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Stories about Response (2,357)

Namma Halli Mela : Celebrating the potential of village communities

I have just returned from Samraksha's two day dissemination in Koppal, and it has been an inspiring visit. Different village communities from across the district attended the event, which was a chance for them to share how and why they have become involved with HIV, and what they intend to do in the future. Young men, women, older people, representatives of government programmes at the village level, like the ASHA worker (Accredited Social Health Activist) and ICDS (Integrated Child Development… Continue

Added by Divya Sarma on July 31, 2009 at 4:13pm — 7 Comments

How and when did we get convinced of ACP?

We have all traveled different pathways before we have united in our belief in community strengths. It is interesting to reflect on the journey.

I was introduced to ACP in the beginning of my career and at that point, it did not make much sense to me. I tried hard to understand. Community immersions in various countries where ACP was practiced followed by constant debriefing with my mentors, reading up on manuals, participation in process analysis oriented on ACP followed. One day, I… Continue

Added by Bobby Zachariah on July 30, 2009 at 1:34pm — 1 Comment

My visit to Madhya Pradesh in India to explore implementing partners for the traditional community ( tribal caste) based sex workers

I take this opportunity to describe what I learned during a professional visit to the tribal districts in Madhya Pradesh, India. Before I embark upon the journey I would like to describe that India with its mutiple cultures, castes and communities has a caste based hirearchy which is still alive in most urban and rural India. Infact access to socio-economic and educational empowerment are rather determined by the hirearchy in many regions despite an equity based system in the… Continue

Added by Dr.Vandana P.Bhatia on July 27, 2009 at 12:33pm — 8 Comments

A gift...of hugs and many wonderful things...from Rwanda

Last week, I was part of a GLIA event in Rwanda. During the week, we made a SALT visit to a village called Ruhuha. This was about 90 minutes drive away from the capital, Kigali. The visit was remarkable in so many ways that it is very difficult to know where to start. But I will try.

In the village, a group of orphans had decided that they would work together to meet the challenges that they faced. So when we met them, one group was working to produce clothing for sale to the public.… Continue

Added by Phil on July 24, 2009 at 5:38pm — 1 Comment

SALT in Radio Fritta FM 105: SERAMBI SHORE

Stimulate, Appreciate, Learn/Link and Transfer are referred to a small but powerful word “SALT”. SALT is an approach which appreciates peoples strengthens and stimulates to act on their own through listening and learning. The learning’s are transferred to others as well. SALT approach has taken as an AIDS Competence approach by the Merauke community, Papua along with other communities in 4 provinces of Indonesia some 3 years ago. The work has been… Continue

Added by rebeka sultana on July 24, 2009 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

True dialogue for transformation and peace

I was truly touched by the book of Thich Nhat Hanh Living Buddha, living Christ, in which he brilliantly shows the parallels between the life of Jesus and the life of the Buddha. I was inspired because many of the things he writes make me think Aha! This is exactly what the Community Life Competence Process is about...

I was particularly struck by this paragraph:

"In a true dialogue, both sides are willing to change. We have to… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on July 21, 2009 at 5:21pm — 2 Comments

“Travelling down the roads of learning, my experience, working with truckers”

When I started my work with truckers on HIV, I had several prejudices about them as any other person in the community . I thought they were closed people, I was told that they were spreading HIV because they are mobile and frequent sex workers. But this evolved over time.

As I started working with them I realized that I had no direct link with them, as traders, hotel staff, police men, sex workers, etc. All I understood was that I had to create an opportunity to interact with them in… Continue

Added by M.L. Prabakar on July 13, 2009 at 9:04am — 5 Comments

More on storytelling

On May 11th, the book and DVD 'Healing through our stories: women constructing HIV historic memory' has been presented to the public in Barcelona, Spain, and I am very happy to say that it has been very well received and it has started to live an independent life.

Before the public presentation, we had a 2 days meeting with the participants to have their feedback before anybody else's and to involve them in the presentation. That workshop was one of the most satisfactory events I… Continue

Added by MariJo on July 12, 2009 at 8:03am — 4 Comments

Tambour, dance et sourire: l'explosion congolaise d'énergie

Dimanche dernier vers midi, Gaston, Mimi et moi sommes arrivés dans la petite cour du centre 'PECS' (Projet d'Entraide pour la Chaîne de Solidarité) pour les enfants de la rue. Les garçons étaient excités et courraient dans tous les sens, jouaient au foot, lavaient leurs vêtements et se battaient gentiment, comme des jeunes garçons peuvent le faire.

La plupart… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on July 11, 2009 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

Drum, dance and smile: the Congolese explosion of energy

Last Sunday around noon, Gaston, Mimi and I stepped into the little yard of 'PECS' center (Projet d'Entraide pour la Chaîne de Solidarité) for street children. The boys were excitingly running around, playing football, washing their clothes and gently fighting as young boys do.

Most of them live a hard life in the streets of Kinshasa. Some of them take… Continue

Added by Laurence Gilliot on July 11, 2009 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

A milestone judgement by an Indian court !

