My work day did not begin standing in a circle with familiar friendly faces sharing "what the weather is like inside" as has been the ritual of the last few days. But apart from the circle and the friendly faces...I found myself going through this process as I sat in my Office.
What a great way to start your day! Identifying your "weather" helps you to acclimatise your mind for the day ahead, it also helps you to consciously change your weather conditions… Continue
Added by Ashanta Osborne-Moses on February 11, 2010 at 2:52pm —
I don't see salt just as method or tool but rather a way of life. This mean once we adopt it within our lives we become salt and hence we ourself become the tool for change.
Added by Lloyd Pat Edun on February 11, 2010 at 1:35pm —
In many of the villages where Samraksha is involved with the communities, after the completion of , people have spoken about people they knew, sometimes their relatives who have had HIV and how they would like to help them and other people like them, and they now knew how to help them.
One woman spoke amidst much tears about her son, who had died due to HIV 10 years ago. She said she had cared for her son, when his wife had left him at the mothers house. SHe had bathed him, fed him…
Added by Arun Bhandari on February 11, 2010 at 1:30pm —
Ø Do it outside the office environment to help people relax.…
Added by Ryon Rawlins on February 9, 2010 at 9:51pm —
Voici un témoignage que m'a confié un ami burundais pour le partager avec vous. Nous avons, bien sûr, pris quelques précautions pour préserver son anonymat, compte tenu du contexte. (English translation follows).…
Added by Jean Legastelois on February 9, 2010 at 5:30pm —
What we Learn in Guyana from the Self Assessments, River and the Stairs Diagrams
- Self Assessment Framework: Helps us to access how well we re doing now, what levels we're at, and to set targets for the future.
- The River Diagram: Helps us compare our performance and progress with others…
Added by Korey Anthony Chisholm on February 9, 2010 at 2:56pm —
Its my privilege to apply the SALT after being ignorant of sum facts. Now, as a team, we will continue to empower prisoners and those in the rehabilitation center so as to produce better
rounded individuals who will be reintegrated into society. When the message goes into the home then we
are better equipped to deal with the community, it will then spread like a
disease making our work much…
Added by Marc on February 9, 2010 at 2:57am —
The People Living with HIV Self- Assessment was very inspiring. Their were so much stories and great dreams sheared on how person have overcome the problems to have great strengths today which was a learning experiences for the other members of the group. The assessment showed how the community felt base on their strengths and we were able to zoom in on what was right and how we can move as a group. Conversations were stimulated on how people living with HIV act or react to various situations…
Added by Korey Anthony Chisholm on February 8, 2010 at 10:30pm —
Today I had an opportunity to be a tourist and do some sightseeing in Georgetown, Guyana. Being Sunday, unfortunately all the churches, museums and handicraft shops I wanted to visit were closed. However, I came across a little piece of wisdom inscribed, on the 4 sides of a pole in front of a lovely building, by the Friends of Peace Pilgrim, Guyana Chapter, on 12 January 2004:…
Added by Usa Duongsaa on February 7, 2010 at 11:30pm —
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Today I began a training for 15 new Peer Educators within our HIV and AIDS education and awareness programme. And already, I note the difference this process has made in the very way I approach the training, the language I am using, and more importantly - how I view and interact with the potential PEs.
It occurred to me....that this is an excellent way of spreading the SALT message: Lets teach our YOUTH. Who better to make this investment in? We have seen and acknowledged what a…
Added by Ashanta Osborne-Moses on February 6, 2010 at 2:44am —
I was reading the Constellations news letter for January and thought will go bed soon as it is almost midnight here. I could not stop and go. I read the news on launching of blended learning programme and the comments made by the participants and also an experience shared by Phil.
Yes, I am talking about the organizations, say x NGO or even UNFPA who supports faciliatate CLC in communities and want to integrate CLC approach in it's strategic plan. Its a big and challenging task and I…
Added by rebeka sultana on February 5, 2010 at 5:30pm —
1 Comment
Today we did the Self Assessment Framework with some members of our Staff. It was abit challenging at first, but we came out quite good at the end. At the After Action Review, I came up with that we started with a one SALT and ended with the desired SALT.
