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Stories about Response (2,402)

Friday’s Poetic Pause: “Ungrateful”

The annual expressions of gratitude from the U.S.’ Thanksgiving holiday now subsided, I share a poem I wrote yesterday about how hard it is at times to be genuinely grateful.

Over the past year, I have been fortunate enough to live rent-free, staying with friends and family. But that has also meant that I have been someone’s houseguest.

After I wrote this reflection, I wondered: Is there a parallel to be drawn with those at the…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on November 25, 2011 at 4:35pm — No Comments

SALT VISIT with Miss Guyana African Queen Pageant Delegates

The Guyana Faith-and HIV Coalition along with Group 2 in support of the Community Life Competence process as a mean of stimulating local response and ownership by communities did a workshop with the Miss Guyana African queen Pageant delegates to stimulate their WOT and WOW towards their concerns using their strengths.

In terms of introduction of participants we used “ I am like this food …..  because …..” to stimulate their feelings towards the workshop and helped participants…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 7:40pm — 2 Comments

SALT VISIT to Wesleyan Church in South Ruimveldt

The GuyanaFaith-and HIV Coalition  with Group 2 in support of the Community Life Competence process held a sensitization workshop for the youths of the Wesleyan Church to stimulate their Way of Thinking and Ways of Working towards some social Stigmas.   


Introduction of participants using a fruit to indicate their personality and helped participants to feel comfortable, relaxed and a part of a community that knows each other.



Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

SALT VISIT with patients at the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, Amerindian Hostel

The Guyana Faith-and HIV Coalition with Group 2 in support of the Community Life Competence process held a sensitization workshop for approximately 50 Patients from five different regions who participated in  the workshop  at the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, Amerindian Hostel to stimulate their Way of Thinking and Ways of Working towards on the topic sexual offences.            


 Exercise 1 - Hopes and…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Group 2 First Salt Visit (Assistant Prison Officers)

The Guyana Faith-and HIV Coalition in support of the Community Life Competence process as a mean of stimulating local response and ownership by communities did a workshop with the trainee prison officers who will soon be appointed, Assistant Prison Officers. The officers focused on discipline as it relates to their family, home and work communities.


During the half day’s learning experience, 28 participants were introduced to five exercise steps, while participating…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 6:24pm — 1 Comment

Practicing SALT at Denmor

Group 1 conducted its first SALT visit with a group of very shy young workers from Denmor Manufacturing Company in Guyana, a member of the Guyana Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GBCHA).

We knew in advance that the group we were to meet would be reticent and that we may experience a challenge in reaching our objectives of "LISTENING" and "LEARNING". The group was large, so we split into two (13 each) with two facilitators to each sub-group.

We conducted the "Hopes and Concerns"…


Added by Naomi Singh on November 23, 2011 at 4:47pm — 2 Comments


Lately I have been in the state of go,go go, not taking time for myself or anything. Then it dawned on me,' Shabakie you ae doing a service for humanity'. After this revelation I realised that by being on the go,go,go I am able to fullfill my purpose towards humanity and sprinkle SALT , wherever I go. I have sprinkled SALT in my relationships both personal and general and this approach has never failed me. I will continue to do so as…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 4:33pm — 2 Comments

Youth Empowerment Salt visit

The Guyana Faith-and HIV Coalition with group 2 in support of the Community Life Competence process as a mean of stimulating local response and ownership by communities did a workshop with two youth groups to stimulate their WOT and WOW towards their concerns using their strengths.

Introduction of participants using the weather inside to stimulate their feelings towards the workshop and helped participants to feel comfortable, relaxed and a part of a community that knows each…


Added by Shabakie Fernandes on November 23, 2011 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

CLCP applied to Food Security in West Africa

There I was, together with Farellia, our coach from Madagascar. My first time Ghana. The challenge: facilitate a 4-day workshop on Food Security in West Africa with prominent church leaders and advocacy experts in the region. And we had to facilitate in English and French! The participants generally visit a lot of conferences, often dominated by Power Point shows and…


Added by Gaston on November 21, 2011 at 6:30am — 9 Comments


The RIGHTS Commission comprises three commissions: Women and Gender Equality, Rights of the Child and the Indigenous Peoples’ Commission. At a recent meeting of the executives it was discerned that there was tension among the staff including between senior management and subordinates.

