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Stories about Response (2,453)

BelCompetence Asbl est née !

Et voilà : BelCompetence est devenue ASBL !

Ce mercredi 29 avril, au terme d’une réunion riche en partage, tellement positive dans les échanges, nous avons décidé de nous lancer officiellement dans l’aventure du SALT 

Mimi et Aicha avaient préparé en beauté cette réunion, avec des documents réfléchis à l’appui pour faciliter les discussions. Elles ont été le moteur de nos discussions et sans cette importante préparation, nous n’aurions pas pu obtenir de tels résultats. Un… Continue

Added by Aude on May 1, 2009 at 2:44pm — 5 Comments

Community Systems Strengthening(CSS) and Swine Flu

Dear All,

The need to specifically look into the ways of strengthening the community systems cannot be emphasized more at any other time than perhaps in the present scenario of the extant(though some still say imminent)pandemic of Influenza A ('swine flu/Mexican flu).

In the past we have always worked on health systems strenghening(HSS) in isolation under the mistaken presumption that it alone would be adequate to ensure access to equitable healthcare ,in an emergency or… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on May 1, 2009 at 1:30pm — 6 Comments

Child friendly counselling in HIV testing centers & ART centers

Dear Forum

Good Morning

Children infected and affected by HIV are increasing day by day and the number is expected to double in the next three years.

These children suffer from emotional trauma, stigma and discrimination, and sibling separation. HIV affects their health and education. They lose parental love, care, affection, and support and are dependent on others such as grannies, relatives, friends, communities and foster families. They are often placed in… Continue

Added by Abraham Mutluri on May 1, 2009 at 7:45am — No Comments

Greetings on May Day and the statehood day of Gujarat!

Dear All,

Greetings on Gujarat Diwas (statehood day of Gujarat) - a day which always coincides with

May Day signifying the dignity of labour and recognition of the need for the protection,

promotion and asssertion of all human rights in general and the right to health in particular.

Let us all rededicate ourselves to internalize those values and commit ourselves to act in

accordance with the needed requirements for establishment of health as a… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on April 30, 2009 at 6:22pm — No Comments

Flu Pandemic Preparedness


I'm sure you are all aware of the developing Swine flu crisis. I am here in Chiang Mai with the CFT of the Constellation and we have been following developments with concern on the WHO website as well as in the press.

Constellation coaches have worked with IFRC on Human Flu Pandemic Preparedness and developed a self assessment framework with them. A team recently applied it in a community setting in Liberia where they added four more… Continue

Added by Geoff Parcell on April 30, 2009 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

Some of the E-publications of Dr Rajesh Gopal

Some of my electronic publications are mentioned below with the links:-

(A) April,2009

Article published in the latest issue of Exchange on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and gender No. 1, 2009

titled “Using ‘Web-4-All’ to address the information needs of people with disabilities”

Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam

(B) November,2008

Emagazine issue on HIV/AIDS: Information for Development (i4d)-article on… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on April 23, 2009 at 12:47pm — 3 Comments

Power of positive thinking and positive dreaming!

Time and again the need to think positively has been emphasized at all fora.It is indeed extremely helpful in crafting of the mission and ensuring the chalked out activities in the most effective manner.

Imagined blocks,obstructionist mindsets and majority of the impediments are taken care of by the same and they all those hurdles just wither away before the strong and positive influence driving the endeavours..

Seemingly impossible tasks are converted to feasible and then… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on April 23, 2009 at 12:30pm — 9 Comments

An Inconvenient Truth

We have perfected the art of using euphemism for camouflaging an ugly truth. The apparent justification for such a denial of the stark reality is perhaps the mistaken notion that somehow the gigantic monstrosity of the humungous problem may also be reduced by perceiving the same ‘through a jaundiced eye’/denying its very existence and thereby just wishing it away.

A blatant inhuman murder of a bride is craftily worded as ‘dowry death’ even during the legal interactions.… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on April 23, 2009 at 12:25pm — 2 Comments

Law must catalyze social change for the better and not otherwise!

Promotion and protection of human rights, inter alia, necessitate full and creative utilization of all the existing legal and societal provisions.

It is ironic that the law of the land which has to putatively serve the cause of benefiting all and promoting the larger interest of the society is, more often than not, in conflict with the endeavours for the prevention of acquisition of sexually transmitted infections and the containment of HIV/AIDS.

Human behaviour is indeed… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on April 23, 2009 at 12:13pm — 2 Comments

Community has to play the central and crucial role in planning ,working and monitoring its health!

Comment: Primary Health Care: Back to the Future? (1)

Dr. Rajesh Gopal, India


[Mods note: The posting below is the first response to a perspective piece on the World Health Report 2008. Read the original posting and find links to the report here:]


Dear SEA-AIDS members,

I was at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva in… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on April 23, 2009 at 9:53am — No Comments

Impediments in access to quality STI care services by the MSM and TG communities

The post below available at SEA AIDS e- forum(slightly modified) is in response to a recent consultation report from the September 2008 meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its United Nations (UN) partners in Geneva. The report speaks to the urgent need to address the emerging and remerging HIV and STI epidemics among MSM and transgender people.

