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Stories about Response (2,394)

Haiti, Enterprise and the Church

Hello all,

In this new episode of the How To Build Community show, I interview Haitian-born MARC-ROMIYR ANTOINE from the international NGO Tearfund.

Our conversation focuses on the role of local business and the local church in shaping the country's future, and eliminating poverty.

Click to listen: …


Added by Jake Lloyd on June 22, 2020 at 4:13pm — No Comments

SALT CLCP Case studies- Healthrise Project India

Kavita works as ASHA in Jotana SC, her home is 5 km away from the sub centre. Village Jotana is fallen under HealthRise X1 category in Block Jhadol. At home, they are a family of 5 members consisting of Kavita, her husband, her mother in law, father in law and son. Kavita was involved in I phase of HealthRise SALT activity. During that time she attended 2-3 SALT meetings. Later the project was closed. Now in transition grant, the outreach workers started coming to their village for SALT…


Added by Shobhit Dubey on June 17, 2020 at 1:36pm — 2 Comments

Lock Down SALT field stories over the phone-CHAI Health Rise Project

Takhat Kunwar (Age53, F), member of Patient Support Group Gorana Village, Block-Jhadol, Udaipur Rajasthan shared her story over the phone in the COVID-19 Pandemic Lock Down. She told that "she is suffering from high blood pressure from past 4 years. This time she was the part of Health Rise Project. When base line done in August 19 at that time her BP was not normal. She measured 142/90 by out reach worker Pramila Purbia. She shared that she didn't take B.P. pills regular before the health…


Added by Shobhit Dubey on June 1, 2020 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Change Makers in the community.

It is here worthwhile to share my experience as a social worker, who works with the community. 

COVID was once a CHOICE...of course a choice to become invulnerable...

 After seeing consecutive occurrence of disasters...surviving it, in the beginning phase...I may just tried to deny this.

 Who has expected a health hazard like COVID-19 could arrive us so early even when the fury of Cyclone Fani (in 2019) still alive in the coastal settlements of…


Added by Saswata on May 27, 2020 at 12:09am — No Comments

SALT enabled community inner strengths to fight against COVID-19

Tribe key opinion leader make and sung a song on corona in their language- 14th April 20 is the first lock down ending date in the India. SALT enables community voices in this Pandemic situation across the world. How community leader takes responsibility shows this song that its our patriotism to fight against corona, we all should make social distance, check our temperature in the hospital, follow the Modi's Govt. rules in the lock down. Stay…


Added by Shobhit Dubey on May 20, 2020 at 8:48am — No Comments

Stories in times of corona.

Anisha, Ángela, Marina, Néstor, Mariona, Mohamed, Marta, Irene, Ayan, Noelia, Isabel and Gemma have already shared their story during their lockdown experience.

Their stories and others that are on the way are in this Youtube channel:

These videos are inspired by the Behind the Mask project with the intention to offer people in Spain a…


Added by Carmen Indrani on May 17, 2020 at 11:30am — No Comments

Building Community Under A Lockdown: The Story of Crediton Radio

Hello all. In this new episode of 'How To Build Community', I provide one possible answer to the question 'how do you sustain communal life under a lockdown?'. Perhaps some of you will find it interesting.



Added by Jake Lloyd on April 30, 2020 at 3:21pm — No Comments

Neighbourhoods & communities matters most in response to Pandemic

(I am sharing the email exchange I had with Alison and Ian Campbell on how they have facilitated their local neighbourhood in the UK to respond to Covid. .Alison and Ian have facilitated community  strengths based responses to critical health issues over the past 30 years, inclusive of local faith expression. They coordinate Affirm Facilitation Associates and collaborate with…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on April 16, 2020 at 6:37pm — 1 Comment

Competent community takes 3 actions for protection against COVID-19

I have been facilitating SALT process in Bongaigaon on child health but during COVID-19 lockdown these villages are responding to COVID on their own.

Some families of Kerkhabari village of Bongaigaon, Assam (INDIA) had get the problem on essential food for Lock down. They are daily wage earners and dependent on daily income for survival.


Action number 1. Daily wage earners are not able to go…


Added by Baharul Islam on April 11, 2020 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Covid-19 Effects on Agriculture, Health and Law in India

Covid-19 Effects on Agriculture, Health and Law in India

Rohit Sharma1, Manpreet Singh2 and Avnish Jolly3

1Assistant Processing Engineer, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India



Added by Avnish Jolly on April 8, 2020 at 7:14am — 4 Comments

A new reality and new opportunities

“Thank you for asking me to join the local community group, it gave me so much”, Zohra tells Ghalia. “I got to know a lot of nice people since I moved to Zeeburgereiland two years ago. I can always say hi to someone when I walk on the street.”, Guus recollects. “I really appreciated a small shelter from the rain on my way to this training”, Oldoez says. The group shared their appreciations with each other.

