and in some age brackets the statistics are above 53%. The rate at which industry absorbs qualified young people is very low in proportion to the numbers produced by tertiary institutions annually. Young graduates with qualifications ranging from diplomas, bachelors, honors degrees and above find getting employed difficult because the job market has no room for them in the current economy.…
ContinueAdded by Clement N Dlamini on February 25, 2014 at 4:56pm — No Comments
Counselling without treatment and nutrition will not keep some one alive. They need emotional support. They also have to deal with prejudice from community and need information and training so that they can protect themselves and provide better care. loneliness, anxiety, stress, confusion, bitterness, and depression can make people more vulnareble to illness if they dont get any kind of support. People living with HIV need alot of emotional, spiritual, psychological, social, physical and…
ContinueAdded by Amy Ndinda Mutunga on February 25, 2014 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment
It was raining outside when we were warmly welcomed in a big primary school of which’s entrance was filled with hand drawn hearts made by the young students.
On Friday the 7th of February, the Constellation was again invited for a SALT-visit – this time in a primary school in Antwerp, Belgium. Constellation members (Marlou De Rouw, April Foster, Jean-Louis Lamboray, Rituu B. Nanda, Phil Forth, Jan Somers, Joke D’haese, Manue Brick and Laurie Khorchi) as well as…
ContinueAdded by Noémi Suu Hutubessy on February 14, 2014 at 9:56pm — 6 Comments
Our friend Gloria passed away peacefully on January 21. The letter below expresses our collective commitment to pursue her dreams. Gloria is truly with us in spirit.
Dear Gloria
Only five weeks ago, I handed over to you at the hospital in Kuching your certificate as Constellation coach and you thanked me. Then I gave you a little wooden box and asked you to open it. You did and brought the box to your lips to kiss its content. These were our Constellation coach…
ContinueAdded by Jean-Louis Lamboray on February 14, 2014 at 10:00am — 4 Comments
I am so happy to learn about this new model, thanks goes to Hon. Namara who attracted me to it
So beginning next month, we have started on the move of making it clear to the local leaders in Masaka District - Uganda, and our focus is SALT and older persons.We have written letters to local leaders in Masaka to be made aware of CLCP and issues of Older persons in Masaka District. So we are awaiting to be accorded time. We shall make you posted.
I wish also to thank…
ContinueAdded by Miiro Michael on February 14, 2014 at 9:00am — 2 Comments
During a recent Constellation LEARN meeting in Belgium, we participated in a SALT visit to a sports club being facilitated in primary schools. The founders of the club shared with us their approach, which resonated on many levels with the work we do in the Constellation. One practice that the club uses to build relationships and influence change are home visits to the club members. This sharing reminded me again of how important home visits have been in my experience, and I wanted to…
ContinueAdded by April Foster on February 9, 2014 at 7:00pm — 7 Comments
A Gafsa, une ville du sud-ouest de la Tunisie, un groupe de jeunes lyciens soutenus par un des professeurs ont pris l’initiative de lutter contre la consommation du cannabis dans leur établissement scolaire. Ces jeunes ont créé une cellule bien organisée avec une distribution de taches, et après la visite Salt des facilitateurs de la plateforme participative santé, ils ont construit leur rêve commun : « Ecole sans drogue », et ont menés des campagnes de sensibilisation par la création d’une…
ContinueAdded by MAATOUG on February 7, 2014 at 11:00am — 3 Comments
Voici l'expérience de Manuel Miezi que je publie à sa demande:
Chers amis de la Constellation,
En vous comptant cette expérience acquise tout au long de mon travail dans la lutte contre le VIH et SIDA, je voudrais remercier en premier lieu le Dieu Tout Puissant créateur de la terre et du ciel et mon créateur aussi pour m’avoir donné la vie pleine, l’intelligence et surtout la bonne santé.
Je m’appelle Manuel Miezi Kiafuatuka, de 59 ans d’âge, marié, père de 7 enfants, 4…
ContinueAdded by Marie Lamboray on February 6, 2014 at 10:01am — No Comments
J’étais opposé à la question du VIH SIDA et ne souhaitais pas qu’on en parle dans l’église et même qu’on détache un pasteur pour ce travail. Car c’est une question des gens de mauvaises vies. Les chrétiens ne sont pas concernés. Mais après l’exposé du Pasteur Koya sur le thème pour quoi l’église doit s’impliquer dans la lutte contre le VIH SIDA et la visualisation du film Gédéon que puis je faire , un pasteur qui a le Virus du SIDA dans le sang,…
ContinueAdded by koya Troh Antoine on February 4, 2014 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment
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