The SALT we started with was
S- Suspicion
A- Apprehension
L- Lukewarm
T- Tension
We did well at end
Thanks to USA
Added by Nazim Hussain on February 4, 2010 at 9:00pm —
Le CDV mobile facilite-t-il l'accès à ce service?
Depuis 14h00', aujourd'hui, 04 février 2010, les équipes salt de RDCCompétence sont en discussion en rapport avec les services minimum offerts à nos communautés. Le dépistage constitue la question phare, qui a généré une discussion sans fin.
Yolo a prouvé que l'approche Salt a suffisanment aidé la zone de santé de Kalamu 2 à monter des nouvelles stratégies, purement communautaire qui constiste à inverser le processus. Ce…
Added by Samuel Michael MUSEY on February 4, 2010 at 4:59pm —
Dear All
Its about how to measure changes. How to be confident enough to put such number at status upon our practices. Meanwhile some of adapted responces had been made but we not so sure about that. At our context, Adolescent Reproductive health, some practices is not too specific and technical. Some are still general.
Our goup member has decided at what status they were, but still not really confident about that. As a team work this "unsure" status influence…
Added by wiwin winarni on February 4, 2010 at 10:17am —
Dear All
Good Evening
It is interesting that HIV/AIDS have impact on the religion also. Home and Community based HIV/AIDS Care and Support Programme is observed that the PLHA are converting their religion in Andhra Pradesh after acquiring the HIV/AIDS. They suffer with depression and psychological problems in beginning days and pray in their homes for some days. Later few are converting from Hinduism to Christianity. But it is observed that there is no conversion from…
Added by Abraham Mutluri on February 3, 2010 at 10:00am —
En 2009 nous avons vu quatre avancées majeures. Notre vision commune a évolué vers la compétence communautaire pour la vie. Grâce au développement de notre
programme d’apprentissage accompagné (« blended learning »), nous avons consolidé notre manière de penser, notre façon de travailler et harmonisé nos outils de facilitation. La plateforme Ning nous permet de partager nos expériences de facilitation…
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on February 2, 2010 at 5:56pm —
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(Version française au plus tard mercredi!)
2009 saw four major advances: first, our common vision evolved from AIDS Competence towards Community Life Competence; second, we consolidated our way of thinking, our way of working and related facilitation tools through the development of our blended learning program; third we can now learn and share with other Constellation members through Ning; fourth, we better understand our organizational model –the starfish!- and have at our disposal…
Added by Jean-Louis Lamboray on February 1, 2010 at 6:30pm —
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Many officers have issues with the condom, partly informed by myths, incorrect information, religious and cultural rigidity, machoism etc. These issues are a huge barrier to the promotion of correct and consistent condom use as an effective HIV prevention technique. Condom-use failure is also high amongst uniformed officers in Kenya as many of them 'believe' they know how to use yet a lot of human error occurs when they attempt to use it for sex.
It is for these reasons that I…
Added by OLUOCH-MADIANG' on February 1, 2010 at 1:24pm —
This is a story shared by the women in the village of Koodaliga, in Dharwad, Karnataka (India).
When a husband and wife died of HIV, their two young children were left orphaned. The other relatives of the children lived very far away and were not interested in taking responsibility for the children. Then a young lady, who was their neighbor, offered to care for the children and rise them. Today, she continues to rise the two children, along with her own . Her volunteering to come…
Added by murari rao samraksha india on February 1, 2010 at 12:17pm —
1 Comment
Can we as a constellation of connected people, groups and organizations who have experience with facilitating local responses, mobilize to share our experiences and results at the upcoming XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna? This is the challenge UNAIDS recently put to us. The invitation by UNAIDS signals a much greater openness to non bio medical approaches and related results.
Here is the catch: we need to submit as many abstracts as possible by…
Added by Marlou on January 29, 2010 at 12:30pm —