Last month, a group op neighbours from Zeeburgereiland and IJburg in the…


Added by iSiZ on April 1, 2020 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

Enjoy - Stay Safe and Well! Community Matters.

Enjoy - Stay Safe and Well! Community Matters

We want a strong, engaged and vibrant neighbourhood where all people feel safe, supported and connected. Unfortunately, like many other communities, in the era of COVID-19 all over the World currently face a drug, food, health and economic challenges that are affecting our community right from the Winnipeg to the World at a large.  Winnipeggers’ are known for the collective teach-in about the realities of life in their society and…


Added by Avnish Jolly on March 29, 2020 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

Self Assessment in COVID (in Spanish) - Autoevaluacion en COVID (en espanol)

Estamos haciendo nuestra parte para impedir la transmisión del coronavirus?

Qué os parece si haceis este simple ejercicio en familia, mismo a distancia?Vuestras respuestas serán gratamente apreciadas. Cuídense!

Coronavirus: ¡Hagamos nuestra parte!

Para evitar que los más viejos de nosotros mueran prematuramente por el COVID-19, tenemos un papel crucial que desempeñar. ¿Quieres comprobar si estás haciendo tu parte? Date una puntuación por cada práctica y…


Added by Loli Rey on March 20, 2020 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Building Community In A Crisis: The Science of Kindness, Connection and Control

Hi all.

Yesterday I spoke with a Clinical Psychologist who specialises in helping groups of people to thrive under stressful conditions.

Lots of good insights e.g. I had no idea that being kind can boost our immune system. And kindness is contagious!



Added by Jake Lloyd on March 18, 2020 at 4:39pm — No Comments

COVID-19 Self Assessment- for Individuals, Communities & doctors and health care workers

Dr. Jean Louis and me have over the past few days developed the COVID-19 Self Assessments for the Individual and Community levels respectively. These are only at a draft stage as they have just been pilot tested.

These Self Assessments (SA) consists of a list of practices: 14 at the personal or individual level and 12 for the resident groups or communities.

The lists of practices is just a suggestion of what we developed and has proved useful to us. We are sure this list of…


Added by Dr. E. Mohamed Rafique on March 16, 2020 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments

Coronavirus, faisons notre part!

Chers amis de la Constellation

Voici un cadre d'autoévaluation pour stimuler les réponses locales face au coronavirus. Vous voulez bien le tester pour vous mêmes, en famille ou avec n'importe quel groupe? Aussi, ppouvez vous le partager avec vos autorités publiques, afin qu'ils voient le potentiel des réponses locales face à ce nouveau défi? Merci de poster votre expérience ici. Ensemble nous surmonterons le défi posé par le coronavirus!

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 14, 2020 at 3:38am — 2 Comments

Coronavirus: let us do our part!

Dear Constellation Friends

Attached is a proposed Self Assessment framework for your perusal. Do try it individually, with your family and with other groups. Also, share it with public authorities to get their buy in and support! Do post your experience with it here! Coronavirus_%20let%20us%20do%20our%20part%21.pdf

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on March 14, 2020 at 3:31am — 2 Comments

Transition from home maker to SALT facilitator


Vidya is an ordinary mother with two kids. She joined HealthRise as SALT facilitator very recently in 2019. Initially, Vidya was hesitant to work in the project. She was afraid to go alone for SALT visits in the village amongst the community. She was fearful while interacting with patients, community members or front line health workers like ASHA, ANM, AWW. She used to think what and how will I talk when I am with the…


Added by Rekharani Sharma on March 13, 2020 at 12:13pm — No Comments

Local response to COVID-19 by family a friends in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

COVID 19 is a pandemic that has struck the human race very badly.  Though in human history we had seen these kinds of epidemics and pandemics this situation is a little different as there is no vaccine or medicine to prevent or to cure.  This calls for an immediate action that can curtail the spread of COVID 19 and can also support people and families infected with the virus. 

As facilitators and champions of community life competence process we have a considerable experience of…


Added by M.L. Prabakar on March 13, 2020 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Knowledge is Fair

Laura Simms, a story teller based in New York, attended the knowledge Fair in Guwahati, Assam (India). This one day event was supported by Taos Institute.

Constellation with CNES and Voluntary Health Association of Assam has been working on community ownership on health in three districts - Bongaigaon, Udalguri and Kamrup rural. On 5th and 6th feb 2020, community members came together to share and learn on the actions they are taking for health of their children.…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on February 24, 2020 at 3:59am — No Comments

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