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Premiers pas d’une collaboration productive avec notre partenaire euforia

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Du 13 au 16 février, Loli et Luc ont participé à un événement imp!act. Cet événement est proposé par l’organisation euforia pour stimuler…


Added by Luc Barriere-Constantin on February 27, 2019 at 3:20pm — No Comments

Communities ask for immunization card in their own language!

I am working with communities in 10 villages in Udalguri district, Assam India on the issue of immunization.

As part of their action plan communities wanted their immunization card which is called Mother and Child Protection Card (MCP) in their local language- Bodo language. they say this will help them remember immunization schedule. their interest more after SALT approach. we helped them. …


Added by Mantu Boro on February 19, 2019 at 6:02pm — No Comments

India, Gender & The Naive Enquirer

Hello all!

You might enjoy my latest interview on the 'How To Build Community' podcast. It charts the experience of a mental health nurse from New Zealand, who spent four years in India's rural north, training community health workers on counselling and gender violence. She talks about:

- the role of listening in reducing gender violence

- how to be an effective "outsider" in a community that you want to support

Last year, one study named India "the worst country…


Added by Jake Lloyd on February 19, 2019 at 12:25pm — No Comments

SALT as a bottom-up approach - Study of Kasper Moes

Is SALT truly a 'bottom-up approach?

Read this study of an intern [Kasper Moes] who did a study in the health sector within Holland. The assessment of how GGD employees working with communities view CLCP/SALT. The aim was to explore whether CLCP / SALT may be beneficial additions to Dutch health promotion in order to…


Added by Autry Haynes on February 14, 2019 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

From What is Wrong to What is Strong

From What is Wrong to What is Strong - Cormac Russell 

I heard this at a workshop I attended yesterday in New Delhi at the NGO SEEDS.

On the projection screen was a quote by Pablo Neruda - We must dream our way.

I was overjoyed to say the least. Why???

Because I did not expect to see SALT in action :-)


I was surprised because, in all my years in the development…


Added by Bono Sen on February 12, 2019 at 8:30am — 5 Comments

Self Assessment helps the village in improving its immunization status

We are working with 30 villages in Bongaigaon (Assam) India using SALT approach to encourage immunization coverage and also communities to respond to health of thier children.

See the self assessment of Uttara khora gaon village in 1st Nov 2017 in which the community rated themselves at level 3 in immunization because there were drop outs. People used to get babies immunized and after 2-3 doses stop coming.…


Added by Baharul Islam on February 9, 2019 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

L for link in SALT : CLCP generates demand, government fulfills

Situation before

At the time of 1st Self assessment and follow-up visit the of 30 SALT coverage villages in  Bongaigaon, Assam (India), most families in the villages were providing vaccination to the babies. However there were drop outs and few were missing vaccination.

When we asked them what is your dream for health of your children, they realised that immunisation was critical for their children. ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) used to inform them…


Added by Baharul Islam on February 9, 2019 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Local government bodies become active & take action on health

Pachim Dhuli is one of the villages under Chaygaon circle under Kamrup district of Assam (India). It is near about 35 KM from Guwahati city. According to the record of AHSA worker there are 1040  people in the Village. The people are from Assamese general community.75% of the people depends for their livelihood on agriculture and animal rearing. Most of the people are educated in the village. There are Two Anganwadi centres, one LP school, one ME school and one high school in the…


Added by Trailakya Das on February 7, 2019 at 6:43pm — No Comments

Community members support each other for immunisation

On 25th January 2019, I did a follow up visit to Tarabari, Udalguri, Assam in India. We are using SALT approach to increase immunization coverage.

I like to share good example from Tarabari. A mother was not giving vaccine to her child aged 2 months .This is her fourth child. She was feeling people will laugh at her .Asha (health worker) visited many times to counsel her to bring the child for vaccination .Gaon burha ( village head)  learned about this .He and…


Added by Santu Das on January 29, 2019 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Motivation to Change the Action

"Enhance awareness about life insurance, encourage financial security to the people of Nepal through life insurance products and contribute to the nation’s development" is the vision of the IME Life insurance Company. This life insurance company was registered on October 2008 and have been providing life insurance service to all over the country since…


Added by Ram Chandra Lamichhane on January 29, 2019 at 11:39am — 1 Comment

The USA's Listen First Project

Hello all!

It's not SALT, but I thought some of you might be interested in this interview I recorded with a gentleman called Pearce Godwin from the Listen First Project. They are seeking to bridge the growing divide in US society through - yes, you guessed it - listening!

