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Wiwin winarni's Blog (23)

Voice Global Linking and Learning Festival - Thailand 2024

What makes this learning festival special and different from previous ones for me? I was able to meet directly with facilitators and other grantees who had been interacting online for 22 months.

This four days meeting felt like the beginning of our encounter, including revision and improvement on of learning processes and sharing in the community of practices group. And of course what is no less important were the fun, joy, delicious food, dancing and sharing the fun and unique culture,…


Added by wiwin winarni on May 5, 2024 at 3:24pm — No Comments

SALT is Safeguarding

What makes me think that SALT is safeguarding is because the SALT principle emphasizes focusing on strengths. This means that when we dialogue we learn to convey what we feel we are able to do and as the interlocutor we appreciate the positive things or strengths even from an unpleasant event. This prevents people from feeling blamed, cornered, attacked or even judged.
When someone shares a bad experience, we try to connect with people who have experienced similar experiences in…

Added by wiwin winarni on May 5, 2024 at 2:38pm — No Comments

"10 out of 10"

We are in a lockdown situation that hindering us to have face-to-face engagement with our friends involved in the Go Girl Project. However, our online discussion with friends in the field has inspired us on how to outreach a wider potential Go Girl Project's campaigner using social media. Then we agreed to conduct a writing competition on the topic. In collaboration with Dina, a volunteer of IndoCompetence who has transformed into an independent publisher, our initiative has attracted 30…

Added by wiwin winarni on September 2, 2021 at 3:19am — No Comments

CLCP : An Opportunity and a Celebration of Life and Stories - Notes from Virtual SALT-CLCP Training Beyond Social Service Singapore

  • Sharing of Gerlita Maquirang Condino, A Veteran CLCP and SALT Practitioner

It has been a long while since I did any activity with the Pinoy Competence, much more with anybody from the Constellation. That email inviting a facilitator from Asia came in as a surprise as well as invigorating as drops of rain in a parched field on a summer day!

One email, two preparatory meetings, and now we are into the second day of the third team in this 3 Day…


Added by wiwin winarni on May 28, 2021 at 1:59am — 2 Comments

WHO ARE WE? The Four Mothers Managing Virtual SALT Training - the preparatory notes

I was so happy and proud to be assigned to facilitate virtual SALT Training for our dear Beyond Social Service Singapore.  The training was conducted for 9 days and split into 3 days per week starting from 17 May until  2 June 2021. For me, it means a lot particularly the side effect of furnishing my English.  I have no doubt to work with any SALT facilitators all around the world since we can easily be connected since we believe in humanity and SALT.  But what? I've got a lot of learning,…


Added by wiwin winarni on May 18, 2021 at 12:50pm — 2 Comments

"What a lively virtual visit discussion, we forgot to take a photo!”

Marlou and I were overwhelmed with joy and enthusiasm when we knew that there were more than 20 friends from three continents joining the first Virtual SALT Visit in the Go Girl project.  We visited Babes, an NGO in Singapore working to take care of pregnant youths. We opened the session by sharing through a chat box who we are and the age of our mom when she delivered us.  As Marlou said, this is an appreciation of our mothers. I found that participant mothers were 19 - 38 years old…


Added by wiwin winarni on April 29, 2021 at 5:02pm — 3 Comments

SALT enables people with disability managing project implementation -

Thanks to Marie who encourages me patiently to share my learning on the application of SALT and CLCP by a local NGO named BILIC or Bandung Independent Living Center.  Initially, I was facilitated by Rituu to discuss with Joao Arnaldo Vembane, a SALT facilitator and a former officer at Handicap International in Mozambique on the preparation of the training. Really appreciate and Thanks to Rituu and my dear friend Joao ( a father with a newly born baby girl)



Added by wiwin winarni on April 8, 2021 at 7:00am — No Comments

"SALT helps me learn all the time!"

I have been part of the Family Planning (FP) Board in West Java Province and Bandung city to work on community empowerment of the family planning program. there are almost 2000 village-level groups established since 2016 with the objective to boost contraceptive use among women in reproductive members as well as cultivate the eight family functions among families in Indonesia. Using this village-level group, it is expected that families of the targeted groups become a member and benefited…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 24, 2020 at 5:21pm — 2 Comments

CLCP and SALT on the #1st Indonesian Aids Conference 2019

Widad and I were so impressed when Sis, head of Bandung City Aids's Commission shared on one satellite session at the conference about SALT and CLCP.  She shared that there was 8 community-based aids prevention and care group (WPA) trained and capacitated at 2018 and some of WPA keep working since they have a clear vision and action…


Added by wiwin winarni on December 7, 2019 at 5:14am — 4 Comments

One Year after #GLF2018 Bandung - Indonesia #1

This morning we sat together and shared what happens to us as individuals and the local support team after IndoCompetnec's "come-back debut".  Last year, with no prior experience attending previous GLF, Bandung's local team encourage our-selves to organize it.  We are thanking Dewi Rahmadania and all Global Support Team who were lending brains and hands to assist us. Lessons learned and achievements were celebrated and we keep this beautiful memory and experience deep inside us. Today we…


