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March 2010 stories (26)

Good Communication

Clinicians are part of your clinical team. If you are in a peripheral facility, methods need to be developed for good communication and at least yearly meetings.

Communicate with the district hospital/clinic concerning all chronic patients,
even when treatment is initiated at the first level facility.

Coordinate care with appropriate clinic/clinicians.

Refer patients back to clinicians as appropriate.

Added by Marc on March 30, 2010 at 3:54pm — 1 Comment

The 5 A's


Assess----to assess patients' knowledge, beliefs, concerns and daily behaviours related to his/her chronic condition and its treatment.


what would you like to address today?

What do you know about ...........................e.g HIV/AIDS?

Tell me about a typical day including your problem and what you are doing to manage it.

Have you ever tried to...............................e.g change your diet. If yes, what was it… Continue

Added by Marc on March 30, 2010 at 3:53pm — 2 Comments

'Blended Learning Process': Lessons learnt and Outcomes.

On 3 March 2010, six members from Kenya Competence Trust, met together for a whole day's process to look at the six modules for the blended learning. The team took turns in facilitating the different modules, but what added value was the fact that the team had different expriences in line with the six modules.…


Added by Meble Birengo on March 29, 2010 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

Let your Living Water Flow

Unit I

Transfer concepts – approach to other petitions

The way of working up …


Added by Marc on March 29, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

"L'Approche SALT a bouleversé ma vie"

Je menais ma vie normale, je fesais tout ce qui me passai par la tête, je menais les activités de terrain en qualité d'expert, consultant et je considerais comme quelqu'un qui connaissais tout, j'écoutais difficilement les autres...........

Dans les années 2005 - 2006, quand j'ai pris contact avec l'approche SALT, j'ai senti que ma vie a changé et elle est devenue bouleversante dans ce sens que je commences à planifier mes activités familiale et professionnelle et surtout savoir…


Added by MUKALAYI UMBA Toussaint on March 29, 2010 at 12:56pm — 2 Comments

« C’est la première fois que nous discutons ensemble du Sida »

Une phrase que j’ai entendue tellement souvent pendant une autoévaluation. Hier, dans le quartier

Yolo Pinzi dans la cité de Kinshasa, le président du conseil local de la jeunesse a exprimé à nouveau cette même phrase.…


Added by Gaston on March 29, 2010 at 12:19pm — 4 Comments

SALT and appreciating strengths

Last week, I reflected on whether by appreciating STRENGTHS we failed to appreciate the individual or the community in all of their diversity. Here are some thoughts that have been developing during the week.
I wish that I had learned many years ago about the power of appreciating strengths. I think that it is fair to say that it has transformed my life. I want to be clear about how I understand the idea. It is not that I move away from analysing weaknesses. It is not that I seek to balance…

Added by Phil on March 28, 2010 at 1:44pm — No Comments

Seeking Vengeance

There is a woman who supplies yogurt to a company and the workers really patronise her,with time some of the workers that consume this yogurt started falling sick one after the other.…


Added by ukeme okon on March 24, 2010 at 11:42am — 7 Comments

Rape....When Will the Victim get Justice

Gender-based violence affects millions of women and girls whose lives have been uprooted by conflict and displacement. Rape is used as a weapon of war; women and girls seeking refuge are often coerced into sex in exchange for food or safe passage. Forcing women or girls to submit to sexual acts has been described as a form of gender-based violence against women. Reports say that rape causes severe physical and psychological pain and suffering. Rape also can…


Added by ukeme okon on March 23, 2010 at 3:24pm — 1 Comment

Touching Life with Dialogue

It is easy to create new things, change places or do something different. To keep that sense of newness that creates enthusiasm is more difficult. The secret of newness in life is not to do new things constantly, but to see everything you do with new eyes, new insights and a new perspective. Do not waste your time behi...nd people who do not have the capacity to sustain your newnesss of life.

