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Stories about Response (2,400)

Christmass message


Christmas is here with us. Its a time to cellebrate but more so to reflect. What has been our persoal achievement the year arround. How bussy have we been to not share an inspiring story with our friends. As we all gear up to the festivities lets not forget that the virus always spreads faster during such festive seasons. This season offers us an opportunity to practise SALT in our homes and within the company of friends whom we rearly meet. Lets all pull together to spread… Continue

Added by Onesmus Kalama on December 23, 2008 at 1:52pm — 1 Comment

A Christmas Story

I would like to tell you of something that happened to me this week that has given me immense pleasure. I don't know that it has got much to do with AIDS Competence, but never mind.

During the week a friend fowarded an e-mail from one of her friends about a review of a book called 'The Living Mountain' by a woman called Nan Shepherd. It was a reprint of a book that had been out of print for a long time. The book is about the Cairngorm Mountains in the north of Scotland and as my… Continue

Added by Phil on December 21, 2008 at 7:17pm — 1 Comment

SALT stimulating 'Holy Anger'

Last week i participated into the Tanzania Knowledge room moderators training held in one of the major truck stop along the Central Corridor (called Chalinze) During the SALT visit i learnt something that touched my heart: When communities are engaged through the SALT approach; on how they are responding, issues worrying them in life and their dream. They deeply reflect on themselves and wonder!,they become angered and generate passion to act.As they ask themselves on why it has taken them too… Continue

Added by Onesmus Mutuku on December 20, 2008 at 10:26am — 5 Comments

Ongoing community conversations: Stimulating & deepening community capacity to Care and Change.

In September 2008, The Kenya NFT gathered in Mombasa to participate in the Knowledge room moderators training.During this time the team immersed themselves into a local community(Truck stop) for SALT visit. The encounter with the neighborhood was inspiring to both the team and the community.....'Ongoing community conversation are a good thing in this community. It will help people

to wake up and acknowledge their is a problem that needs to be addressed.... I have

been around here for… Continue

Added by Onesmus Mutuku on December 20, 2008 at 9:38am — 4 Comments

Combining ACP with GIPA, Thailand's Northern PHA Network Is Looking for Strengths and Mobilizing the Community

Suriya and Prapan from the Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (TNP) - Upper North joined the ADB-NGOCompetence from the very beginning and have diligently attended all the learning events. Although at the beginning they were not sure how the AIDS Competence Process could be applied to the work of people living with HIV/AIDS and whether they would be able to learn sufficient skills to apply them. They were encouraged by the coaches to practice what they could after the kick-off workshop… Continue

Added by Usa Duongsaa on December 18, 2008 at 8:27pm — 2 Comments

Un partage d'expériences fructueux

Quelques facilitateurs de RDCCompétence se sont rencontrés ce samedi 13 déc 2008 entre 9h et 12h pour partager leurs expériences. L'une des questions du partage était celle de savoir de quoi chacun d'eux était fier pendant cette année 2008 où la structure a fonctionné rien qu'avec ses propres ressources (sans appui extérieur).

Lisons attentivement les réactions de chacun:


Cette année, j'ai réalisé encore plus la différence entre les Salt et les autres… Continue

Added by Ngabala Eric on December 16, 2008 at 6:30am — 5 Comments

Story of Merauke

Merauke is a plain land city of southern part of Papua, Indonesia.Where diversity of culture is less visible comparing to Jayapura, the provincial city.

Yet HIV has met people at Merauke and life is not stopped there. There is a district AIDS Commission as a local body to coordinate the HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment and care activities in the district. Ibu Henny is the secretary of local AIDS commission and a lawyer by profession. As she speaks to us on one of those fine… Continue

Added by rebeka sultana on December 15, 2008 at 1:43pm — 2 Comments

Happiness spreads like the plague

The Constellation has known this secret but now scientists have found evidence! See The New Scientist article or even the bmj article if you want more technical detail.

For me it… Continue

Added by Geoff Parcell on December 7, 2008 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Resolution to introduce ACP among church leaders in a South Indian Province

The following email was sent to me by Jayakar, an ACP champion from Andhra Pradesh in the southern part of India. His passion for ACP is inspiring. Regards, Rituu, Delhi, India

Dear Rituu,


Share an Opportunity (SAO) India is actively implementing the ACP tools in our target area communities and it is showing good results.

On the occasion of WORLD AIDS DAY – December 1st 2008. The SAO India got the privilege of participation in the… Continue

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on December 7, 2008 at 5:01am — 2 Comments

How my Dutch experience ends up in a Papua New Guinea Knowledge Asset

We got out in Tent City settlement in Lae exposed to the burning Papua New Guinea sun. 60 people from five provinces including the Deputy Mayor were packed in two full buses followed by a special security car for the WHO rep and the UNICEF vice-director. 30 settlers waited for us in the community. With almost 100 people, we did a peer assist in the community on the three priority practices of Tent City: Inclusion, Access to Treatment and Mobilising Resources. An incredibly rich experience and… Continue

Added by Gaston on December 5, 2008 at 6:37am — 1 Comment

La prémière fois quand j'ai contact avec cette approche d'A.E. je n'y croyais pas, je me disais est ce que c'est possible qu'une communauté peut se prendre en charge? et surtout en connaissant les ré…

La prémière fois quand j'ai contact avec cette approche d'A.E. je n'y croyais pas, je me disais est ce que c'est possible qu'une communauté peut se prendre en charge? et surtout en connaissant les réalités de mon pays, la majorité attend toujours que l'extérieur apportes toujours, c'était difficile.

