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Learning event at Papua, Indonesia was learning event for us as facilitators

1. What went well?
 When we went for SALT visit at the first workshop, one group visited the same community twice was really useful. The first visit is more for building a relationship and trust. But at the second one (because of the successful of the first visit) is more to the advanced process; facilitated community we visited to build their own dream and how to reach them. This is like a ‘process with a follow up’.
 When we facilitated this learning event, we – as facilitators – could learn so much and then bringing those when we’re facilitating another learning event.
 Facilitators who talk bahasa Indonesia have a bigger opportunity to take a role during the workshop (and we were confident). While the others one who talk English gave assistance as necessary during the workshop but contributed more when AAR session and the planning for the session of the next day in facilitators meeting. This is very good
 There was 1 facilitator who lead and 1 co-facilitator in each session.

2. How did we work as a SALT Team?
 Facilitators supported each other naturally.
 When we went for SALT visit, we – as facilitator – acted not much but just as necessary. We encouraged participants to do more.
 We were not talking about the weaknesses and problems with participants and the communities we visited, but strengths and appreciated.
 We shared our experiences as a SALT team in one city to another.
 We learn from this workshop as a lesson learned for the next workshop.
 We were really confident and full of joy to facilitate this workshop.
3. How can we improve for the next better?
 We should tell very clear to participants when introducing the session of dream building of the highest level. Encourage and assist them to build their own and avoid directing them.
 We have to introduce the ACP diagram at the first ACP workshop in order to participants get a whole picture of the process. And then, link each session of the workshop to the diagram: when we’re in the session of SA, we can show where we are at the diagram.
 Proportion of participants; I proposed to invite more people (about 3-4 peoples) from one organization. This will be useful when arranging plan of action of participants. We could avoid doing that as a simulation. But all participants are not over than 40 peoples.
 We should give a session for participants to create their own plan of action as a team. Such as invitations of SALT visits, the first coordination meeting as a SALT team, etc.


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Comment by chandra nurhasz on August 8, 2009 at 8:03am
Hi Laurence,

Thanx to you too.

Well, yes there are some points that I plan to apply in the our team. And for the first, I shared this to friends here and will get some discussed with them.
Comment by Laurence Gilliot on August 8, 2009 at 6:59am
Hi Chandra,

Thanks a lot for sharing your learning points. Sirinate was very enthousiastic about the event when we saw her at the office yesterday :-) It seems IndoCompetence facilitators have done a great job! Congratulations!

Is there anything that you have learned in Jayapura that you will apply now in the SALT team in Pontianak or in your own life?



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