Members of the senior management team agreed to an exercise to stimulate ‘team spirit’ among staff. Exercises of the Community Life Competence Process, was used to achieve the intended goal of…


Added by Autry Haynes on November 18, 2011 at 4:11pm — 3 Comments

Team is tested.

When we work in teams over long periods of time, we will not always be in "sync". There comes a time when some or all members of the team see things differently. The most important part of keeping the team together is communication.

My team was recently tested when I thought that we were not working at the same pace or the same level. And so I decided that I need to be SALTy and Stimulate a discussion so that we can get past this little bump. I thought that I was not going fast… Continue

Added by Nadia Salick on November 18, 2011 at 3:56pm — 2 Comments

In the face of resistance, we chose to remain SALTy

When those in authority become too involved in the community's life, the community becomes dependent and see themselves as recipients of welfare and help. Working in a community with a good mix of low, middle and high income group, it is natural that that rich sees themselves as superior and powerful. They take charge of leadership positions and make decisions they deem to be helpful for the whole community.

I was invited by the Residents Commiittee (RC) to make a presentation to this…


Added by Gloria on November 18, 2011 at 4:12am — 10 Comments

My concerns and my dreams

I am very concerned about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world and even more concerned about the 4 new infections per day that is occurring in my country, I hope that my group can transfer what we have learned from the 6 blended learning modules to the various communities that we target to do our salt visits, keeping in mind we will also be learning new things from these communities to make us even more salty.It's as one of my group members said we need to pass the salt,so as we embark on our…


Added by wayne jackman on November 18, 2011 at 2:15am — 4 Comments

Different Ways of Being Temporary in Japan

We* spent a second day visiting four different places in the the Tohoku disaster area.  I'll just talk about two.

Eight months ago today the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown hit Japan.  Back in the tsunami area of Miyagi Prefecture, I impressed with the extent of clean-up and it is still hard to look at the extensive damage. 

We started the day meeting with Watanabe-san, the volunteer coordinator in Minami-Sanriku-cho.  Watanabe-san was born in Sendai, and was…


Added by Bob Stilger on November 17, 2011 at 12:36pm — 3 Comments

What Really Is My Personal Dream?

This was one of the exercise to be completed in Module 2 of the Blended Learning. I wote down in my notebook "I want to live in a society that is peaceful and clean." I have information and the skills needed to ensure that this can happen, even skills to help others live in a peaceful and clean world."

Did I really mean this? Of course I cared about the state of our society, but did I really want to devote my life to this cause? My conclusion was that even if it was a personal…


Added by Naomi Singh on November 16, 2011 at 2:52pm — 10 Comments

Building MY Personal DREAM

During the CLC Workshop UNAIDS hosted in September, 2011. I did my first dream building exercise..we were given about 10 minutes to do this .....this is what I drew:

My dream spoke of having easy, readily available access to Mental Health support / services for everyone.......of having no taboo / stigma  when accessing mental health support / services .....of…


Added by Zenita Nicholson on November 14, 2011 at 1:11am — 9 Comments

Hillary, Stoves Won’t Save the World

This post first appeared on HUMNews for World Pneumonia Day. 

"Hillary Clinton unveils initiative on clean cooking stoves," was among last year’s highlights at the Millennium Development Goals Summit. But what has become of The Global Alliance…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on November 13, 2011 at 2:30am — No Comments

Youth rises above rape, HIV+ status to become rights advocate

Weathering a slew of bad experiences, 24-year-old Korey Anthony Chisholm has been able to take the negatives in his life and turn them into positives, displaying resilience beyond his years. Korey is no ordinary young man. In fact, if he had allowed what life has thrown at him to get the better of him he would not have been here today. But instead he planted his feet firmly on the ground, seemingly made stronger by adversity.

Brutally raped by two men at the age of 16, becoming…


Added by Korey Anthony Chisholm on November 11, 2011 at 8:25am — 3 Comments

Passion like fire is a good servant but a bad master

A couple of colleagues came back excitedly after a meeting with a community leader who had expressed her frustration at how things could be better done for the children in her neighbourhood. Our colleagues informed that this community leader was of the opinion that Beyond will probably do the job of looking after the kids well and asked us to present a proposal to her fellow committee members.   Hence, our colleagues wanted to be helpful but after talking and thinking it through, they now…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on November 11, 2011 at 3:00am — No Comments

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