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On Maternal and Child Health Competence; a continuation

Dear Rituu, Gaston and Laurence.
(Sorry for replaying your letters at my blogs)

I do thank you for kindly supports and inspiring suggestions and also guiding questions from Laurence so I could accomplish better learning and understanding on me with this constelation and the process itself.

Due to facilitation opportunity my time is only three hours, that makes me little bit worry how could I facilitatate SALT visit/approach to the 5 districts. And facitilator in only me and those from Unicef (Dr. Brian).

Aims of the meeting is that final review of five year project implementation and Unicef want distict still keep working with what had Unicef contributing ang modeling there.

I introduced SALT approach to ensure that they will chose one of prioritise dream (since they have several outputs as a result of District Team Problem Solving/DTPS, an approach facilitate by Unicef). However, implementation of DTPS action plan still need to be strengthen since they have no sistematic practices that lead them to achieve their DTPS result analysis.

To Brian I said thta its is need to prioritise their dream and help them with sistematic practices which is could be reviewed and assessed either by outlier and by them selves to ensure thta agenda suggested by DTPS could be implemented. She agreed and I share the way SALT is working. We agree to help those five district , at 3 hours, to prioritise their dream and decising practices due to this competence. Thanks Gaston for providing me steps by steps things to do. But now how could I chose the most critical steps to be implemented at 3 hours? :)

On learning and sharing with each others, as Brian admitted, the disticts had been doing this at last one a half year. And only one district which is has not doing this. She didn,t know why. Actually where could I find ten practices od AIDS Competence at this web :D?

Thanks alot for your support, I will keep consult you all about the process and keep posted the development.

Happy new year celebration too...

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Comment by Laurence Gilliot on January 6, 2010 at 11:34am
Hi Wiwin,

One small tip on defining the practices: try to use a verb when defining the practices. ex: We learn and share, linking care and prevention. If you just put 'Maternal Health' that doesn't say what actions need be taken to get closer to the dream. You see what I mean?

Comment by Gaston on January 6, 2010 at 9:41am
Dear Wiwin,

I think you have the right vision and approach for this meeting. You'll make it a success. If you need to choose the most critical steps in 3 hours, I would take some time for the dream (certainly) and attempt to get some practices that lead to the dream. You could then explain the 5 levels, put the levels on the floor and ask the districts to stand on the level they assess themselves. But only for 2 practices. Afterwards they can then take the time to do their complete self-assessment, even including more people of their district.

Finally, you can explain them how this can facilitate the exchange between groups. How district 1 can learn from district 3 on the practice: acknowledgement & recognition. Etc etc. Let them 'taste' the potential, express belief in their strengths to do it and go!

Good luck Wiwin and let us know the outcomes,
Comment by Jean-Louis Lamboray on January 5, 2010 at 6:27pm
Ibu Wiwin,

Congratulation on this opportunity! Maybe you could reach me On Wednesday on Skype? We could disccuss and then we'll share the results of our discussion on Ning; What do you think? My Skype I>D is lamborayjl; timme difference 6 hours

Comment by Laurence Gilliot on January 5, 2010 at 4:32pm
Hi Wiwin,

Here is Revised Self Assessment Framework.docthe self-assessment of HIV.

More later...

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