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Stories about Response (2,486)

CréActivons-Nous : se ren-conte-rer et rencontrer nos rêves en images !

Ce lundi 8 septembre, nous sommes un petit groupe de sept, réunis autour d’une proposition : activer notre créativité pour explorer nos rêves individuels et collectifs.

Nous sommes à Grez-Doiceau, lors de la semaine de « bien vivre » organisée par le programme communal de développement rural. Dans la matinée les gréziens ont pu découvrir un atelier de massage pour bébé, la veille ils goûtaient au yoga, à…


Added by Célicia Theys on September 11, 2014 at 3:00pm — 7 Comments

Story of a lady bike rider and women development: Organizers should go to the roots

Every morning one lady bike rider passes me when my bus gets stuck in the jam on the way to my office. She goes ahead to her destination by driving her Scooty easily and naturally on the wide and narrow spaces on the road as like as a man. Every day when I see her I give her a salute and admire her courage because it is Bangladesh, a moderate Islamic country by the constitution, where a big part of the people do not support from their mind to let the women go out from home for working…


Added by Suman Chowdhury Mony on September 2, 2014 at 7:32am — No Comments

Sprinkling SALT in Jammu and Kashmir government

 Today, Institute of Applied Manpower Research invited me to facilitate a session of Community life competence and SALT with a group of government officers from Jammu and Kashmir. The participants found it very hard to answer the question- what are you proud of? If you ask us what are your failures are it is very easy to answer. We are not used to this question. Concluding remark was that if one is appreciated one is more likely to take action!

Here is the…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on September 1, 2014 at 6:46pm — 1 Comment

Do you have the look /appearance of being SALT(y)?

 While engaging over 150 youths, instead of doing "hopes n Concern" which would have been too tedious for the volume of people. We did four drawings: [1] a smiling sun, [2] clouds with rain, [3] a mixture of rain and sun, and [4] a large circle. We placed each drawing strategically so there was enough space for the youth to congregate and asked the youths to consider their inner feelings about the institution where they were and if that feeling related to any of the drawing, go there. One of…


Added by Autry Haynes on August 31, 2014 at 2:11pm — 2 Comments

A conference about community must involve the community

My colleagues and I  had the privilege of contributing towards a breakout session at the Social Mission Conference organised by Caritas Singapore last Saturday. Together with Hope House who provides a…

Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on August 30, 2014 at 7:10pm — 4 Comments

A partager largement

Si, comme moi, vous avez parfois des difficutlés à partager ce qu'est la Constellation, cette note du blog vous aidera! Merci Nicolas Cordier pour cette note simple, pertinente, efficace!

Vers la note de blog

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on August 29, 2014 at 5:53pm — No Comments

Global Media Forum Workshop a Unique Community-building Exercise

Can news media actually help build community? If so, how? Take a look at this video and then let us know what you think. Axiom News created this video of a session co-hosted by CEO Peter Pula at the Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany this summer.

Added by Michelle Strutzenberger on August 18, 2014 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

The Fight Againt Ebola Virus in Nigeria

Permit me to pay my condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones to the pandemic.

Ebola Virus is strange to Nigeria and many Nigerian medical workers including physicians, laboratorians, nurses are just fiercely empowering themselves with information about it. The outbreak caught many medical experts in the country unawares as they may have never encountered such cases before. Moreover, since it’s a fever, the initial symptoms such as sore throat, headaches and muscle…


Added by Taiwo Adesoba on August 11, 2014 at 1:38pm — 5 Comments

Some lessons from Australia - Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)

Hi there,

My name's Dee! I have recently connected with Rituu and she has asked me to share some of my stories - I really don't know where to start, there's so many!

So, I'll start by sharing an article that was written when I was working with the Family Action Centre at the University of Newcastle, Australia. I was hired as a community worker, to work with a team of people…


Added by Dee Brooks on August 10, 2014 at 3:46pm — 2 Comments

Lessons from Avian Flu and other Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers to inform Ebola Competence

Dear Friends,

What lesson did we learn from the psars or Avian flu epidemics and other viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHF) that could inform Ebola preparedness/response in the West African Countries?

Ideally Ebola Competence is needed to counter the boiling stigma, fear and anxiety amidst care, treatment and support efforts by intervening health service providers.…


Added by Onesmus Mutuku on August 9, 2014 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

What CLCP Gives Me

I see Community Life Competence Process as something so vast; one can use it in so many ways. I was speaking with my dear friend Rituu and I was telling her that besides the multiple benefits CLCP generates, what I love is that it is also very inspirational.

