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Patterns are emerging and confirmed through Glocon in 9 countries so far (19 local documented community encounters) -including...(seen in each CSS in the 'themes that matter to us' section-see

1. Local neighbourhood community matters-it is the DNA of Global Health. There are more neighbourhoods than any other type of community, and they will remain when all others fade away. They are vulnerable, yet when stimulated, can be the most potent foundation for care and change and expansion of health and faith outcomes.

2. Home and neighbourhood dynamic is the root of shared confidentiality, grounded in safe relational intimacy within local groups,which in turn is the fulcrum of expansion of local response. Relational health underpins all other expressions of health, and healing.

3. Local initiative for transfer (of optimism, vision, ways of thinking and working) is a core source of hope -and the essence of primary health (care) viability and sustainability

4.Systems, health service, church and other faith related organisational contexts need to learn from and adapt to the local neighbourhood community capacity for response to critical health concerns. Shift to learning from, and facilitating connection between local responses, are the core markers of organisational relevance.

5. Local relational health is indivisibly connected to faith, hope, grace encounter, and love in action. Global Health and faith are necessarily synergistic.

6. HIV and AIDS needs attention -it is not going away-we are seeing a second major era of medical denial, indicated by complacent acceptance that centralising ART in district and mission hospitals and clinics is enough to satisfy demand and fix the problem of care and prevention. People do not want a problem fixed by 'topping up' with ART -they want to live life to the full. They want to own their future.

7. Measuring progress and outcomes externally is complemented by, and necessarily informed through, community counselling, timelines, and transfer mapping, as well as other group approaches to self assessment. Sharing timelines and transfer maps between communities is a strong way for community to community 'twinning' to form across language, culture, faith, and politics.

8. Youth and inter-generational connection are core elements of any viable health and healing community response.

And there are more ...what do we think?


Views: 162


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Comment by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 30, 2012 at 9:34am

Thank you Ian! 

People want to live their lives in full. Is now the time for the Constellation and others in the movement to step in  and propose a radically new way to address HIV and AIDS, from the bottom up?


Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on May 29, 2012 at 5:30am

Response from India Civil Society

Anand Chaudhuri interesting analysis and generically true. Conflict with this concept may arise whilst addressing the problem of individuals and groups who visit neighbourhoods but are not resident, yet are vulnerable to the virus eg; homeless, the street based, mobile populations....I could add but wait for others to contribute
Comment by Sanghamitra Iyengar on May 29, 2012 at 5:16am

Amazing!! It is like you are talking about our experiences!! So much is the resonance!! Thank you, Ian, for sharing this. We have all been seeing this again and again and again over the years. Your systematic documentation across 19 countries affirms our belief and adds strength to our journey.

Maybe even family to family twinning could help , in addition, where there is a lot of migration and people's "communities" keep shifting. Do share more about transfer mapping.. communities can see their support of each other even more vividly! Again thanks so much for deepening our convictions! I also feel a great joy that this way to heal is being recognised across the world.

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on May 28, 2012 at 7:57pm

Here are some responses from Glocon Participants Facebook community ( UK, India, Thailand and Kenya)

Rituu Competence Thanks Ian Campbell for your deep insights.

I have been reflecting a lot on home visits after Glocon. I posted a blog on it and got several responses. Just finished with Participatory action research with sex worker communities, one of the findings corroborates with Glocon experience on home visits.
May 18
  • Will Pearson Wow Ian. Amen to that. Definitely a good book in this.

    A few snippets that speak to me: The power for change within a local community that just needs to be stimulated - let's light the touch paper!

    The need for confidentiality, safe places of sharing and intimacy in facilitating behaviour change (I think of AA, and church of course).

    Transfer as a core ingredient of sustainability in a context of budget cuts - we need 'service users' to pass it forward.

    Health and faith as synergistic - amen to that!

    ART will be seen as a simple answer but can not be the only answer - amen to that!

    Need for quantitive and qualitative approaches to measuring progress and outcomes - point taken!

    Thanks for the sharing - stimulating stuff.
  • John Mutua Deep calls deep.A heart that has known and experienced human connections at home and community level now even more feels home.
  • Usa Duongsaa Very interesting and stimulating, Ian Campbell. Thank you very much for sharing!
  • Abednego Mutungwa Ian i like the summary it under pins whats local response ,So far those of us who have been part of this journey agrees if families ,communities are stimulated and accampanied they own the whole the process of RESPONSES ,it becomes exciting to see how they find sustainable solutions to their concerns,let organisations,churches hospital etc, learn and listen from communities then let them formulate policies informed by local response .Amen

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