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This is my true testimony:...;-))

I was a little bit ‘shocked’ when I found on schedule paper that I was one of the facilitator for tomorrow (Tuesday, after lunch session) together with Gaston. Yes I saw the schedule, but truly I never saw the facilitator list. Yes I used to be a facilitator on some workshop, training and also ACP in Indonesia. But,…. This is international level. This is the first time for me. I really know and realize very much about the lack of my English. I was not confident and nervous.

The show must go on.
The fact… was not as hard as I was worried about. Everything was just fine. I wasn’t die….;-)). Gaston was leading, I was something like c0-facilitator. My contribution was very-very small, even probably none. But for me, this was a very valuable experience.

My reflection is:
Yesterday I was thinking, I came here for learning. But why somebody here asked me to facilitating session.
Now I’m thinking, facilitating session is a learning process itself. I had to take the chance. It was my chance to learn. Thanx to those who gave me this opportunity.
Learning process could be everywhere, anytime. It sometimes comes unpredictable


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Comment by chandra nurhasz on July 13, 2009 at 10:01am
Hi Geoff,
Actually I already share my experience above with my friends here (local facilitators). Some were laughed, some seem thinking (I don't know what they're thinking of ....;-))).
Last week, we were facilitating the ACP at one of the district here (about 5 hours car travel from my home). We involved 2 of them to be facilitator together with us. At the beginning they doubted, because they felt they don't know anything about ACP. But when we facilitated SA and action plan, these guys looked very interesting and active.
So I guess, if we know better about what will we do, then we will have our self confident.

Comment by Geoff Parcell on July 13, 2009 at 9:09am
Hi Chandra since this experience of co-facilitating I wonder if you have given someone else the chance to co-facilitate with you?

Comment by chandra nurhasz on June 29, 2009 at 4:16am
Thanx, Gaston. Also for sharing ur first experience.
I agree with u that A facilitator that stops learning is not a facilitator. I will spread it to all of my friends here.

Send regard from friends in Indonesia to all friends at DRC.

Comment by Gaston on June 28, 2009 at 11:03am
Thank you Chandra for sharing these great insights. I remember my first experiences in facilitating in an 'international context' or my first SALT visits in French in Brussels, Belgium. Poeh, not easy! I was suddenly not the confident facilitator I was in my own language, nor was I not that familiar with SALT etc. But I learned that those first attempts and the courage is critical to become a better facilitator later on. Keep on trying and see it as a learning process. A facilitator that stops learning is not a facilitator I think.

The Chiang Mai event was in the setting of 'by all, for all' and we wanted to give a chance for everybody to facilitate (even people who attended for the first time an ACP event, like Neil Brenden). It created a different atmosphere instead of having 'facilitators' and 'receivers of learning'. For me, a great insight. We have seen in the field that the confidence to facilitate (ACP) is critical and that's why people need to practice, practice and practice and learn, learn, and learn.

Finally, I think you contributed a lot with strong participation, sharing from the heart, a great Indocompetence presentation and good teamwork. And you perhaps set the global ACP energizer! I'll try it next week in DR-Congo.

Take care team mate,

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