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Stories about Response (2,400)

La lutte contre le SIDA dans les ecoles secondaires

L'Ecole secondaire de Rubengera est une école appartenant a l'EPR, son animatrice nous a donne le témoignage lié à la lutte contre le SIDA: Une fille de 18 ans est  une élève en 5ième année secondaire  dans notre école. Elle  était connue pour ses  mauvais comportements à l’école caractérisés  par les  relations de copinage avec un homme plus âgé qu’elle de cette région. Elle avait toujours des  échecs en classe et en  conduite. Elle était récalcitrante  aux conseils et directives données…


Added by Nduwayezu Desire on October 29, 2012 at 7:04am — 2 Comments

Pozitive Kidz are Successful Kidz

Well, I’m ready to launch my new Pozitive Kidz are Succesful Kidz program for primary schools here in Melbourne, Australia.

The flyer is completed and the next step is to contact schools for an expression of interest, which I’ll do next week.

This 6 week program is designed for grade 5 and…


Added by chris on October 28, 2012 at 11:15pm — 2 Comments

Formation SP Burkina Faso

Du 16 au 19 octobre deux facilitateurs du Burkina ont été formés à l'approche compétence.

il y a eu deux visites sur le terrain (SALT) et une autoévaluation. Ces deux visites ont été animées par les deux facilitateurs après une simulation en salle. River%2BStairs%20Diagram%20Generating%20Tool_newtemplate_ENG.xls 

Cette autoévaluation a permis aux deux facilitateurs de…


Added by Alfousseyni Sangaré on October 22, 2012 at 1:22pm — 2 Comments

formation ODE Burkina Faso

du 16 au 19 octobre a eu lieu la formation de deux facilitateurs de l'office de développement des églises du Burkina.

les deux facilitateurs ont maîtrisé le processus de compétence à travers les exercices pratiques du SALT et de l'autoévaluation suivis du plan d'action, de l'auto-mesure du changement. En plus une simulation du rêve, de la foire et de la mise à échelle de la compétence aété partagée. Le plan d'action comprend le développement de compétence de l'ODE et la visite de…


Added by Alfousseyni Sangaré on October 20, 2012 at 12:06pm — 1 Comment

People Driven Development

Practice and experience has taught me that the best approach to development is the human rights based approach that places communities at the centre of the development agenda. A top down government initiated program has a tendency of saving face and pushing for programs that will make the government of the day look good. Communities are the right people to drive the agenda of development in the sense that they can be pioneers and sustainers of the same development. In my years as a…


Added by Clement N Dlamini on October 18, 2012 at 10:00pm — 8 Comments

It is hard to work with cross border migrants in Mumbai

Mumbai attracts migrants from other parts of India and across the border. There are several migrants from the neighboring Nepal and Bangladesh. Bangladeshi migrants are more vulnerable if they are staying illegally in the country. Police crack downs on such migrants are very common for a variety of reasons. With such crackdowns happening frequently, it is more difficult to access the migrant community and provide them with HIV/AIDS prevention services. At times, it is even difficult to…


Added by Shankar Talwar on October 12, 2012 at 7:52am — No Comments

Community needs leaders worth their salt

Communities need leaders worth their salt

In a week or so, I would have spent 30 years as a paid staff in the social services with the same organisation.  Before that, I had a 6 month stint in a non-profit where I was organising community service activities in neighbourhoods for 2 days a week.  Of course it has not been the same job and I grew with an organisation that had 4 paid staff including myself when I joined to one with 102 today that I lead.  I have been in this…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on October 10, 2012 at 10:00am — 7 Comments

Appreciative Inquiry: List of Principles & Assumptions

When I mention Appreciative Inquiry to someone I often get the response, ‘What’s that?’ So for those new to AI here’s a list of principles and assumptions to whet your appetite. I’ve also provided a link to our previous posts on some of the 8 Principles.

8 Principles…


Added by chris on October 9, 2012 at 8:22am — 13 Comments

Strength that needs Sustainance


Dear Friends,

Greetings to you all from Nigeria.

As part of my Job as the newly appointed ANTI-AIDS club president is to design the activity plan of the club which I have done. The club has been in existence for the past 15yrs and as faced so many financial issues. The least of the support given to the club has always been condoms and I.E.C material and the student need more than this material support. The club has been running on individual contribution



Added by ukeme okon on October 9, 2012 at 1:15am — 3 Comments


Something to consider when we are creating dreams,

"Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes" - Carl Jung

Added by Geoff Parcell on October 7, 2012 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

Vision in Action Foundation Candle light Report 2012


VIAF report team

Added by Peeters Fongeh on October 4, 2012 at 2:08pm — No Comments

Changement de comportements.

