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Integration/Link of CORE Approach to CLCP

I have been asked about "integration of CORE Approach into CLCP and PAR Process" by many members and I greatly apologize for not being able to respond to you all in this regards. I commit myself that I will share my view point on how the integration could be taken place in my next article.

Nevertheless, I would like to share with you that the CORE Approach (Collaborative for Resilience) is a complimentary method to CLCP or PAR by which CORE Approach more focuses on Conflict…


Added by HAK Sochanny on June 4, 2014 at 1:17pm — 2 Comments

LEARN Team Dream 2014

Over the past month, the LEARN team for 2014 have shared personal dreams and a shared dream for LEARN in 2014.

Our dream as the LEARN team is to work from the strengths of each member in order to expand our wealth of knowledge. To develop tools that can be used for capturing valuable lessons from our experiences through a process that inspires more sharing, and developing the expertise of the wider coaching…


Added by April Foster on June 4, 2014 at 7:39am — No Comments


LEARN Team 2014
There is a dynamic team formed around the LEARN Function of the GST for 2014.  This team will be led by April Foster as the SPR and includes Autry Haynes (Guyana), Meble Birengo (Kenya), Virgilio Suande (Mozambique), Mike Nzenga (South Africa), Susanne Mueller (USA), Phil Forth (UK).  This team will be supported and link to the other GST Functions of CARE, SHARE and TRANSFER.  This team is by no means exclusive, but will give a focus to capturing and sharing as…

Added by April Foster on June 2, 2014 at 11:26am — 1 Comment

Apply Dream Building and SALT to work with Youth issue and challenges

I have invited to conduct training to SOS Cambodia's staffs in topic of Youth issue and solution.

I decided to chose two tools from CLCP that are potential and fit to cope with this issue. The main issue is that, youth can not do right decision making in their career and drop school, poor school performance, and behavior problem.

In order to solve problem above, I have link psychology and CLCP.

Psychology: I have lectured and provide psycho-education…


Added by thuon nary on May 29, 2014 at 11:23am — 2 Comments

CLCP Concept stimuating community youth and older persons to respond to issues of poor hygiene and sanitation for older persons

Community Hive Organisation volunteer staff facilitating community on Community Life Competence towards improving hygiene and sanitation among older persons in Sitabaale village, Busukuma Sub-county- Wakiso District, through inter-generational approach.CHO is now much convinced that this community has the potential to disseminate CLCP concept to benefit other communities through conducting activities that address issues of poor hygiene and sanitation for older persons.…


Added by Nsubuga Godfrey on May 23, 2014 at 4:22pm — 2 Comments

Before You Give Up …Look Up!

‘When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on’ Franklin D. Roosevelt

The world has been metaphorically referred to as a battle field, and we are the fighters. As it is in every fight, there are winners and losers. The line between winning and losing is a thin one. Whether we are on the winning side or the losing side is largely dependent on how long we are ready to hold on without losing sight of the results we want even when they don’t seem to be…


Added by Steve Muthusi on May 23, 2014 at 9:44am — 1 Comment

Matumaini Community Centre with Tanzania House of Hope

Hello to all CLCP members! 

My name is Gemma Todd and I am the co-founder and co-director of Tanzania House of Hope, a local NGO based in Mwanza, Tanzania. 

After an inspiring introduction to CLCP by the facilitation team in Uganda early this year, we have remained adamant to understand how we can apply and effectively implement CLCP in our developmental work. As an organisation we are empowering the rights of older people, however, we do so through a intergenerational and…


Added by Gemma Todd on May 17, 2014 at 8:44pm — 8 Comments

Tell your story

Are you struggling to share your experience, to tell your story? Is finding the right words a problem? There's a new app out for iPad called Adobe Voice.
If you have access to an iPad give it a try. It guides you through a way to present your story in a powerful way.

Added by Geoff Parcell on May 13, 2014 at 9:47pm — No Comments

Share for the Future -- a video created at the recent gathering in Barcelona

After three intense days of dialogue in early April, the team that had gathered to create a vision and plan for the future of the Constellation's Share function had formed a
collective dream. In this video, MariJo Vasquez shares about the dream, which was also captured graphically. Enjoy!

Added by Michelle Strutzenberger on May 2, 2014 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments

New wine …new wine skins!

