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Stories about Response (2,465)

Some insights on " Learning"

Here are some interesting thoughts to share with you:

Most people don't really think much about how they learn. Generally you assume learning comes naturally. You listen to someone speak either in conversation or in a lecture and you simply absorb what they are saying, right? Not really. In fact, I find as I get older that real learning takes more work. The more I fill my brain with facts, figures, and experience, the less room I have for new ideas and new thoughts. Plus, now I have…


Added by Dr Prince Bosco KANANI B. on January 17, 2013 at 9:31am — 1 Comment

Engagement de la communauté/Community Engagement

Une leçon apprise pour les gens qui conçoivent des programmes pour la communauté, sans leur avis préalable. Si les visites SALT visent un plan  d'action basé sur les besoins ressentis par la communauté, il s'avère indispensable d'identifier leur engagement spontané.Cet engagement s'identifie à travers leurs avis et déclarations. L'on sait que les personnes les plus concernées par un problème, sont les plus aptes à le résoudre. C'est la communauté elle-même qui comprend mieux sa propre…


Added by Munyandinda Philibert on January 15, 2013 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Mission Windmills

Way back when we had no internet connection, communication and sharing was available just by direct person to person interaction, who could predict that everything will change so dramatically?

Nobody, or very few.

Today, using this amazing opportunity, an open community have decided to empower people to co-create a…


Added by Tudor Tarlev on January 13, 2013 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

CLCP (Community Life Competence Process) - a Self-Help Process, like the Baby Monkey with its Mother

Yesterday, I attended a social meeting where a pastor spoke about the importance and essence of relationships in the family, with each other and with God. He said it is our responsibility to tap and develop relationships and not wait for it to happen. In this context, he compared the idea with how the young in animals are taken care of by their mothers.

In the case of cats, the young is carried by the mother with its teeth gripping on to the skin of the young. The young stays…


Added by Susan Koshy on January 10, 2013 at 4:56pm — 1 Comment

Fishing for an education in Uganda

[A story about mobilising resources]

Soon after I was seconded to UNAIDS in 2003 I went to Uganda to visit some communities. I learned more by listening to them than I was able to share with them. One of the communities was a fishing village which was reached after travelling for more than an hour off of the made-up road. The village was on…


Added by Geoff Parcell on January 10, 2013 at 11:33am — 4 Comments


Eric Uwintwaza, Judith Dialandua, Consolée Kamaro, Eric Ngabala

avec le soutien du Global Support Team, Marlou de Rouw et Dolores Rey Novoa



La RDC a mille cinq cent (1500) facilitateurs du CLCP (Community Life Competence Process) réunis dans RDC compétence et c’est un pays limitrophe du Burundi qui n’a qu’une équipe restreinte de facilitateurs réunis dans Burundi Compétence. La première est une organisation couvrant tout le…


Added by Judith DIALUNDUA on January 8, 2013 at 5:00am — 1 Comment

Yearning for your SALTy opinions on this

Yesterday I met an enthusiastic Educator who was involved in a Schools Nutrition enhancement project amied at stimulating greater attendance at schools and better performance of students in the hinterland of Guyana. This was her last day of the project after five years. Being SALTy I asked " So what is one memorable moment  of your sojourn, you would like to share?" Smiling she said there are several and began to share very interesting learning experiences, for example in the dark of one…


Added by Autry Haynes on January 5, 2013 at 12:34pm — 2 Comments

Community Power: Renewing Communities Through Renewables

A joint article by 

Samantha Go and Devika Narayan, SolSolution 

Mümtaz Derya Tarhan, The Community Power Report…


Added by Mümtaz Derya Tarhan on January 2, 2013 at 5:40pm — 1 Comment

Why I choose to be SALTy in 2013!

Why I choose to be SALTy in 2013!

I believe to be SALTy is a choice you choose and I made mine a while ago.

To be honest when I first heard of the word SALT I was confused, it was at my first CLCP workshop and someone related a story that stayed with me, they said “I see SALT all around me every day, like yesterday I saw some kids fetching sand from the street into a yard, all of them had their buckets and they were working together and I said to myself, there it is,…


Added by Tricia Francis on January 1, 2013 at 7:32am — 3 Comments

CLCP Workshop with Students

Community Life Competence Workshop with Hinterland Students

I facilitated a three days’ workshop on Rights of the Child using the CLC process with some 40 students in a hinterland village and I learn so many things from these students.

These young Adults knew what they wanted to address, in our first exercise we did hopes and concerns and I never saw so many similar concerns all at once and when I saw it, I felt their passion towards these concerns.

Here is a bit of what…


Added by Tricia Francis on January 1, 2013 at 7:23am — 2 Comments

Introduction of SHIKSH JYOTI NGO


Good Evening to All


Greetings From SHIKSHA JYOTI


Introduction of Shiksha Jyoti


Shiksha Jyoti is an independent, professionally managed institution extending effective development facilities in the field of Sexual Health, Education with extra focused to depressed segments and the social welfare sector in India.


