A well-organised Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) must be considered as an essential and integral component of any healthcare delivery system.
India does have a sound national blood policy (development of the same was incidentally largely facilitated by the Gujarat SACS), but the absence of a functional national blood service renders a patient hapless and helpless at the critical moments.
In event of a road traffic accident or any medical/surgical emergency, a patient is,…
Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on November 9, 2009 at 7:03am —
On October 2009, 120 NGOs leaders from 80 country including young leaders is gathered in Berlin to make evaluation about International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) agenda implementation to marking 15 years of anniversary. As a tools of documentation we are proceeding the establishment 2 documents: Berlin call for action and Strategic Option for NGOs. Not to forget to mention, these document is pretty much accommodating youth statement in many aspect. And these documents is…
Added by Rachel Arinii on November 8, 2009 at 3:43pm —
Our sexual drive is a powerful force—so powerful that many civilizations have believed it must be regulated in order to avoid conflict. By establishing rules of conduct, a society sets up a standard of correct behavior, or morals, that every individual is expected to uphold. A society's sexual morals are often based on a religion or philosophy that is predominant in that culture. However, not all members of a particular society necessarily believe in the same religion or philosophy and,…
Added by Ernest Noronha on November 6, 2009 at 11:38am —
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Two weeks ago we had lunch with Khun Praseut or ‘Deeng’ -his nick-name. Deeng is from Thailand and he coordinates the Interfaith Network of Thailand. We explored with him why he became a Christian growing up in a Buddhist country. I listened attentively because I made a similar journey, growing up as a Christian but practicing Buddhism in my daily life.
Deeng started: “Actually, my father is a Buddhist and my mother is a Christian, so I was brought up with both religions. For me all…
Added by Laurence Gilliot on November 5, 2009 at 7:53am —
From the early to mid 1990s, India’s burgeoning HIV/AIDS epidemic was labeled “a heterosexual epidemic”, which led to the assumption that transmission through same sex encounters was negligible. Emerging evidence has shown that men who have sex with men (MSM) in India constitute an extremely diverse population, many of whom are living apparently heterosexual lives, but who are actually engaged in risk-taking behavior with either same sex or both same sex and opposite sex partners. This…
Added by Ernest Noronha on November 5, 2009 at 6:36am —
Dear Members,
THIS is one area where I want members to provide me information, guidance, views and case studies on successful model on Public Private partneship in providing quality STI clinical services to difficult to reach population especially, Truckers and Migrants.
I will be posting my experience on truckers here, but need to understand the issues from wider knowledge base from you all.
Added by Prashant Pastore on November 3, 2009 at 12:00pm —
We have been working with truck drivers (and allied community members) on HIV and STI risk and vulnerability reduction using a number of dialogue-based methods. These methods employed by and for truck drivers themselves, include interpersonal communication (IPC) and a form of participatory theatre called "Magnet Theatre" (MT). You can read more about this form of theatre here:…
Added by Ash Pachauri on November 2, 2009 at 4:09am —
I am a new member of the aids competence. I want to pick up your brain too much. Some PLHAs had a sense of discrimination from environment and surrounding and so they have not dare to participate in any social events like forum, self help group. But their surrounding have not desire to discriminate upon them. So may I have any suggestion for this condition and how I do for those PLHAs ?
Added by Ye Win on November 1, 2009 at 3:19pm —
Mainstreaming. An issue that many of you deal with in some way. As the Constellation, we were asked to provide some inputs on a HIV mainstreaming strategy of a bi-lateral donor. Instead of reverting to the ‘standard’ arguments on how HIV is inherently linked to all kinds of other development issues, I took another stance. For me, the solution to effective mainstreaming can (again) be found in communities that respond.
Think back about the community visits you have done before….. How…
Added by Gaston on November 1, 2009 at 8:17am —
From 3-7 November later, there will be a training to the Peer Educator in Supiori ( a small town in Papua). The training it self is held by Health Department Kabupaten Supiori and Unicef. The good news is I got the chance to share the AIDS Competemce Process with the participant, and they are also want to have SALT team in their place. I am still thinking of the good way to do it, because this means that the KPA and Health Department in there have to be more intensive in doing the monitoring of…
Added by Gracia Augusta Temongmere on October 29, 2009 at 5:44am —
Village headmen in my Village Kithituni are usually elected by people. They serve as volunteers with no salary from the government or from any other source. The people who elect them give them the mandate to lead from the front. Village leaders can really mobilize and organize the people to respond. We have seen village headmen steer strong the links between homes and neighbourhood conversations often facilitated by a team to big heights.
