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Stories about Response (2,485)

L’approche SALT pour l’engagement de la communauté afin d’améliorer la couverture vaccinale en Inde

L’Institut indien de santé publique, Shillong (IIPH) et la Fondation de santé publique de l’Inde (PHFI), avec le soutien de l’Initiative internationale pour l’évaluation d’impact (3ie), mènent une étude sur comment le support des communautés locales peut aider à accroître la vaccination dans enfants en Inde. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer l’impact d’une approche nouvelle en matière d’engagement communautaire face à un taux de vaccination qui stagne depuis les 5-6 dernières années.…


Added by Jill Tipton on July 25, 2016 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Qu'est-ce qui me motive à faire partie de la Constellation? Réponse à l'appel de Célicia THEYS

  • Quelle est l’intention qui guide ce que nous faisons ?

Celle d'Influencer les politiques de développement par la redynamisation de l’auto prise en charge et la gestion communautaire du pouvoir de changement

  • Qu’est-ce qui vous motive, personnellement, à contribuer à la Constellation? Où trouvez-vous votre énergie pour l'action, et à quoi avez-vous l’impression de contribuer de par votre implication?


C’est d’abord la fierté…


Added by Jean Baby Fulama Zanzala on July 24, 2016 at 9:45pm — 2 Comments

What’s Possible When the ‘System’ and Citizen Action Converge?

In Peterborough, Canada, we've had a really neat story come to life where some really life-giving, emergent citizen action has converged with the "system" (aka local government) in a really beautiful way. Here's a short story about how this has happened. Folks in this network may be especially interested in how the citizens group is gathering in a unique way and what that's generating: …


Added by Michelle Strutzenberger on July 21, 2016 at 4:37pm — No Comments

No Key Populations Left Behind @ AIDS 2016: Closing the Engagement Gap of Young Key Populations in the Fight Against AIDS

July 20, 2016 Durban, South Africa -  Get to Zero and Be a Hero Campaign showcased  at the 21st International AIDS Conference in Durban South Africa

Asia Society Young Leader John Piermont Montilla of southern Philippines showcases the Get to Zero and Be a Hero campaign on Human Trafficking, Illicit Drugs and AIDS at the Global Village Program of the 21st  International AIDS Conference held at the International Convention Center in Durban, South Africa.

The biennial…


Added by John Piermont Montilla on July 20, 2016 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Home visit has significant contribution to S,,to A,,to L to T of SALT

I remember the words vividly "..happy couples make happy families, happy families make happy communities, happy communities make a happy nation and happy nations make a happy world.." of the song. But there is another saying "..a house is not a home.." When Le Pont du Tamarinier had the opportunity to support vulnerable / marginalized communities with houses, this was what it hoped for, making houses, homes. It dream created with support of SALT is "Equal opportunity for all peoples,…


Added by Autry Haynes on July 17, 2016 at 5:19am — 6 Comments

First Steps toward a Molenbeek where Citizens Feel Safe and at Ease

Molenbeek, a Brussels municipality that has gained international attention for being of the most prolific  breeding grounds for jihadists.  There are many reasons and possible explanations for the genesis of this fact.  I will however, not go into the root causes for this situation.  Instead, what I’d like to focus on here is what citizens are doing to make…


Added by Anita Sheehan-Nutz on July 13, 2016 at 8:48pm — 5 Comments

SALT community engagement approach to improve immunization coverage in India

The Indian Institute of Public Health, Shillong (IIPH) and the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) with support from the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) is undertaking a study involving community engagement approaches for increasing immunization coverage among children in India. The objective of the study is to assess the impact of a novel community engagement approach in improving immunization coverage rate which has remained stagnant over the last 5-6 years. For…


Added by Santanu Pramanik on July 12, 2016 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments

The Power of Gentle Presence

It really is quite amazing what a focus on deep listening can do to shift relationships, communities, and individuals. My colleague, Michelle Strutzenberger of Axiom News has a gentle presence which I have seen open hearts and minds through her work as a Generative Journalist. I had to share her wise words…


Added by Yvonne Hollandy on July 4, 2016 at 8:08pm — 4 Comments

‘What is poverty?’ ‘We are rich', he said, 'rich because of our spirituality.'

Amber was introduced to the ideas of Local Response and the SALT visit by the Constellation in November 2008. At the time, she had worked in the not-for-profit sector for 8 years and she thought that she had lots of experience of visits to communities.