Access the full report here:

Read the executive summary of… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on April 23, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Malaria Control, Community Systems Strengthening and Community-owned response - Geneva Meeting: 23-25 March 2009

Malaria-control_CSS_community-owned-response_GF9_guidelines_0904 _2_[1].pdfFortunately, I was part of the above Malaria Community-owned response consultative meeting in Geneva. The purpose of the meeting was to provide guidelines on Community Systems Strengthening and malaria control best practices for all involved the development, evaluation and eventual implementation of Round 9 Global Fund malaria… Continue

Added by Joseph Senesie on April 20, 2009 at 3:12pm — 1 Comment

Parliament Members' Participation in national HIV AIDS response


My name is Ari, from Indonesia. As you may aware of, people in my country have just voted in the Election Day to elect legislative/parliament members, at national and sub-national levels. We will have another election to vote for the next President of this country in July 09.

There is a concern, and also hope, from the HIV AIDS Community in Indonesia related to this situation. From our experiences, new government and parliament means that new approaches need to be… Continue

Added by Ari Yahya Pratama on April 13, 2009 at 8:37am — 3 Comments

thank you, merci, dank je, salamat, gracias: the art of gratitude

How do we say ‘thank you’ in a profound way? A way that connects us on a deeper level, by which we can learn and improve ourselves. I saw an inspiring lecture of Marchall Rosenberg, the founder of ‘Non Violent Communication’, were he explained the key to express our gratitude. We can also use these steps to express what we appreciate in communities we visit.

Marchall explained that at one of his workshops, a… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on April 9, 2009 at 1:48pm — 3 Comments

Belgium and AIDS: a little modesty, please.

Friends, the Belgian Parliament condemned the Pope Benedict's declarations while he was en route to Cameroon. I wrote the column below, which was published in La Libre Belgique.Here is an English translation, thanks to Rebeka and… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on April 9, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

La Belgique et le SIDA : un peu de modestie, s’il vous plaît.

En prétendant donner une leçon au Pape Benoît XVI, le parlement fédéral belge emboîte le pas aux réactions d’une rare virulence à la deuxième moitié de la troisième partie de sa brève allocution. Le pape serait-il autiste ? Préfèrerait-il la mort à la vie ? Traînons ce pontife devant les tribunaux pour non-assistance à personne en danger ! Rappelons notre ambassadeur !

C’est vrai que le pape a dit que le préservatif pouvait avoir un impact négatif. Evidemment, c’est faux dans les… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on April 8, 2009 at 2:47pm — 2 Comments

Kitchen Garden is one of the best activities of PLHA

People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) require an additional 20-30% of nutrition food for their healthy living. Many of these PLWHA will be unable to afford this due to health, socio-economic and livelihood deprivations. Due to this cause most of the PLHA are suffering from the Opportunistic infections and sick. It is decreasing the confidence levels of PLHA and thereby increased the death rate in People Living with HIV/AIDS.

VMM is a voluntary organization working in HIV/AIDS sector… Continue

Added by Abraham Mutluri on April 6, 2009 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments


I'm working at "LENTERA ANAK PELANGI" we've founding by UNDP and the name of project is :


we try to reach children that of course still very young ( 0-12 years old ) in Jakarta who had born from PLWHA eventough they follow infected from their parents or not..

FYI, there is no organization yet that really focus on them..

as we all know..that… Continue

Added by Taufiq M.A. on April 2, 2009 at 4:38pm — 2 Comments


PERIODE: Du vendredi 13 au lundi 23 mars 2009

C’est pour la deuxième fois en moins de 12 mois que j’ai l’occasion de participer à un partage d’expériences avec Bel compétence et le moins qu’on puisse dire est que chacune des rencontres, chaque activité organisée me rappelle que je suis humain et j’ai encore beaucoup à apprendre des autres.


Ces 10 jours de partage ont eu comme activités principales la facilitation de l’autoévaluation de Bel compétence, la rencontre avec… Continue

Added by Ngabala Eric on April 2, 2009 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

“Solidarity brings happiness” - Buddhist way strengthens communities

Issue: There are many AIDS/HIV related organizations in Thailand. However, they operate their projects individually. Attempts were made in many areas to connect efforts between organizations. However, the connections were limited to only financial and human resources. The challenge therefore remains: how can we make each organization to virtually have one same goal, which will finally lead to the solutions for AIDS problems?

Description: Buddhism teaches its followers the importance… Continue

Added by suriyon sungkham on April 2, 2009 at 7:41am — 2 Comments

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