Dear Friends,

In a 105 page judgement delivered by the Hon'ble Chief Justice of the High Court of Delhi(Mr.Justice Ajit Prakash Shah) and Hon'ble Dr Justice S.Muralidhar; apparently some portions of the section377 of the Indian Penal Code have been declared null and void.

The provision criminalized even an act of consensual sex between adults of same sex in private an offence-a non-bailable crime with punishment of 8 to 10 years.

The High Court of Delhi of… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on July 3, 2009 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

My Kerala Experience....... Two women called Mini....

Recently I was in a workshop along with Bobby in Kerala.. we were doing a self assesment.... My experience with two women on two different days...touched my heart.

Both are called Mini a very common name in Kerala.... One woman is a local leader in her late thirties and the other one is in her late twenties and a mother of two...

During the self assesment process for Mini who is a leader HIV was a distant problem which doesn't affect her directly....

But we also realised… Continue

Added by Rabindran Shelley on June 30, 2009 at 8:43am — 3 Comments

My experience....

Being born and brought up in a traditional South Indian Christian home, for me sex was taboo and an alternate sexual orientation was something which I could never comprehend. However during the knowledge fair in Chiang Mai I came in close contact with people from different orientation and for the first time in my life I sincerely opened my eyes and heart to my friends who are made in God's own image as we believe in Christain faith, but of different orinetation. The meeting opened my eyes and… Continue

Added by Rabindran Shelley on June 30, 2009 at 8:32am — 3 Comments

"Its not ordinary dust, its a dust of assignment and responsibilities," says Irang after a SALT visit

{ I met Irangbui Zeliangrong from Jalukie, Peren, Nagaland during an ACP learning event. The event was over on 9th May 2009 but the impact it has had is mindblowing. While in Kohima an ACP team has come up, several ACP newcomers have taken it up further. Irang took to ACP like a fish to water. Inspite of connectivity issues, he made an effort to join Ning and continued to write to me to get an update on what was happening. He sent me this piece. Enjoy! }

Irang's enthusiasm… Continue

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on June 28, 2009 at 3:12pm — 3 Comments

Homage to God of Pop!

Dear fellow humans,

It is still very hard to accept that the miraculous musician,the marvellous magician to whose tune the entire world danced,the Martian like boneless mortal,messiah of millions,the God of Pop -our own "Mai ka Laal Jaikisan"is no more with us.

Millions were sent into state of religious ecstasy("Haal")and were also soothed by just a word from him,a glimpse,a gesture ,a posture which mesmerized many(at the concert at Andheri Sports Complex,Mumbai in 1996… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on June 27, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Monarch of Music is no more!

I grew up listening to the rendition of the great numbers

(like great religious ecstatic discourses/"Haals" of sufi tradition)

by the greatest performer and entertainer of all times.

The eternal music the 'Anhad naad' generated by the Monarch of Music

will be cherished by us and the generations to come. May God grant

peace to his soul as that was denied to him in this land of lesser mortals!

The legend is no more and it is a humongous lacuna which just… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on June 26, 2009 at 6:36pm — No Comments

chance for learning

This is my true testimony:...;-))

I was a little bit ‘shocked’ when I found on schedule paper that I was one of the facilitator for tomorrow (Tuesday, after lunch session) together with Gaston. Yes I saw the schedule, but truly I never saw the facilitator list. Yes I used to be a facilitator on some workshop, training and also ACP in Indonesia. But,…. This is international level. This is the first time for me. I really know and realize very much about the lack of my English. I was… Continue

Added by chandra nurhasz on June 26, 2009 at 5:40am — 4 Comments

Chiang Mai - 1st day

Just like usual, the meeting was starting by explored hopes, concern and expectations. Mine are:


 Always has a chance to learn, it’s personal. I believed that learning is a must in our whole life. And it fits with SALT. Learn has an important place in the SALT Process.

 Community recognized their strengths and confident to use those. This is my hope to communities I will visited later on. I believed every community has strength. They just did not realize. And then… Continue

Added by chandra nurhasz on June 26, 2009 at 5:23am — 2 Comments

"NGOs will come and go but HIV & the Community is here to stay”, says Dr Joyce after her first brush with ACP and then what happened…

[I met this elegant, graceful lady at an ACP learning event in Dimapur last month- Dr Joyce Angami. She is a medical doctor by profession and has vast experience in the field of HIV. Here she shares her experience in the first SALT visit.]

The team went on a SALT visit to Molvom (known as the pineapple Village), which is about 45 minutes drive from Dimapur, Northeast India. It was a hot day but the surroundings were really clean and fresh. The whole community waited for the planned… Continue

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on June 19, 2009 at 2:55pm — 8 Comments

Acknowledgement & Recognition: Common Principles


At the beginning of June we invited you to add your experience of the practice of "Acknowledgement and Recognition" on a Forum discussion. There has been lots of contribution to that discussion so thanks!

The dream we share:

HIV affects us all. We are honest to ourselves and our community and face the good and less good issues together. We share our hopes and concerns. We naturally and openly discuss HIV as a normal disease, as well as… Continue

Added by Geoff Parcell on June 19, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

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