Shiksha Jyoti was established in 2009 with the coming together of like-minded…


Added by YASH PAL on December 28, 2012 at 3:49pm — No Comments

DIC meeting with target population

आज दिनांक 21/12/12 को आशियाना के अंतर्गत एक मनोरंजन एवं बैठक मीटिंग का आयोजन किया गया ।इस मीटिंग में सभी कम्युनिटी के लोगो ने मिलजुल कर भाग लिया ,इस मीटिंग का नेतत्र्व जतिन जी ने किया ।जतिन जी ने सभी को बताया कि पहले हम सभी ढोलक पर डांस करेंगे इसके बाद हम सभी एच आई वी / एड्स के बारे में मिलकर आपस में बातचीत करेंगे । फिर सभी ने ढोलक पर मिलकर डांस किया और खूब मजा किया । इसके बाद सभी लोगो ने मिलकर एच आई वी और एड्स पर आपस में चर्चा की जिससे की यह निकल कर सामने आया की सभी में से कुछ लोगो को अभी…


Added by Jatin on December 21, 2012 at 12:34pm — 1 Comment

SALT a brisé les barrières religieuses au Kasai Oriental/SALT broke religious barriers in Kasai Oriental

Après avoir travailler 5 jours avec les 5 Confessions Religieuses du Kasai Oriental/Mbuji Mayi, ces dernières disent à haute voix: Le salt a brisé nos barrières religieuses et aujourd'hui nous pouvons nous appeler véritablement Enfant de Dieu.

"Salt ne voit pas les couleurs"

"Salt ne voit pas les tribus"

"Salt ne voit pas les religions".

Sa seule et unique préoccupation: amener la communauté à trouver solutions aux problèmes qui la dérangent.

Added by MUKALAYI UMBA Toussaint on December 18, 2012 at 10:30am — 4 Comments

Getting hopes and concerns from 151 adolescents at one go

The Rights of the Child and Indigenous Peoples’ Commissions sought to support the strengthening effort of the New Opportunity Core responsible for the rehabilitation of delinquent young people that came into conflict with the law and were sent to the facility for a period of one to three years. Over the past three years and especially over the past six months there were serious challenges being confronted by staff because of the students’ unbecoming behaviour within the institute.



Added by Autry Haynes on December 17, 2012 at 4:16pm — No Comments

Global Learning Festival - My Take-Away Story

Global Learning Festival (GLF) was something I heard of during the World AI Conference in Ghent, Belgium in April 2012. It was through one of the very active delegates, Jan Somers by name, who was seen all over the place, clicking ace pictures of the activities and the delegates in the Conference. When I was introduced to him as a delegate from Chennai, India, Jan promptly said he was visiting Chennai later in the year for GLF. I thought little of it then as learning and festival were at…


Added by Susan Koshy on December 14, 2012 at 3:02pm — 5 Comments

Rwanda: The 10th National Dialogue to Focus On Achieving Self-Reliance

The 10th National Dialogue (Umushyikirano) is taking place today from 13 to 14 December 2012 at the Parliament.

This year's theme is "Agaciro: Aiming for self reliance." Umushyikirano will be chaired by His Excellency President Paul Kagame and will bring together close to 1000 participants including representatives of local government and grass…


Added by Dr Prince Bosco KANANI B. on December 13, 2012 at 10:29am — 1 Comment

The Cure for AIDS is Close to be Found but, Never for SALT

One may either call it HIV, AIDS both or whatsoever as the degree of knowledge differs, for us the distinction does not matter. The undeniable fact is that it is there within us and continuously spreading. AIDS remains one of the world’s most serious health challenges(UNAIDS, 2012: 8), for as UNIADS (2012) in the “Report on the Global AIDS epidemic | 2012” indicates that 1,700,000 people died of AIDS only in 2011, about 2,500,000 were newly infected and 34,000,000 are…


Added by Joao Arnaldo Vembane on December 12, 2012 at 12:54pm — 3 Comments

Monitoring for sustainable and effective results

Many Government Organizations (GO), Non Government Organizations (NGO) and international Aid Agencies work in many countries for social and economical development. There are various types of projects and programs implemented for developing the socio-economic conditions of those countries, especially in developing and under developed countries. Since hundreds of years, the development agencies have been working in many countries only for doing various development issues. Thousands of…


Added by Suman Chowdhury Mony on December 12, 2012 at 8:43am — 5 Comments

GUINÉE – Le processus de la Compétence pour la Vie sera intégré à la politique nationale de lutte contre le paludisme

Grâce à la détermination d’un seul homme les communautés de Kissidougou sont en train de faire reculer le paludisme, le sida et les diarrhées en Guinée. En effet, avec l’appui de son organisation, Idrissa Souaré, Chef du Bureau de Zone Est Kankan - Unicef, facilite, et ce depuis 2005, le développement de la Compétence pour la Vie par les communautés de son rayon d’action. Cette approche, promue par la Constellation, est basée sur l’appréciation des forces locales…


Added by Jocelyne Bruyère on December 11, 2012 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments

Global Learning Festival: my story

August 2011- Chiangmai, Thailand...Constellation’s Global Support team meeting is on, mid morning...with Jean Louis, Marlou, Gaston, Phil, Laurence We have faced the economic recession, are a bit low. The atmosphere gloom and frustration as we had to take the tough decision of shutting down our Chiangmai head office and move it to Belgium.

As we discuss the coming year I spring an idea... I wish to meet all the Constellation friends face-to-face... how much energy it will give…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on December 1, 2012 at 8:00am — 10 Comments

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