Happy New Year all!
I've just been listening to another
TED video. I have shared one with some of you before. TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. This one is about
Learning from Leadership's "missing manual".
I was listening to it from several perspectives:
1. to learn about leadership
2. to learn how story telling might be used to create some principles for better leadership, and
3. whether this was a place to share our story.
You can imagine my surprise and pleasure when one of the three examples of leadership was someone we know, someone within our community!
What did I learn? This format of someone else telling the story can be just as effective as the person with the initial experience, and that story teller can draw some common principles together. I believe we should offer TED some speakers to give talks as our Idea is Worth Spreading. These talks should not be about us but rather about people who have inspired us with their building of AIDS Competence. What do you think?
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