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"Its not ordinary dust, its a dust of assignment and responsibilities," says Irang after a SALT visit

{ I met Irangbui Zeliangrong from Jalukie, Peren, Nagaland during an ACP learning event. The event was over on 9th May 2009 but the impact it has had is mindblowing. While in Kohima an ACP team has come up, several ACP newcomers have taken it up further. Irang took to ACP like a fish to water. Inspite of connectivity issues, he made an effort to join Ning and continued to write to me to get an update on what was happening. He sent me this piece. Enjoy! }

Irang's enthusiasm for Ning

Seeing you all in Ning has fired my mood up in the air! Ur comments was great, I was really encouraged and it has made my day. Its nice to have a circle of friends which I feel are a component of ACP. We have so many minded- friends across the globe, some online some inline. When You, Gaston, Joyce, Joe etc are seen with immense experiences, you know I felt? I loved it!

Here' s some little sharing I would also love to impart:

Following my ACP SALT during the learning event, we made another visit to Samziuram Village of Peren District with village leaders and daring youths. Its topography, geography and population has perfect combination, the village has 3 blocks; block A, B and C with good planning structure for the future development.

People there were very frank n open with the team. Most of their dreams have health and educational aspect. One gentleman had a dream to make the village into a city. The team was amazed by his endless yet glorious dreams. He kept on saying what type of road, what schools and college, imaginary location of offices, church, health centres, parking area, type of trees to be planted etc,etc,. And the team were carried away in his dream enjoing the life of a city where there’s no poverty, no cruelty, no need of fence etc., seeing the bird's eye view, all the roof are painted green,

Then following his sharing others started to share their own dreams which makes me go dream even today. I wonder, if there was no ACP/salt visit then who will he be sharing his dream...

Then come to HIV discussion. Among many other participants, one lady keeps on saying if we have to cook food everyday and eat plateful of rice twice and a cup of tea/coffee as breakfast daily for survival, then what’s the problem in using condom every time In having an ART pill thrice daily? After all its also for survival like any other elements right? What’s the problem she asked, and the eyes of the participants are now towards the team waiting as if the team has the answered until one of the team member stood up and said thats it! That’s the answer, deeper sense of truth which is already there in the village.

Then putting a hasty end to the formalities of the program, the team left at 5:30 leaving the dust behind, but aha! Its not ordinary dust, its a dust of assignment and responsibilities. Now that they can see the dust, the team assume that they can clean 'em up.

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Comment by Bazo on July 2, 2009 at 11:09am
Irang, thanks for sharing the dreams of the people who in the end are the agents who will bring about change for a better world! a small note tho.. ART is taken twelve hourly not thrice a day. Just clearing that small error. can we get more dreams? I stopped dreaming so i'd like to hear about others' dreams so that i can start dreaming again!
Comment by Rabindran Shelley on June 30, 2009 at 10:57am
Very useful feedback.... Thanks Irang and Rituu....
Comment by Jiji Joseph on June 30, 2009 at 7:50am
Great work Irang.. and Rituu too for bringing the story out. We are sharing dreams on an everyday basis, now ACP has given us a perspective about daring together to make them true.. keep up the spirit,

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