Added by wiwin winarni on October 27, 2019 at 12:59pm — 1 Comment

What Family Planning Board Officer's think about SALT - SALT's influencing FP Program Indonesia -#3

Salt and CLCP were introduced in West Java in 2008 when UNFPA country program was piloting aids and adolescent reproductive health (ARH) competence. During that period Elma, youth program officer in West java Family planning Board, was invited to observe cLCP training in Tasikmalaya District and been inspired to use CLCP and SaLT on her youth program. Indocompetence was invited to train students and youths members of ARH groups that were established in the communities and…

Added by wiwin winarni on September 3, 2019 at 5:14am — 1 Comment

SALT's Effect on Kampong KB (Family Planning Village) - After Activity Reflection - Indonesia #part2

Four of the local facilitators attended after activity reflection on introducing SALT and CLCP on Kampong KB initiative. There were

1. Nurkomala Dewi who is good at inclusive education, family-based care and caring of children with disability.

2. Linda Yuliantini, she is very smart on communication and enthusiast on gender and waste maagement

3. Widad Farid Z, who is our champion on reproductive health (RH), advocacy on RH program design and costing 

4. my…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 15, 2019 at 4:02pm — 1 Comment

SALT's Effect on Kampong KB (Family Planning Village) - Indonesia #part1

Hello dearest friends!

These are stories of my individual's experiences and other local facilitators' ones when we worked with 13 groups on the Family Planning/Keluarga Berencana - KB Villages program (Kampong KB).  The program is the Indonesian Presidents' initiative to boost poverty alleviation by inviting all relevant development actors to support the Kampoong KB movement. Currently, the initiative has been run for three years and we found almost 2100 Kampong KB has been…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 15, 2019 at 3:22pm — 1 Comment

(Again) Learning from Mistake

This is a reflection of the valuable learning from my participation as a member of the CLCP facilitator’s team conducted by the Singapore National Volunteerism and Philanthropy Center. This training was the second session. The first session was held in November 2018. Interesting learning is a flow of the facilitation process.


As always, the…


Added by wiwin winarni on March 18, 2019 at 1:13pm — 1 Comment

Understanding is brain work, excepting is heart one, as human I combine both.

I was member of group that visited community of Penawar in the event organised by Open Space and National Volunteer and Philanthropy Center (NVPC) in Singapore on 8th -11th November 2018. During the program Constellation's joint coaches in collaboration with Ranga from Beyond Social Service were facilitating the sessions. For me,  this SALT learning was very special as well as challenging, and of course so much fun, in regards to Singaporean friends who are very smart,  detail and very much…


Added by wiwin winarni on November 22, 2018 at 2:39pm — No Comments

Youth mobilizes great! - #GLF2018

“The government’s community health services wasn’t having a lot of luck reaching out to youth on adolescent sexual and reproductive health. They started to recognize the value of local response when they saw that youth had much more influence on other youth…


Added by wiwin winarni on November 22, 2018 at 5:01am — 1 Comment

SALT influencing Family Planning in Indonesia - Reflection from a field staff - #GLF2018

From 1975 to 2000, the Indonesian government used military force to coerce women into using contraception. Women were forcibly taken from their homes and had an IUD put in. Women would get alerted when they knew army officers were coming to their homes, and they would run and hide elsewhere. So it wasn’t a very successful approach to population control. 

Then, the government introduced a counselling-focused family…


Added by wiwin winarni on November 22, 2018 at 4:50am — 2 Comments

Learning has so many forms and faces! - #GLF2018_reflection #2

As a person with a teacher background, learning for me is like a big class monologue. My colleague and mentor, Sirinate Piyajitpirat, was on the same page with me when we were organizing session on SALT Experiential Lab Workshop on the GLF.

In # GLF2018 I really learned one form and face of learning. Why does learning need to be done in small groups? Why does learning need to be done in a warm atmosphere and even allow people to experience through touch, deep interaction and direct…


Added by wiwin winarni on November 5, 2018 at 4:34am — 2 Comments

I'm living my dream! - GLF Reflection #1


Added by wiwin winarni on November 5, 2018 at 4:07am — 1 Comment

INDONESIA - Aids Competence, with new spirit

Things happen when ready to happen.  I quote this from Jean Louis's email some days ago. Yes, I feel the true of that inspiring sentence. 

IndoCompetence as newly-recharged group of facilitators is pleased to share what we have been learned as we facilitated Aids Competence training for two selected AIDS support communities at City of Bandung. Its been assumption that participants of training were conducted by City Aids Commission did not attend its until the training were fully…


Added by wiwin winarni on August 7, 2018 at 2:10pm — 3 Comments

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