Please do listen, share and subscribe to our podcast if you feel so inclined.…


Added by Jake Lloyd on January 28, 2019 at 5:03pm — 1 Comment

Dreaming of the neighbourhood we want

When we tell our youth members that they are responsible for creating the neighbourhood that they wish to live in, it generates some excitement among them but often when it is time to do the work, not many show up. However, this week 15 youth in Ghim Moh showed up for a neighbourhood dream-building session. We were pleased and gathered that it was probably because the invitation was made by a parent who has been most concerned with their well-being the past few months. Moreover, this mother…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on January 27, 2019 at 4:02am — 2 Comments

When we changed our way of working to SALT, community began to take responsibility of its health

Himani Sharma worked as SALT facilitator in NGO called Mamta, India. In this video, she shares her experience of engaging patients and communities in #HealthRise project supported by Abt Associates in Catholic Health Foundation of India - Udaipur and NGO Mamta- Shimla (India). This project used Constellation's approach CLCP and SALT for…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on January 25, 2019 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Community member tracks immunisation drop outs in nearby Brick kiln

We are aiming to improve immunization coverage in Assam through community ownership using SALT and CLCP since March 2019

Today follow up visit to Satgaon village of Kamrup district in Assam discuss with community regarding 2nd self assessment.  During the discussion Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) shared a incident.  To know about the reality of incident I rush to Brick kiln beside the village.It is a surprising incident for…


Added by Raju Roy on January 24, 2019 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

First steps towards autonomy of a group of refugees / Premiers pas vers l’autonomie d’un groupe de réfugiés

Yezeed is an employee at an agency that offers services to refugees. He is a former refugee of Sudan himself. He shares the story of the ups and downs of the project he facilitates: Actiegroep Eigen Huis (pressure group "each of us his own house”).

It started after the end of the SALT training in Hilversum, Yezeed says. With a few facilitators, we made a SALT visit to a group of refugees with a temporary residence permit. They arrived in the Netherlands approx. 2 years ago from…


Added by Marie Lamboray on January 22, 2019 at 9:34am — 6 Comments

What has helped to arrive at these conclusions?

Rituu asked in reaction to my post 'What is SALT for me?': "How have you arrived at these conclusions? what has helped?"

What helped me was: sit and look inside, feel what a SALT-situation would need, like it is an entity on its own. Does that make sense to you Rituu Nanda? 

Added by Margot on January 14, 2019 at 5:44pm — 3 Comments

How will I remind myself trusting the SALT-process?

In her comment to my blog 'What is SALT for me?' Birgitta Schomaker asked 'How will you remind yourself of trusting the process?' It is not easy to answer that question. Probably it is: stay' with what is there, what is trying to happen. Even if I don't understand it. Keep saying to myself: Stay, stay, stay. And design some alarm bells in my head: when I catch myself on steering in a certain direction, or on wanting to speed up. When I here the 'ding' I have to say to myself 'STAY'.

Added by Margot on January 14, 2019 at 5:41pm — 1 Comment

‘Ownership’ of evaluation & evaluative mindset in communities – key to achieving the goal of No one left behind

We often use the term community participation in evaluation but do we reflect enough on the degree and depth of this engagement?“Use of participatory tools alone do not guarantee ‘ownership’. Evaluation can be a largely extractive process of getting data from the communitiesdid the communities have a say in what data has to be collected?” (LaiaGriñó (2015), DME for peace webinar).In “Theory of ownership” Philip Forth argues, “When I decide what to do and I do…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on January 2, 2019 at 10:19am — 1 Comment

Ne Rien Faire

Samedi 1 décembre.

Qui est-ce que je vois à travers la fenêtre de la porte de la cuisine alors que je suis sur le point d’entrer chez mes parents ? Papa, qui fait la vaisselle ! Je suis partagé entre deux émotions : l'une, l'admiration pour mon père âgé de 95 ans qui est rentré à la maison deux jours auparavant, après deux mois d'hospitalisation pour un hématome sous-dural post-traumatique ! Et l’autre, l’anxiété et même un peu de colère, parce que papa ne suit pas la recommandation…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on December 21, 2018 at 12:46pm — No Comments

"You have gifts that I don't have. I have gifts that you don't have" Archbishop Tutu about Ubuntu

I ran into this video with Archbishop Tutu .

"A person is a person through other persons. I am human because I belong, I participate, I share. (...) You and I are made for interdependence. You and I are made for complementarity. You have gifts that I don't have. I have gifts that you don't have", Tutu says. 

I find Tutu's words (and the Ubuntu perspective) very…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on December 15, 2018 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

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