Les résultats des discussions en petits groupes (25-30) des jeunes commencent à se faire voir dans l'Eglise Presbytérienne au Rwanda (EPR). Ces discussions visent le changement de comportements ou modes de vie susceptibles d'occasioner une infection à VIH. Au cours du trimestre qui vient de s'écouler, un jeune  qui a participé à des séances de discussions sur la consommaton des drogues a donné son témoignage comme suit: J'ai 22 ans, je suis en train de faire la 5ème année primaire, car j'ai…


Added by Munyandinda Philibert on October 4, 2012 at 11:01am — 2 Comments

Role of Donors in Poverty Alleviation and Development Activities: Are they achieved 100 % or appropriate and expected outcomes!!!???

Many Donor organizations and countries of the world have been donating or lending billions of money as aid for long time in many third world countries and underdeveloped and developing countries for organising various types of social and economical development programs including poverty alleviation. Many countries do their development works by using the foreign assistance. There are many NGOs and Government Organizations establish for doing various types of development activities…


Added by Suman Chowdhury Mony on October 2, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments

MAKE MAMA VISIBLE says than you for placing a SMILE on grandma's face


Empowerment Through Sport for the Mamas of Rural Cameroon

By Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo, Founder and Executive Director, WFAC Buea

Elder Women - the Caregivers of Children

August 26, 2012 shall forever remain historic…


Added by zoneziwoh on October 1, 2012 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Aquatic Agricultural Systems Competence Development in the Solomon Islands - Pacific Region.

Background - Solomon Islands.

100% of the population lives within 100km of the coast. Subsistence agriculture is the main livelihood for the rural coastal households engaging 70% of the women and 50% of the men. Almost a quarter of the population faces difficulties meeting basic needs and many others are vulnerable to rising food prices , declining incomes, and effects of climate change.



Added by Onesmus Mutuku on September 29, 2012 at 12:33pm — 1 Comment

The Power of Local Response

A mother invited us for Hari Raya lunch in her place a month ago, She had also invited some of her friends and neighbour’s whom residing in the same estate, these friends are some of parents who had attended the parent support group. Over the lunch, some of them was questioning if there will be any Hari Raya celebrations in the neighbourhood, a mother replied that there will be one, organised by Resident Committee, but it will be held in the Community Centre, which is 15 minute walk from…


Added by Mark Anthony Ambrose on September 28, 2012 at 12:57pm — 1 Comment

Visite SALT de la communauté ACVS à Bujumbura le 24/9/2012

ACVS est une communauté chrétienne au près des personnes vivant avec le vih/sida  de Bujumbura qui a des préoccupations d'avoir un capital pour AGR et accès des médicament. cette communauté a de forces d'avoir une vie positive avec le VIH, promotion en faveur de la PTME  et de visites à domiciles au près des PVVIH; ses membres font de cotisation régulières et d'espoirs qu'elle pourra s'acheter des médicaments et s'autoprendre en charge.…


Added by NIYONGABO Enock on September 26, 2012 at 5:58pm — 1 Comment

Visite SALT en Guinée

Chers amis,

Voici quelques photos de la visite SALT réalisées le mois de Juin en Guinée. Je ne ferai pas un speech, mais seulement vous dire quelques mots concernant la visite. J'aimerais préciser que ce voyage à été ma première visite à SALT  et m'a ainsi permit de débuter mon aventure en Afrique noire. J'ai eu la chance de partager ce voyage avec Jean-Louis, Jocelyne, nos amis de RDC Compétence, Judith et Eric, d'Antoine d'Unicef-Congo, de notre ami venu du Mali, Sangaré, et aussi…


Added by Loli Rey on September 22, 2012 at 11:02pm — 2 Comments

Working in the community visit

Kufunda Learning Village

Learning, Community, and Sustainability

Working in and with and through Community

by Stephen Diwauripo


“It takes a community to realize its possibilities”

For the past three weeks the Kufunda facilitation team has been into three different communities working with community farming groups to help them connect more strongly, exploring their community…


Added by stephen Diwauripo on September 21, 2012 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

« Un atelier sur le SALT, c’est comme le marché aux poissons » A workshop on SALT is like the fish market

Florence Muissange, facilitatrice de l’équipe de Mbuji Mayi, nous raconte : « A chaque fois que nous avons un atelier sur l’approche SALT, c’est comme un marché au poisson. Qu’on entre au marché pour acheter ou contempler, on en ressort toujours avec l’odeur du poisson sur soi.»

Nous venons de terminer la séance d’orientation à Mbuji Mayi, pour les équipes de soutien qui vont appuyer le projet « Gestion Communautaire de la Survie de l’Enfants ». Les participants repartent avec…


Added by Laurence Gilliot on September 20, 2012 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

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