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Sometimes we propose processes and formats for SALT that are not easy. Congrats to all first followers who get up and take on the risk to get involved. Thanks to William Sherlaw who shared this video with me.

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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on July 9, 2015 at 3:24pm

Herve, I understand what you mean. That is why I wanted to do my Phd centred around community to community transfer. Warm hello from Delhi!

Comment by hervé guidou on July 9, 2015 at 3:20pm

and perhaps it is the same for each follower until the critical masse is on, rituu don't you think ?

but also it is not only courage which mobilizes the followers, but it could also be : inspiration, innocence... and i don't no what else can make you standing up and do what you want, whatever what people think, but it should be a very deep and real energy if you want that the movement persist. And it could be very interesting to, to explore when and why it goes down and stop.

i hope, my English is not to bad and you can understand what i mean. when i can't translate myself i put the words in Google translate and he translate it in chinese directly (lol).

Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on July 6, 2015 at 4:00am

New followers follow the follower not the leader. It is important to nurture the first follower and but its equally important for the first follower to have the courage  to publicly follow a lone person who is doing something great. These are critical lessons in how movements happen. Thank you JL! 

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