I said “the feeling I get when I think of what CLCP gives ME, it’s like reading that inspirational quote that just gives you hope;”

for example (“Every cloud has a silver lining”) or (“Behind every dark cloud, there is a…


Added by Tricia Francis on August 1, 2014 at 6:00am — 2 Comments

Internstudents from Makerere and Kampala International Universities were oriented by Community Hive Organisation on how to conduct a SALT visit in Sitabaale village targeting older persons

Activity 2.1: Conducted Stimulate, Appreciate, Learn and Transfer (SALT) visits

CHO staff, community youth and internship students from Makerere and KIU universities conducted SALT visits to the households of older persons in Sitabaale village. The purpose of the SALT visits was to find out how older persons live with their…


Added by Nsubuga Godfrey on July 30, 2014 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Flash-Job! Our dream job

The colorful Flash-Job arrives in Brussels!


We are a group of people with a common thought; we are fed up of the…


Added by Carmen Indrani on July 27, 2014 at 5:05pm — 4 Comments

Playful Inquiry can Lead to Deep, Meaningful Connections - TEDx Talk

At Rituu's lovely invitation, I'm thrilled to share my recent TEDx Talk, entitled:

"Playful Inquiry - Try this Anywhere."   

In this talk, I show how how meaningful conversations can start with a simple playful question, and it’s through sharing stories and listening that we value our human connection and…

Added by Robyn Stratton-Berkessel on July 23, 2014 at 12:30am — 6 Comments

In a wealthy country like Australia, in land surrounded by commercial food production, it is ironic that many families suffer with poor access to good quality food. Part of the Dandenong Ranges in Me…

In a wealthy country like Australia, in land surrounded by commercial food production, it is ironic that many families suffer with poor access to good quality food.

Part of the Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne is located in Cardinia Shire. The small towns that are part of the Hills have a tendency to suffer low levels of community infrastructure exacerbated by poor transport and high social isolation. Food insecurity is an issue in these towns with poor opportunity to access resources…


Added by Cindy-Lee Harper on July 22, 2014 at 5:49am — 3 Comments

Potential strengths revealed in community dream!!!

Improved homes, electricity, transportation, telecommunication with schools, hospital and churches

Moving from where we are now [on the left] to improved housing arrangements with schools and…


Added by Autry Haynes on July 20, 2014 at 7:48pm — 4 Comments

Une nouvelle aventure démarre en Bretagne!

Du 27 au 29 juin dernier, nous avons animé, avec Jean-Louis, une première formation à l'approche SALT en Bretagne. Nous en ressortons, emplis d'enthousiasme et de belles idées pour la suite!


Cette "formation" fut l'occasion d'une belle rencontre avec des participants dynamiques, issus de différents collectifs bretons et déjà très engagés dans la question du "vivre ensemble" et de l'éducation populaire. Nous avons pratiqué l'approche ensemble, ce qui a suscité de belles…


Added by Emmanuelle Bricq on July 10, 2014 at 6:40pm — 4 Comments

Super week-end d'apprentissage à la facilitation à Bruxelles

Ces Vendredi4, Samedi5 et dimanche6 juillet, nous avons participé à trois jours d'apprentissage des bases de la facilitation, et de l'approche SALT.

Trois jours de travail, de sourires, de rencontre entre personnes de tous les âges et de tous pays.

Un grand merci aux organisateurs, Marie-Christine, Anne et Philippe ! 

L'apprentissage de pratiques passe aussi par la démonstration des "profs", et le résultat était vraiment probant !

Vivement la mise en pratique.

Added by Bernard Lamboray on July 6, 2014 at 6:26pm — 2 Comments

Que es lo que nos hace humanos?

¡El libro de Jean-Louis Lamboray ¿Qué es lo que nos hace humanos? ya se encuentra a su disposición en español (en formato PDF o mobi)!

La historia que nos desvela Jean-Louis en el recuento de anécdotas y narrativas de vida que forman parte del libro ¿Qué es lo que nos hace humanos? es la de personas y comunidades en India, Congo, Bélgica, Kenia, Tailandia, Uganda, Filipinas o Brasil, entre otras, que han conectado con sus…


Added by Loïs Hutubessy on July 6, 2014 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Responding to Rituu's question of knowing the relationship between young people and older persons

Relationships between young people and older persons 

Majority of us know naturally that relationships are important and contribute a lot to our well being. We think about our own need to share happiness and sorrow with people we feel will help (Stimulate) us understand Appreciate what we are, Learn from what we do and Transfer what they have learnt and also accept to share what we want to reach at (VISION). Ideally these should be people…


Added by Nsubuga Godfrey on July 1, 2014 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

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