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September 2009 stories (11)

Attend a lecture on 'Cholesterol and HIV' tomorrow(30th September,09)

We all can view the following videocast tomorrow

"The Lipid and the Virus: The Story of Cholesterol and HIV" - a lecture by Dr. James Hildreth on September 30, 2009

Lecture Summary:

HIV-1 replication involves a series of highly orchestrated steps that involve numerous host cell proteins. Our work has shown that HIV incorporates many host proteins that retain their function including cell adhesion molecules. In studying the mechanism of host cell protein acquisition by… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on September 29, 2009 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (September,27)

Any efforts for SALT or AI would necessitate empowering of the community .The community must be at the centre in the planning,implementation,monitoring and evaluation of any chalked out activities or project.

Wish to share a statement about the need to ensure the same in the interventions for prevention of HIV amongst the MSM.

Best wishes,

Rajesh Gopal.



Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on September 27, 2009 at 12:37pm — No Comments

Do we need to measure change? Perhaps we should assess our progress.

Recently I was asked for my thoughts about the difference between Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and SALT. There is a mountain of material on AI on the web and I read some of it. As I was going through it, it seemed to me that 2 words that people kept linking with AI were ‘change’ and ‘empower’.

If I were looking for a distinction for what the Constellation does, it would be easy to talk about empower, but I stayed with the idea of ‘change’. Many people claim to be able to make change… Continue

Added by Phil on September 25, 2009 at 5:04pm — 2 Comments

Plus de 3005 jeunes et adolescents de 21 nouvelles localités au Togo adhérant et Acteurs potentiels de la compétence face au VIH au Togo (Août 2009)




ONG InterAfrica

Promotion de la Paix Développement Durable’

Contacts encadreurs CRT

Plus de 3005 jeunes et adolescents de 21 nouvelles localités au Togo adhérant et Acteurs potentiels de la compétence face au VIH au Togo (Août 2009)

La Croix –Rouge Togolaise, programme SIDA a assuré les 20 et 21 août 2009 des formations allant dans le sens de renforcement de capacité en matière de lutte contre le… Continue

Added by Blaise SEDOH on September 21, 2009 at 5:49pm — 7 Comments

The very first U.S. National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (September 18, 2009)

Please find an article ,a personal message and an institutional communication (from NIH,USA) on the gradually increasing burden of HIV amongst the older people.


Dr.Rajesh Gopal.

The unexplored story of HIV and ageing

As people in developing and industrialized countries increasingly live longer, healthier lives, why do the scant data that exist suggest a surprisingly high prevalence and incidence of HIV among individuals 50 years of age… Continue

Added by Dr Rajesh Gopal on September 19, 2009 at 10:37am — 2 Comments

Demandeurs d’asile : ce qu’eux ont à offrir à la Belgique

C’est la question que l’équipe SALT a posé aux résidents du centre de demandeurs d’asile de Beho-Gouvy. Quand on arrive dans un pays et qu’on est demandeur d’asile, on offre ses craintes, ses faiblesses .On se met et on est mis dans une position de faiblesse. Mais un petit changement de regard montre que les demandeurs d’asile ont aussi des forces à offrir à la société belge.

Tout a commencé lors d’un weekend d’échange entre BelCompétence et les résidents du centre Croix-Rouge de Manhay… Continue

Added by Louis Marie on September 18, 2009 at 9:56pm — 7 Comments

27 - 31

Ive shaved my hair in january so this is not new, ive just kept the hair short, blow drying and worrying about the next "do" is taking up so much of my life, ive decided i can do better with my time.... and so with the hair went the make-up (some) and the high heels, (now this is a different story), but i figured out balancing on 3 inch heels could be fun if i didnt have anything elese to do. but between balancing my sanity and balancing on heels. i chose the former.

so now, 4 inches more… Continue

Added by Caca Carillo on September 14, 2009 at 5:00am — 5 Comments

Entre deux cultures

Entre deux cultures

J’ai eu un problème de santé, le HPV c’est un virus qui aujourd’hui tue beaucoup de femme dans le monde quand on le découvre trop tard.

Je ne pouvais pas en parler à ma mère car je ne pouvais assumer ce que je pensais qu’elle allait me dire. Car moi-même, je me sentais responsable de ma maladie ce fût une épreuve difficile.

La raison de ma culpabilité était qu’autant que femme, avoir cette maladie n’était "pas normale" selon le point de vue de la… Continue

Added by Benyaich Aicha on September 12, 2009 at 7:16am — 11 Comments

The Sun my Heart

I was reading this book 'The sun my heart' of Thich Nhat Hanh this morning while going to work. I was touched by the book as he wrote " ..peace and happiness are the guides for measuring the fruit of practice {meditation}. If we do not become calmer and happier, something is wrong with our practice" So in meditation there is self measurement of change as we do in AIDS competence. And I think we can measure peace as a practice of ACP. See… Continue

Added by rebeka sultana on September 10, 2009 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

Gangs - who say they are bad?

Recognizing naturally emerging leaders of gangs and transforming their leadership abilities as change agents and role models then we make behavior change happen in their spheres of influence.

What I see and what I hear,

from my peers, I hold them dear

feel strong when they are near

to face the risk with no more fear

................Excerpted from a poem entitled "the risk gangs hold dear" by JohnPierre

Gangs are self-formed groups of peers that are… Continue

Added by John Piermont Montilla on September 9, 2009 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

A clinical trial: through the eyes of the community

I recently had an opportunity to view a film about a clinical trial on DVD. The Development of Anti-retroviral therapy (DART) in Africa trial was a six year clinical trial evaluating how to manage anti-retroviral therapy ART in 3,300 patients with advanced HIV or AIDS in Uganda and Zimbabwe. The trial aimed to find out whether the lab-based strategies used to monitor ART to people with HIV infection in resource rich countries were essential in Africa, where around four million people still need… Continue

Added by Rituu B. Nanda on September 9, 2009 at 3:00pm — 10 Comments

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