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Stories about Response (2,465)

Eco Maluku

Eco Maluku realizes responsible tourism and volunteer work in partnership with residents, organizations and governments of the towns and villages in the Moluccas. We connect travelers and volunteers with host families and local projects such as "Teachers Go Abroad", "Haria Bersih", "…


Added by Kees Lafeber on August 25, 2015 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Road to empowerment of women workers in Brick Kilns

A Woman moulding bricks (Pather) - Her day started at 5 AM and isn't likely to end before 8 PM. Not a toilet in sight, she has to sneak into the fields near by without the farmers noticing to answer the call of nature. With no labour records, her labour is neither recognized nor valued. Nearest access to clean drinking water is 8 Kms away. A member of her family has to cycle the distance to quench their thirst. She is never paid any wages. Since…


Added by Ganga on August 25, 2015 at 2:19pm — No Comments

​SALT to build community leadership

Sarah Mount from Anti-Slavery International invited me  to conduct a training for one of its partner NGOs, Jan Jagriti Kendra (JJK) based in Chhattisgarh (India). JJK works with communities who go to other states of India for work and end up being bonded labourers especially in brick lins.

In the learning event there were 40 participants including NGO staff, volunteers and community members.  JJK team noted that their challenge in working with communities was that community members…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on August 10, 2015 at 11:30am — No Comments

Appreciative Inquiry the 5C framework

The Five AI Elements


Added by Tim Slack on August 3, 2015 at 2:42pm — 2 Comments

Une théorie du changement pour la Constellation

L'équipe mondiale de soutien propose une théorie du changement pour la Constellation. Découvrez-la ici : (en anglais).

Successeur de l'approche du cadre logique, la théorie du changement associe les résultats aux activités en expliquant comment et pourquoi un changement…


Added by Marie Lamboray on July 28, 2015 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Theory of Change for the Constellation

The Global Support Team of proposes the Theory of Change for the Constellation. Find out here:

Successor to the Logical Framework approach, the Theory of Change links outcomes to activities to explain HOW and WHY a desired change comes about and aims to…


Added by Marie Lamboray on July 28, 2015 at 9:42am — 1 Comment

Creating a restorative clmate -Part 5


The staycation has since become an important milestone/reference point for this neighbourhood who now has a group of residents who regard themselves as the Caring Community who looks after the children in their neighbourhood. The Caring Community tell us that their neighbourhood has changed as the children have responded their guidance. They observed that the children greet the adults and…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on July 23, 2015 at 1:17pm — No Comments

Creation a restorative climate - Part 4

  1. Describe a desired outcome from your intervention and how you would go about trying to reach it.

Our desired outcome is a restorative climate in the neighbourhood and we adopt the following position overview: 

To nurture neighbourhoods that adopt a restorative problem-solving approach toward young offenders and families with multiple…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on July 23, 2015 at 1:16pm — No Comments

Creating a restorative climate - Part 3

In the spirt of the strengths approach, we also borrow from the Appreciative Inquiry, Solution Focus  and Positive Deviance Schools.  Below are short notes about these schools compiled by David Shaked in his book Strength-Based Lean Six Sigma – Building positive and engaging business improvement that is published by Kogan Page Limited 2014.  Parts have been paraphrased in our own language.



Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on July 23, 2015 at 1:11pm — No Comments

Creating a restorative climate - Part 2


 Despite their seemingly negative view of the situation 12 mothers showed up at a meeting to explore how they may assist these children. We were pleased with the turnout and began by reiterating the purpose of the meeting. However, despite everyone nodding in understanding, it did not take long for the group to start complaining about the children in the manner they…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on July 23, 2015 at 1:06pm — 1 Comment

Creating a restorative climate Part 1

Just sharing an exercise we prepared for some social work students.  The first part is the challenge and the second , our suggestions and "answers." Thought you may find some of the concepts we took from a Six-Sigma Lean Management book useful.

Restorative Neighbourhood Project – Beyond Social Services, Singapore


Beyond Social Services…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on July 23, 2015 at 1:02pm — 1 Comment

Self-assessment & SALT visit to homes of domestic workers

Background- We have been using community life competence process to develop self assessment framework for domestic workers on decent working conditions. This is in Delhi under an ILO partnership with Institute of Social Studies Trust. In CLCP, after the communities develop a common dream, we facilitate self assessment ie where they are in terms of their dreams and where they want to go. Similarly, under this project in a workshop about 20-25 domestic workers did their…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on July 18, 2015 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

It's in our Hands: Asset-Based Community and Economic Development in Practice in Australia

Jenny Cameron from the university of Newcastle, was a pioneer of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) in Australia. She recorded her use of ABCD in 2002 and whilst this was over a decade ago the application of the methodologies is as applicable today as it was back then.

How could using Asset Based Community Development approaches improve your work with communities? Are you using other strengths based approaches? I'd love to hear from you.

I hope you enjoy both…


Added by Michelle DUNSCOMBE on July 13, 2015 at 11:35am — 2 Comments

ABCD Festival UK 15-19 June 2015

What a fabulous opportunity to learn, share stories and make connections with other practitioners.

Last month we saw almost 200 people from 21 nations come together at Ribby Hall, Wrea Green, UK, came together for days to celebrate 20 years of Asset Based Community Development around the world.

Here are some video snippets from the…


Added by Michelle DUNSCOMBE on July 13, 2015 at 11:25am — No Comments

Salt et moi :

Le moment approche, à nouveau, ou je vais avoir l'opportunité magnifique d'accompagner des individus et des communautés dans leur processus de création ou de transformation vers leurs rêves et leurs aspirations communes. Alors cette question reviens avec insistance : être Salt avec les autres ? oui ça vient ! mais suis-je Salt avec moi ? suis-je encore envies ? suis je capable de voir ces forces qui m'habitent et qui me font, suis-je capable de voir le meilleur…


Added by hervé guidou on July 9, 2015 at 10:00am — No Comments

First Follower!

Sometimes we propose processes and formats for SALT that are not easy. Congrats to all first followers who get up and take on the risk to get involved. Thanks to William Sherlaw who shared this video with me.

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on July 5, 2015 at 5:56pm — 3 Comments

Evaluation empowering community

My name is Albie Colvin, this is my first Community Life Competence post, bit nervous.

I am a young Melbourne-based social entrepreneur/philanthropist; I run ACGD Design - community based creative communications company, and I am the founder of Colour Them Safe (CTS) - small international arts initiative aimed at improving the livelihoods of disadvantaged young…


Added by Albie Colvin on June 24, 2015 at 7:07am — 1 Comment

Community life competence for stimulating domestic workers’ response to their working conditions

I had the opportunity to facilitate community life competence process with domestic workers. This is part of the work for which Reiko and Suneetha from ILO Delhi office have invited us to use the approach to develop a participatory monitoring tool for the domestic workers on their working conditions. The event brought together domestic workers, their families, NGOs, employers, Trade unions and ILO staff . We saw slight changes emerge which gave us hope. Reflections showed that strength-based…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on June 16, 2015 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

Leave Your Potatoes At Home

Working with marginalised communities on using data and technology in advocacy

By Maya Ganesh, Beatrice Martini and Dirk Slater.

You are welcome anytime, you're not like others who come with their own bag of potatoes

It’s with these words…


Added by Dirk Slater on June 10, 2015 at 1:15pm — 2 Comments

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