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,

 anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

It is a familiar statement. Put differently, once every little while. We have all intentionally or been forced by circumstances to… Start a new chapter, open a new page, go back to the drawing board, start a fresh and all those synonyms that you may have used when it was time to concede some reality and take on a new path…

Added by Steve Muthusi on April 30, 2014 at 2:13pm — 2 Comments

life is rich when we share, a personal tale about Transforming Dumping Side to Fresh Garden

Just one Small Simple Idea ended my long time annoyance with neighbours 

On the 9th of Feb, my young boy and I decided to show love to one small piece of land by our house. A little land now used by neighbours as a dumping ground. [click …


Added by zoneziwoh on April 29, 2014 at 10:41pm — 5 Comments

Engaging & Empowering women and young people in Cameroon through SMS

Women for a Change (WFAC) Buea's e-advocacy and SMS advocacy creates impact during 08 March activism

As you know, over the years WFAC advocacies has always been person-to-person and electronic. For The first time, it has to used…


Added by zoneziwoh on April 29, 2014 at 10:13pm — No Comments

The Hunger Project - a community self-help 'epicenter' approach

Thought you'd all be interested in this - African community-based approach:

Added by Jindra Cekan on April 29, 2014 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Stepping up community self-sustainability, one [Ethiopian] step at a time

Stepping up community self-sustainability, one [Ethiopian] step at a time


Having just come back from evaluation and design fieldwork for an Ethiopian Red Cross (ERCS)/ Swedish Red Cross/ Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent project, the power of communities is still palpable in my mind. They know what great impact looks like. They know what activities they can best sustain themselves. It's up to us to ask, listen and…


Added by Jindra Cekan on April 29, 2014 at 3:21pm — 3 Comments

Hope sustains

The Karurumo team one of the five communities I am working in,organized an home visit into one of the homes of an orphan that comes for the KAY club meeting(KIDS AND YOUTH CLUB).KAY clubs is the avenue that we use to connect with youth in the communities,whereby communities have identified a field were kids and youth meet during the week-ends.The grand mother of the child lives in a government grave yard!What keeps you going Mama,One of the members of the group asks?The…


Added by John Mutua on April 25, 2014 at 12:05pm — 2 Comments

Passing on the SALT to Renaissance Group and Mahebourg community

Simultaneous stimulation. 

Renaissance is one of the Mauritius Drug platform members. They are actively involved in the Platform actions. Over the last two months, Constellation Coaches have been simultaneous stimulating the Platform, Platform members to begin to integrate SALT/CLC in their context. Over the last 2  months period Coaches have been visiting (through invitation) platform members to learn and appreciate the work they do. As part of platform level process…


Added by Onesmus Mutuku on April 23, 2014 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Added SALT(y) taste in Personality Development Taining (HYIC, Kaski, Nepal)

Dear all,

I am sharing my experience of few months back when I was invited to Hemja Youth Information Center (HYIC), Kaski for Personality Developement program as a trainer. In the program I applied SALT approach in 25 youth members of HYIC which was very effective.

People view 'personality development' as enhancing physical appearance and attributes which we…


Added by Dipendra on April 17, 2014 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

Kindred Spirits in Barcelona

On one of my last evenings in Barcelona a few of us gathered at a cozy shop in an old part of the city called La Villa de Gracias (the Village of Gratitude) to talk over mango milkshakes and crepes.

After three days of working together, we had reached a place of being willing to share quite openly of struggles in our lives.

I found myself drawing strength and hope from MariJo Vasquez in particular, a native of Barcelonia. MariJo has faced struggles yet has clearly come…


Added by Michelle Strutzenberger on April 15, 2014 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

Share team (e)motion weekend in Barcelona!

Hello friends :) !

Starting on the 6th of April, a few of us gathered in Barcelona to dream about the “share” function within the Constellation and the ways in which our dream for 2050 could be brought about, little by little, through our concerted actions. Many of you were also present in thought, some through Skype, and a good many through the wonderful individual dreams for share that you sent in. Thank you everyone for contributing to making this get-together…


Added by Célicia Theys on April 15, 2014 at 6:30pm — 6 Comments


When the passive dreamer sleeps and snores, …the passionate visionary rises and soars.

The names in the hall of fame are not of those who hang their dreams on a wall frame and did nothing: it is those who realized that dreams need daily dusting and that one cannot do so without soiling their hands. Dreamers are darers who are not afraid to try, and don’t mind cutting a sweat. With time, like my guitar, some dreams might have gone out of tune, and others rusted, there is need to WORK… Continue

Added by Steve Muthusi on April 11, 2014 at 12:21pm — 6 Comments

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