‘We all came with good intentions—to…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on July 3, 2016 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments

Poème en remerciement pour la formation de BelCompetence de juin 2016

Blog publié pour Valerie Wambersie …


Added by Marie Lamboray on July 1, 2016 at 1:57pm — No Comments

What do we listen for?

As members of The Constellation we aim at making SALT a part of our behaviour. The ‘L’ in SALT stands for listening. But what do we listen for?  There are 3 things that we could listen for:

Listen for feelings:

As a volunteer on a suicide helpline, I am trained in ‘active listening’ where we listen to the feelings of the person who is on the call. The feeling of being acknowledged, listened to and understood is a precious gift that we ‘offer’ to our callers on…


Added by Bobby Zachariah on June 28, 2016 at 8:00am — 14 Comments

Listening..the L of SALT

When I saw this title, I immediately reflected on the thought, shared by a colleague;


The problem with listening is that we listen to respond rather listen to understand


This saying brought some deep reflection of how true this seem in daily life. It seem as the ‘root cause’ of so many differences in human interaction. What if we are stimulated differently? Recently, at the concluding…


Added by Autry Haynes on June 27, 2016 at 3:39pm — 1 Comment

सफाई अभियान/Cleanliness campaign

आज शिक्षा ज्योति एन. जी. ओ. के स्वयं सेवको ने एक साथ मिलकर सूंदर नगरी स्थित एम. ब्लॉक पार्क की सफाई की जिसमे की वहाँ के स्थानीय लोगो ने भी योगदान दिया। 

Today volunteers of Shiksha Jyoti NGO with local people cleaned up the M block park in Sundar…


Added by YASH PAL on June 26, 2016 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

SALT and collective community action in Raigarh district (Chhattisgarh)

We at our NGO Jan Jagriti Kendra (JJK) are trying to connect village communities to different government schemes. Then they are less likely to take debt which will reduce their vulnerability to bondage. We are few staff in the office and we want the community to take lead in getting the services. However, when we go to the villagers they say that if we could do it for them as they are uneducated, poor and…


Added by Pratibha Lal on June 23, 2016 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

A deeper level of humanity - my introduction to SALT & CLCP (updated article)

It was my inspiration from the class with Joke D'haese, Gemma van Voorst, Leo D'haese, Suse Meffert, Miranda van Schadewijk among more, that I was urged to write the article. I wrote the second version right after the attacks in Brussels in March.

More than ever, the world needs effective methods to stimulate dialogue and to foster harmonious communities. 

Scharmer & Kaufer wrote (2013): "Everywhere you look, you see remarkable individuals and…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on June 20, 2016 at 7:00pm — No Comments


Merci à Hervé, Jean-Baby et les autres pour le partage de votre expérience sur l'écoute.

Personnellement, c'est un exercice continu mais j'ai toujours des difficultés. Pourtant dans la tradition de mon pays il y a beaucoup de réussites dans ce domaine:

Les conflits au niveau communaiutaire ne devraient pas arriver dans les cours et tribunaux avant l'intervention des facilitateurs de la résolution pacifique des conflits appelés "Bashingantahe" Avant de donner une sentence…


Added by Eric UWINTWAZA on June 15, 2016 at 7:08pm — 4 Comments

Power of SALT in work and life

My organisation PGS (India) for past several years has been working to end bonded labour and human trafficking for a long time. Recently from 25th to 27th April we got training in SALT after which we trained our block level staff in the approach.

Actually SALT approach is proving to be very powerful. Through this approach, communities are coming forward to share their experiences and thoughts openly. They are realising their strengths, and based on their…


Added by Subedar Singh on June 10, 2016 at 11:21am — 2 Comments

Trade Unions doing SALT - 're-familiarizing' with the community

My colleagues Anweshaa Ghosh, Rituu B Nanda and I from the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) conducted a training of leaders of 10 Domestic Workers' Trade Unions from Delhi and Maharashtra on SALT and community life competence process in April 2016. Some of the participants of the workshop tried using SALT with domestic workers and shared the positive results of the exercise. Given below are some of the photos and comments shared by them over Whatsapp .



Added by Shiny Saha on June 9, 2016 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

A story from the Global Learning Festival in Mauritius

Here is the story that Eryka, Laval and Rituu shared on the last day of the Global Learning Festival in Mauritius.

Home visits using SALT are important

We visited Renaissance which works on drugs and HIV. We did SALT home visit with a family of four sons who all are drug users. I learned that is important to do home visit and one does not have to go into large groups. Home visit is important because in this case parents together with the drug user can together overcome…


Added by Aurelie Blanc on June 8, 2016 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

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