Dialogue is about what we value and how we define it. It is about discovering what our true…


Added by ukeme okon on March 22, 2010 at 10:47am — 1 Comment

why do i love you? Let me count the ways

I have written of how smitten I am about the ACP tools, Like all lovestruck person, i do not have the words to tell you why...but i could make attempts:
1. the tools doesnt have zero in it, which means that anyone,ANYONE has something that he/she can share. has goals, a lot of people (including me) sometimes get caught up with the immediate needs and concerns that we lose focus on what it is that we really want. Goal no.5 in the tool, gives a somewhat good…

Added by Caca Carillo on March 22, 2010 at 7:14am — 1 Comment

Exploring SALT visits and SALT behaviours....part 2

With SALT, we 'appreciate strengths'. Why do we appreciate STRENGTHS? Why don't we appreciate individuals for all of their traits, weak or strong? Are we failing to appreciate the full glory of our humanity by focusing on strengths?
A story.
When my children were growing up in England, I was one of the coaches in the local football team. Each year, for each year-group we selected the best players to make up 2 teams and that was it. Those best players became the players in the…

Added by Phil on March 19, 2010 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments


The team arrived at the venue on the 3rd of January 2010. The team had an advocacy visit to the Divisional Commander and the Divisional Youth Officer to inform him of our visit and also our mission in their division.…


Added by ukeme okon on March 19, 2010 at 12:23pm — 2 Comments

2005 Experience



Added by ukeme okon on March 18, 2010 at 10:38am — 2 Comments


My birthday is on the 29th of February, this year its non existent. its a convenient excuse for being THE strange one too...
I turned 31 this year.
When i was 25, i knew for sure that ill die when i turn 30, I have to!...think about wrinkles that come in your 30s and you cant party that much too, you have to do adult things and turn into a driftwood, a raisin too.Is that a life..eeeewwww.

Im 31 and im still living
And its never been…

Added by Caca Carillo on March 17, 2010 at 3:52pm — 7 Comments

Exploring SALT visits and SALT behaviours

I would like to explore some aspects of a SALT visit (and SALT behaviours) that intrigue me and that puzzle me. To some extent this is a personal exploration, but I would be very intrigued to hear the thoughts of others.

I want to explore the power that comes from letting go of hierarchical relationships during a SALT visit. When a group of visitors merges with a group of visited so that the distinctions between them (us) fade away, the opportunities to learn from each…

Added by Phil on March 15, 2010 at 11:57am — 6 Comments

Honouring Commitment to Women as Standard Bearers of Humanity...The Beijing Declaration needs implementation now

The time has arrived for Women to be treated with Value and Respect by their male Partners...For too long Women were made to endure slavery, debauchery, exploitation and oppression by the Men in their lives who continue to beat, maim and kill them with impunity and without remorse...As Commissioner on the Women and Gender Equality Commission it is imperative that I remain vigilant to the fact that the Beijing Declaration that is fifteen years old has not had the momentum it should have… Continue

Added by Nicole Rhonda Cole on March 12, 2010 at 1:30am — 16 Comments

First experience with The Constellation

I arrived in Chiang Mai on february 26th. I just had time to order my stuffs in my room, and the Interfaith Work began already ! :)

Indeed, we met altogether at the Catholic Mission Center, in Muang District in Chiang Mai, on february 28th. There, were the Dutch Team (Brigitte, Alper, Mustapha and Bastiaan), Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique (from CARE, India), the INAT, the Constellation and I. I had never began a "work session" on a sunday ! :)

The session began with presentations of… Continue

Added by Marion on March 8, 2010 at 5:00am — 5 Comments

Learning event on SALT and HIV/AIDS interfaith work - when the Dutch team learned and shared with the Thai team

Attachment 1 AAR on SALT Visits.docAttachment 2 Summarizing lessons learned, planning application and follow-up.doc

We’ve heard that the Constellation considers itself a midwife. How about the SALT facilitators who work with the communities as well as try to transfer the…


Added by Usa Duongsaa on March 7, 2010 at 6:30pm — 6 Comments

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