Mais quand j'ai commencer des activités avec les communautés de toute les couches sociales, je commence à croire que avec un peu de volonté nous pouvons faire quelques choses pour le changement… Continue

Added by MUKALAYI UMBA Toussaint on December 2, 2008 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

People know best how to solve own issues: Ban Pang Lao community shifting away from donor funding

Submitted by Amber Phalen, Interim Key Correspondent Coordinator, Health & Development Networks (HDN). Originally posted:

In the Ban Pang Lao community, a shift is taking place. This shift from reliance on donor funding and NGO support towards greater self-sufficiency is promoting greater sustainability and the power of a community, through dialogue, to determine their own… Continue

Added by Amber on November 20, 2008 at 5:50am — 2 Comments

SALT visits: Changing the view

The first thing that struck me was the approach. I’d been to numerous site visits since beginning my career in the non-profit industry over eight years ago. They all seemed the same after a while. Whether the visit consisted of taking international visitors in suits and ties to see the local farming initiative where we all discussed the situation of the poor shoeless farmer showing his family’s “inadequate” dwellings and property or seeing "yet another" hospice complaining of dwindling… Continue

Added by Amber on November 20, 2008 at 5:30am — 6 Comments

T for Transformation

The greatest impact of SALT happens to the visitor. This is what I learned in Merauke last month. When we started practicing SALT, I saw how SALT visits transform the hosts: as they learn about their own strengths, they are encouraged to act and share. In Merauke I saw how visitors are being transformed.

Dany as a lot of presence: when he speaks up, we all listen. An old teacher from Papua, he tells us how after practicing SALT in Merauke he travelled to his community all the way “up… Continue

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on November 19, 2008 at 9:40am — 2 Comments

Are we objects or subjects of development?

I belong to a strong community in Chiang Mai. My group of friends support and care for each other and the community tries sincerely to accept everybody. New people are given a warm welcome which causes many people to stay in Chiang Mai for much longer than they plan. They simply feel at home after they join our community. The welcome is characterized by a sincere acceptance of who you are and creating an environment to share and learn.

One of my best friends here is Gaura from… Continue

Added by Gaston on November 17, 2008 at 4:55pm — 2 Comments

We cannot underestimate the power of SALT

It is more than 1 year already after my second visit to people from Pontianak and Singkawang during the AIDS Competence workshop. Before flying to Indonesia, we had some discussion on email with some people from the local team members there about “What’s going on?” and “What should we focus this time?” What we got from the discussion seem to make us worry about the process this time because we plan to introduce some new tools and the build some knowledge assets together. The feedback from the… Continue

Added by Lawan Vejapikul on November 14, 2008 at 5:06am — No Comments

A new milestone in connecting virtually

Today is a special day. We are inviting coaches to our virtual platform that is linking people accross the globe around the issue of competence.

I am excited about this new milestone in connecting virtually with my good friends in all places in the world.

I remember so well my first 'AIDS' workshop, in Bulawayoo 1998. Thirty facilitators of local responses came together - and in the room was a clear sense of agreement on the importance of learning from these local responses. The… Continue

Added by Marlou on November 11, 2008 at 12:49pm — 5 Comments

Meet the ACP champions from India

I am delighted to share that interviews of Jayakar, Father Joe and Prabakar were featured in the Constellation newsletter. Congratulations to Jayakar (SAO, Hyderabad), Father Joe (NEDHIV, Dimapur) and Prabakar (SIAAP, Chennai). This became possible due to the efforts of Laurence whom I owe my sincere thanks to.

Here is a snapshot of Jayakar's interview:

"Everyone has something to share, Everyone has something to learn" I would like to share my experience on AIDS… Continue

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on November 7, 2008 at 4:35am — 1 Comment

3 short stories with a lot of SALT

1. The wedding

Suddenly the energy changes in the room. More than 60 people turn their minds into reflection. Gentle smiles occur throughout the room. I am at the wedding diner of my twin brother in the Netherlands. One minute ago, I took the microphone and invited people to express what they appreciate in the newlywed couple. ‘What strengths do you observe in this couple?’ What follows is a truly heart-warming and sincere flow of unique contributions ranging from parents to… Continue

Added by Gaston on October 31, 2008 at 9:11am — 3 Comments

quelle visite SALT

Quelle visite SALT nous avons vécu ce wk avec les résidents de Manhay (demandeurs d'asile).

Ce fût tellement riche !

Je pense que c'est une des visites SALT qui m'a le plus appris et fait prendre conscience de beaucoup de choses.

Notamment que pour pouvoir totalement vivre SALT'y, il faut soi-même avoir pris conscience de ses forces mais aussi ses faiblesses et limites ou besoins, qu'il faut encore progresser sur soi-même pour devenir un "bon" facilitateur.

Quel… Continue

Added by Aude on October 20, 2008 at 4:48pm — 4 Comments

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