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“Community Life competency as my verve and life changing tool”

One year back on Saturday noon of December 1st, 2012   after attending a plenary session on “leadership and Governance in Action” at fourth National AIDS Conference I was in dilemma to select appropriate session. When I was browsing the pocket schedule of conference, the title “Community life Competency” attract my attention, which was going to be presented by UNAIDS.  I am always passionate to work for community people and help to solve the community problems becoming one of them not as isolated. I guess this was the reason; I went to attend CLC session that day.  Besides that, the strong way Dr. Ruben presented the speech on the opening ceremony of conference stuck on my mind and I wanted to learn the way he presents his ideas. As the session on CLC was going to be facilitated by UNAIDS, I assumed that this might be presented by Dr. Ruben and this would be the perfect opportunity to learn from him. 

At the beginning, I was amazed when he asked me “What is your hope and concern sir, regarding HIV status in your county”. To be honest at that time I thought that why he is asking me about my hope and concerns, how this is relevant to title CLC and what would he do knowing my hope and concerns. When he explains CLC with my favorite example, “overcome darkness on our life with our inner lights i.e. our strengths”. This quote makes me look towards one strength not on weakness and also realized that success in always base on strength not on dimness.  Afterwards I determine this is the approach I should apply in all my works in community.  Helping community people to recognize their strengths by appreciating good works of community and share those with other people where those are relevant.

Now after attending so many sessions on CLC, we  as CLC Nepal Team we dream to roll out this innovative way of working and thinking in our work place. I decided to work to fulfill that dream and organized my first CLC orientation program at Hemja Youth Information Center, when I applied the CLC approach I amazed to see response from the HYIC members.  I have not seen this kind of energy and enthusiasm before to work for their issues.   They recognize their management and leadership ability to work on Sexual and reproductive health issues of young people. I thought if I handover  my responsibility as President of HYIC to other young  member in the recognizing of his support during my tenure  on this way i tried to used my life and I feel better  that  HYIC doing very well and adopting  CLC approach in their work.

Nonetheless, when local NGO name Multiple Society Development Organization (MSDO)   invited me to facilitated personality development training for out of school young girls.  I use CLC approach and one of the participate shared her heart touching story, though she have to left her school because of her family causes. She never gives up her   passion for study,   though she have some family pressure she joined adult literacy classes by managing her work time and she can read the book and newspaper. She was so encouraging to other out of school girls  and I learn a lot from her.

Likewise, I introduce CLC competency with peer educators of FPAN Kaski when they invited me to facilitate the “Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Peer Educators”. I decided to share the new innovative way of thinking and working i.e. working as a learner not as expert and encouraging youth to adopt good practices form young people and using SALT approach. As the peer, educator community they decided to share each other is learning among group. They also wanted to learn more about community life competency ask me when the next time I share more about CLC.

In this one year, I learned a lot from this learning sharing process of CLC. I changed  my approach on every training that I have facilitated , I always considered myself as learner and  when I heard stories form people that reality encourages me and I share those stories to motivate other people. My especial thanks goes to Dr.Ruben for introducing CLC concept one year back this really help to change me as a human being. I would also like to thank for all my CLC trainees, Bina Ma’am for their encouragement and  Rituu ma’am for recognizing my work. I really appreciated supports from all peoples from   FPAN Kaski, MSDO Hemaj and HYIC members during roll out of CLC in Pokhara .



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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on December 12, 2013 at 7:04pm

You are an example of how Community life competence can be incorporated in our work. I am happy to discuss and reflect with you on ways in which peer educators can apply CLC in their work. You may share this video in Hindi

It is by a native Nepali based in Mumbai and working with CARE EMPHASIS project.

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