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Stories about Response (2,396)

A new kind of aid donor: Four things they do differently

We all know there are aid donors and international funding partners out there that want to change “business as usual” in development (or at least people inside those institutions that do). We also all know that for various reasons, they’re not moving quick enough for those working on the ground.

New donors could come in and fill the gaps. But more importantly, we need a new kind of donor, whether they are recent to the scene or not.

The organizations that I see doing…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on June 18, 2012 at 2:19pm — 2 Comments

Histoire 2 : Refus de l’asile aux moustiques ! Lien avec l’hygiène du milieu

La communauté « Si on te lave le dos, laves toi le ventre pour être propre » a décidé lors de son assemblée générale de santé pour tous ce qui suit : Article 1 : Toute personne résidant sur le territoire doit obligatoirement refuser l’asile à tout moustique même dans les cas humanitaires internationalement reconnus Article 2 : Pour le respect scrupuleux dudit article, les dispositions suivantes doivent être respectées. - balayer régulièrement sa chambre, sa cour, sa devanture, les coins et…


Added by Younoussa Diarra on June 9, 2012 at 10:48pm — 2 Comments

Histoire 3 : L’oiseau, le sorcier et la coépouse ! Lien reconnaissance et acceptation du paludisme comme étant une maladie.


La pensée collective manding dans sa tentative d’expliquer la mort d’une personne. Pour un  enfant de bas qui mourrait, on disait qu’il a ‘’rebroussé chemin’’ de la longue traversée de ce monde ici-bas. Mais ce fait n’est pas dénué de raisons. Les raisons évoquées étaient entre autres : la méchante vieille femme sans enfant, la coépouse jalouse et enfin l’oiseau.

En fait, comme un aigle qui plane dans le firmament, le regard perçant, fonce sur sa proie à la vitesse d’une…


Added by Younoussa Diarra on June 9, 2012 at 10:38pm — 3 Comments

Histoire 1 : Sangardo : la moustiquaire, un facteur d’inclusion ! Lien avec adapter notre réponse

La sensibilisation sur l’utilisation de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticide. Le comité de suivi a remarqué que l’utilisation de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticide ne respectait pas certaines valeurs communautaires.

En effet, dans certains foyers, l’homme se couchait seul sous la moustiquaire et la maman et son enfant en dehors exposés aux piqures des insectes (moustiques, cafards, punaises et autres).

D’autres faisaient entrer la femme et l’enfant tentait de dormir en…


Added by Younoussa Diarra on June 9, 2012 at 10:26pm — 1 Comment

"Encountering Strength, Exploring Dreams, Now Taking Actions"

Dear all,


Along the journey, I have encountered some challenges and some strength working in the community.

Recently, a  group of community  volunteers gathered to review their dreams as community which they created 4 month earlier, below is the review, what they have archive so far and some plans to move forward:



Christina and the youths has recruited 2 other youths for arts performance.

Aliff  15, and Rasul 15,…


Added by Mark Anthony Ambrose on June 7, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Designing LGBTI Sensitive DRR & Relief Programmes

This was the first cross-posting of Constellation with UNDP's  Solution Exchange India and Bhutan and India Civil Society. The consolidated reply of the responses was compiled by G. Padmanabhan and Mamta Katwal, Resource Persons, Nupur Arora, Research Associate, and Rituu B. Nanda, Share Facilitator, Constellation with additional support from Sarah Figge Hussain, Solution Exchange…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on June 3, 2012 at 3:04pm — 1 Comment

The westernized nature of the #socent industry, by Akhila Kolisetty

I am a U.S. Citizen. I am relatively wealthy and educated; in the vast spectrum of this planet, I am the 1%. I am literate and fluent in English. I have connections to hundreds of middle and upper class individuals who I can gain support and funding from. I have a supportive family. I have the ability to write grants in persuasive English. I have unlimited access to the Internet and social media sites; I know how to manipulate these platforms to market my own initiatives and endeavors, if so…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on June 2, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments

La Communauté Baptiste au Congo ouvre sa formation à d'autres participants

Pasteur Laddy Lombo explique qu'en ouvrant la formation au VIH à des participants d'autres dénominations, la CBCO coopère facilement avec ces derniers sur le terrain

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 31, 2012 at 4:46pm — 1 Comment

Pasteur Tharcisse fait face à sa séropositivité

Joy Imabashengezi de BUNERELA raconte comment Pasteur Tharcisse a fait face au Sida dans son propre foyer, et a emmené avec lui sa communauté. Merci Pasteur Tharcisse pour votre témoignage.

