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Stories about Response (2,395)

Lessons Learned from a Facilitation "Understanding SALT' in Singapore, November 9-11, 2018, by Veronique, Wiwin and Sirinate

Key lessons we have learned from our joint facilitation (together with Jean-Louis Lamboray, Ranganayaki Thangavelu from Beyond, and Vincent Ng from Good S pace) are as follows.

To know the group, listen to them and adapt. The participantsare very smart and used to structural ways of study, training, and working. They are also grown up in…


Added by Sirinate Piyajitpirat on November 27, 2018 at 6:02am — 8 Comments

Global Learning Festival: "Stimulating and Responding to Invitations as a way towards Sustainability for Local Response"

Response and Stimulating Invitations as a way towards sustainability of local Response”

The Global Learning Festival in Bandung Indonesia brought together people from diverse cultures and experiences. This also meant that learning was perceived differently, and each person would most likely reflect different from what they saw, experienced or participated in.  As a person who has lived and experienced the SALT/CLCP process unfold, it was good to look deep on what…


Added by Meble Birengo on November 23, 2018 at 4:05pm — 2 Comments

Kenya Competence Trust: As You Open Your Eyes - Kasikeu Nguuni Kids Clubs

Kids and youth clubs have been very significant in stimulating responses in Kithituni Community Kenya for over ten years.  They began in the early 2000’s in response to the then high concerns for HIV/AIDS, orphans and increased number of Child Headed Households. Kids clubs were a pathway to strengthen the Psycho Social aspects in the community with the child being at the centre and most Kid clubs ( K-clubs) took different forms.  Some were community driven clubs, others through churches,…


Added by Meble Birengo on November 23, 2018 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Why one should attend GLFs? Some Reflections

It was the last of GLF 2018 in Bandung. Participants were excited during the afternoon. We all were hoping on a bus one by one to attend a cultural event at Saung Udjo, a place where we were going to play a local cultural instrument called Angklung. Laurie came to me and asked for a short video to be recorded. This was supposed to be my reflections on why should people attend events like GLF 2018. She made sure that once the group come back I will spare few…


Added by Sohail Amir Ali Bawani on November 23, 2018 at 10:48am — 6 Comments

What is driving Incompetence ? ‘We are SALTy not because you pay us’

Throughout the GLF 2018 in Bandung, this question ‘what is driving Indo Competence?’ was driving me nuts and constantly buzzing in my head. Since, in Pakistan, I am also dreaming about a team who has this sort of commitment and depth. But I did not know that the answer I am searching for was lying in my heart and I was not tapping into its capacity to respond immediately. Such a pity I thought :-D Thanks to academia, I am more living in my head then heart.…


Added by Sohail Amir Ali Bawani on November 23, 2018 at 10:45am — 5 Comments

Understanding is brain work, excepting is heart one, as human I combine both.

I was member of group that visited community of Penawar in the event organised by Open Space and National Volunteer and Philanthropy Center (NVPC) in Singapore on 8th -11th November 2018. During the program Constellation's joint coaches in collaboration with Ranga from Beyond Social Service were facilitating the sessions. For me,  this SALT learning was very special as well as challenging, and of course so much fun, in regards to Singaporean friends who are very smart,  detail and very much…


Added by wiwin winarni on November 22, 2018 at 2:39pm — No Comments

Improving integration of refugees in Switzerland / Améliorer l'intégration des réfugiés en Suisse

Improving integration of refugees in Switzerland

Version française à la fin

Over the WE of the 17thand 18thof November we started our collaboration with the organisation euforia (Switzerland) by a first facilitator’s training. The purpose of that collaboration is to build a common approach (Constellation & euforia) to support the various…


Added by Luc Barriere-Constantin on November 22, 2018 at 9:28am — 4 Comments

Youth mobilizes great! - #GLF2018

“The government’s community health services wasn’t having a lot of luck reaching out to youth on adolescent sexual and reproductive health. They started to recognize the value of local response when they saw that youth had much more influence on other youth…


Added by wiwin winarni on November 22, 2018 at 5:01am — 1 Comment

SALT influencing Family Planning in Indonesia - Reflection from a field staff - #GLF2018

From 1975 to 2000, the Indonesian government used military force to coerce women into using contraception. Women were forcibly taken from their homes and had an IUD put in. Women would get alerted when they knew army officers were coming to their homes, and they would run and hide elsewhere. So it wasn’t a very successful approach to population control. 

Then, the government introduced a counselling-focused family…


Added by wiwin winarni on November 22, 2018 at 4:50am — 2 Comments

Engagement needs emotion (e-motion , energy in motion )

Engagement needs emotion (e-motion, energy in motion).

When do you feel most energised to act?

When looking at a problem or when looking at an opportunity?

When talking about what is going wrong or when talking about what your dream is?

When you feel listened to and connected with the group or when you feel like talking to a wall?

When you feel others are linking to your dream or when you are looked at as a blamer or as a messenger of bad news?