Issues are recognised
In May…
Added by Onesmus Mutuku on October 28, 2009 at 7:00pm —
A short workshop on ACP in Dimapur helped me a lot on understanding of ACP in practice with community. It made a way for me to Aizawl workshop on ACP held in Nov’ 2009. A great vision from ACP scholars was realized by me. It gave me a new shape on ACP than Dimapur. The true vision of ACP was seen in Dinthar village and ITI site in Aizawl. A highly successful community based approach of the Community Health Action Network (CHAN), Aizawl towards life competence. Here, thanks to the promoter -…
Added by Ibrahim Parvez on October 28, 2009 at 5:11pm —
We in Gujarat are working to minimize all possibilities of transmission of HIV
and other infections through transfused blood along with prevention of avoidable
deaths for lack of blood ,say at the time of childbirth.
Repeat voluntary blood donation supplemented with quality standardized blood banking practices
with a reorganized blood services with functional blood storage centres in tribal/rural and difficult to reach
unserved and undeserved areas, may realize…
Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on October 26, 2009 at 11:46am —
The Constellation has embarked on an exciting initiative to
connect Indian and Kenyan communities to share their local experiences on truckers through innovative techniques.This will be a pilot to explore and learn more on connecting local responses virtually through multiple modes- stories learned via exchange on aids competence network, SALT visits, video chat and e-discussion.
We began the process by formation of the India-Kenya group wherein some members shared their work…
Added by Rituu B. Nanda on October 20, 2009 at 4:00pm —
It was indeed a great experience for me. landing on Mizoram is landing on the pool of ACP. people there were amazing, we enjoyed being a citizen for short period yet worthy of time, the untiring volunteers, the teams, the blood donations.
moreover, the echoing children and family members of Prabarkar, Bheri and Bobby, which indeed is chalenging from their part as wel as the family part. when they have time for the people in the world, they dont have time for thier family, when others'…
Added by irangbui on October 18, 2009 at 10:28am —
I went looking for an AIDS competent community but I had a surprise in store -
the high degree of competence among Mizos on a range of issues.
Mizos have a strong community feeling which in recent years has been strengthened by organisations like Community Health Action Network (CHAN) and Young Mizo Association (YMA).
I was in Mizoram for an ACP event and what first caught my eye was the presence of a large number of
volunteers at the venue. Volunteers in…
Added by Rituu B. Nanda on October 15, 2009 at 3:30pm —
Milestones in the journey of GSNP+: Participatory changes in Government Policy through advocacy of GSNP+ for the People Living with HIV & AIDS in Gujarat
GSNP+ introduction
Gujarat State Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GSNP+) is a network of HIV Positive people of Gujarat. GSNP+ is registered under Society Act on 6th February 2003 with the efforts of seven people living with HIV/AIDS at Surat . The objective of the network is to work for the people living with…
Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on October 13, 2009 at 6:36pm —
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Workshop on Designing Health Insurance Scheme for HIV Positive and Families in Gujarat
The 2006 estimates in India suggest that the adult HIV prevalence to be approximately 0.36 percent, amounting to between 2 and 3.1 million people directly affected by this disease ([1]). If an average figure is taken, this comes to 2.5 million people living with HIV and AIDS. The concern is that the prevalence is high in the 15-49 age group (88.7 percent of all infections), indicating that AIDS…
Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on October 13, 2009 at 6:25pm —
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In my work outside the Constellation, I have just learned a very powerful lesson about Appreciation. I thought I would share it.
I have been working with a colleague quite closely over the last 12 months. Recently, I commented to her that I always seemed to learn a lot from her even though we often seemed to look at things in different ways.
Her comment was that even when she couldn’t understand my point of view she felt very confident that I had thought about it carefully…
Added by Phil on October 12, 2009 at 9:07am —
At the end of July, 27-31 July 2009 UNFPA in cooperation with AIDS Commission Papua Province just held a workshop on AIDS Competence. The participations come from many NGOs and AIDS Commission Papua Province, Merauke Regency, Jayapura Regency, and Jayapura City1. After the event, AIDS Commission from Jayapura City held the same event for the Peer Educators in this city. They were trained from 2-3 October 2009. In this short time, facilitators that have been following the previous workshop…
Added by Gracia Augusta Temongmere on October 10, 2009 at 6:25am —