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 31, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Un pasteur invite une femme prostituée à témoigner

Isaac Milonga de la Communauté Baptiste en Afrique Centrale raconte comment un pasteur invite une prostituée de sa communauté à revenir chez elle et à témoigner. Merci Isaac!

Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on May 31, 2012 at 4:26pm — 1 Comment

Appreciative Inquiry: THE Question

As an appreciative inquiry practitioner, it’s so easy to get caught up in the ‘busy-ness’ of work and forget to ask myself the most important question of the day.

And what’s that?

It’s “What appreciative question can I ask today?”

Without asking myself this, I often feel like an Appreciative Inquiry technician. That is, a technician who uses AI as a ‘tool’ rather than one who lives the principles of…


Added by chris on May 31, 2012 at 3:36am — 4 Comments

first meeting experince at polban


I will share about what I felt when i became a facilitator at Advocacy and Human Right community in POLBAN. I felt nervous at the begining, because i felt i didn't have experience in advocay things or human right, but then it's start easily when the members share each other. we started with introduced our self. then we tried to share about the greatest moment in their life. one of the members, Ega's moment, he felt proud of became good moeslem (it's so inspired me), and…


Added by venty susanty on May 30, 2012 at 4:55pm — No Comments

Glocon Update

Patterns are emerging and confirmed through Glocon in 9 countries so far (19 local documented community encounters) -including...(seen in each CSS in the 'themes that matter to us' section-see

1. Local neighbourhood community matters-it is the DNA of Global Health. There are more neighbourhoods than any other type of community, and they will remain when…

Added by Ian Campbell on May 28, 2012 at 8:44am — 4 Comments

Life’s Garden

I feel like we are all here for specific purposes–to be great at something and to provide something unique that makes each one of us exceptional. For me I think that means inspiring motivativating and empowering inviduals;…


Added by Sir Dr Adrian Daisley on May 26, 2012 at 1:30am — No Comments

Concerns versus Problem

I have a great privilege to be part of a wonderful coaching team for the Aquatic Agricultural System (AAS) Competence in Bangladesh, Solomon Islands and Zambia. Last week, I’ve  learned so much from the team (i.e. Bobby from India, Olivia from UK, Onesmus from Kenya and Wiwin from Indonesia) on how to explain the differences between ‘concern’ and ‘problem’ and why the Constellation chooses to emphasize on ‘concerns’. Here are what we have put our thoughts together.


1.    What…


Added by Sirinate Piyajitpirat on May 24, 2012 at 7:59am — 22 Comments

What make a person a facilitator (CLCP)

This is what I feel about person capacity to be able to facilitate CLCP. I'm too worry about giving opportunity to person who actually able to be facilitator but she/he has not already attending TOF or learning event and the like. It's about how to ensure that SALT and CLCP been learned, , shared and transferred without any project intervention or money support. I don't know why I personally been really evoked and involved at this SALT and CLCP things. I just feel that, borrowing Olivia's…


Added by wiwin winarni on May 23, 2012 at 5:57pm — No Comments

Cloud of Beauty


One of my favorite past time is watching the sunset.  My heart leaps with joy at the sight of the clouds, dancing in the colorful display of lights.  I thank God for such a magnificent sight and acknowledge that He too has created all humans, beautiful and for a purpose.

Recently I met a Chinese lady by the name,…


Added by Maizy Tan on May 23, 2012 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

Write a book in 4 hours with 20 grassroots organizations?—How!?!

Lucia Hass knows how! She shares her recent experience in Myanmar, which she has graciously agreed to cross-post from her site, beads—passion for facilitation.


With development loosing political interest in developed nations, It has become even more important that stories of grassroots organizations get told and heard. Local…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on May 20, 2012 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Women empowerment: in which ways???

Many people including women leaders and social workers are excited about women empowerment in development and under developed country. It is true that in those countries, there have been created many opportunities to empowered women and now women especially poor women of those countries are empowered themselves than last decades. Access in Micro finance and borrowing microcredit and getting working opportunity in garment sectors and another big or small industries or business and other…


Added by Suman Chowdhury Mony on May 17, 2012 at 12:36pm — 1 Comment


I greatly appreciated the opportunity given to me to listen to two mothers share their stories.


Mdm. E taught me that strong, deeply rooted desires and believing in “I CAN” (a person’s capabilities), is a path that leads to their achievements.

Mdm. E had a very hard life, a life of rejection. Listening to her, I could feel so much positive vibes in her, even though she has not experienced love and appreciation since childhood to her early adult life.

She shared…


Added by Christina Maria Padman on May 16, 2012 at 6:38am — No Comments

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