Added by Jan Somers on November 20, 2018 at 10:57am — 5 Comments

Session 1 GLF 2018 - What is a local support team? - Experience of IndoCompetence / Qu'est-ce-qu'une équipe locale de soutien? - L'expérience d'IndoCompetence

Traduction en français en commentaire 

Session facilitated by Wiwin 

Wiwin share that when she contacted Marlou to say “IndoCompetence will host the GLF this year”, she asked Marlou, what is the goal? What do you want us to do with this event?

And surprisingly Marlou asked…


Added by khorchi laurie on November 19, 2018 at 11:53am — 2 Comments

"L pour Liberté d'être soi-même" - "L for Liberty to be ourself"

" J'étais pas sûre de vouloir être là aujourd'hui. J'étais pas convaincu de la pertinence de ce groupe et puis maintenant... j'ai envie de voir ce groupe ce créer. J'ai envie d'apprendre à vous connaître plus et avancer ensemble" - Nous dit Caroline, une femme plutôt introverti, membre du groupe pilote d'habitat groupé FitMyNest de Nivelle (Belgique). 

C'est la synthèse d'une après-midi de facilitations. 6 membres du groupes pilote de cet habita…


Added by khorchi laurie on November 18, 2018 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Un million de femmes écrivains: tout est affaire de patience! - One milion writters : It's all about patience!

Nous sommes le mercredi 24 Octobre 2018, le 3ème jour du Festival d'échange. 

Lors de la préparation de la visite SALT qui aura lieu le lendemain, nous échangeons avec Dina, qui représente une communauté de femmes écrivains, qui ont créer une école visant à stimuler les femmes à écrire. Autour de Dina, nous ne sommes que dès femmes, toutes plus curieuses les une que les autres. 

Après avoir essayé d'identifier notre rêve commun à l'issue de cette visite SALT, nous nous…


Added by khorchi laurie on November 16, 2018 at 11:05pm — No Comments

Sharing is Learning

 A learning festival serves as a platform for the exchange of good practices.  8 mothers and 3 youth from Singapore who are in Bandung this week were surprised that their experiences and reflections were valued by participants from other parts of the world. They may not always be able to explain their efforts with a philosophical or practice framework but that did not prevent them from inspiring others.

Khidir, a youth leader was listening to a sharing about the role of a local…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on November 16, 2018 at 3:19am — 1 Comment

Lessons: facilitating youth in their late teens/adolescence

Third meeting:  mixed group of boys and girls (step one of CLCP) 

We started CLCP with adolescents who attend computer classes in SAATHI Community centre of Institute of Social Studies Trust, Delhi in India. The aim is how they can be themselves and discover their inner potential. Additionally, how can they value and support each…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on November 15, 2018 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

"The ownership of raising funds for it should have belonged to the people"

I publish this story in the behalf of Kees Lafeber. It is also avaiable here:

“In the last four years, I’ve spent a lot of time in Maluku, Indonesia, where my wife’s parents are from. I’m retired and a photographer, so I spend a lot of time clicking pictures in the community. Through this, I noticed the massive waste problem in the…


Added by Marie Lamboray on November 15, 2018 at 9:02am — 3 Comments

Programs pass; SALT stays!

October 22, Bandung. Pak Sonny takes the floor, visibly moved. In his address to about 70 participants  at the Global Learning Festival (GLF), he explains why he flew all the way from Papua to West Java. “Papua has known many programs to deal with AIDS, he says. They came and went. The one that stayed with us is SALT, because it made us understand what we could do on our own”. I cried. 6 years ago, a change in leadership  had dashed our hopes to support Papua…


Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on November 9, 2018 at 4:01am — 4 Comments

#kickingnovember: 11/2018 11 boys, 1 goal

During the whole November the focus of Constellations As You Open Your Eyes project will be on a young team of football players on the island of Mauritius.

For them football isn’t just a fun ball game but one way to escape drug and alcohol abuse and their violent surroundings.…


Added by Marlou on November 7, 2018 at 9:50am — 1 Comment

Sustainability of Local Responses and support organisations: Looking below the surface. (Version française à la fin du post)

Sustainability of Local Responses and support organisations

Looking below the surface.

I had the privilege to participate at the Global Learning Festival in Bandung, from 21stto 27thOctober 2018. During that event, we carried out SALT visits in the communities around, and the local organisers had done an excellent job in identifying and mobilise 6 groups/communities/organisations…


Added by Luc Barriere-Constantin on November 5, 2018 at 7:43pm — 4 Comments

Healing yourself is connected with healing others

"Forum Komunikasi Peduli Anak" is community initiative in Bandung that positions itself as a welcoming resource for children-at-risk. On 31 March 2015, 15 neighbours who were concerned about prostitution among the young decided to do something. They were parents themselves and felt a sense of duty to extend themselves to other children in their midst who lacked a sense of stability and were making poor choices. They held the belief that once someone becomes aware of a problem, not doing…


Added by Gerard Ee Huck LIan on November 5, 2018 at 2:23pm — 3 Comments

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