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January 2014 stories (11)

What is a Knowledge Fair? What is a Knowledge Fair?

During 2013, a small group of people worked on a project to organise the stories that appear on this site so that we can learn more effectively from the experiences of Local Response described here. These experiences sit at the heart of Knowledge Fairs. We organise the content into what we call Knowledge Assets. This note explains a little more about Knowledge Fairs and Knowledge Assets. At the end, there is a link to more material and examples. 

The idea of…


Added by Phil on January 31, 2014 at 8:55am — 2 Comments

40 ways to help your organization survive tough financial times

By Isaac Roy Kyeyune, Director at FIND Partners International in Kampala. (This originally appeared as a guest post on

The year 2013 saw trends that are changing resource politics for civil society. These are a wakeup call to not only strengthen, but diversity your…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on January 28, 2014 at 3:27am — No Comments

S.A.L.T.(y) and D.E.L.A need to come together for encourage local action

As a public health practitioner and community activist working for health and well-being of community people, I have always seeks a better way to build an admirable understanding between facilitators and community people. During this search I have discover the venerable approach, which I called the “DELA” to, built a trustable relation with community people. We as a facilitator need to very conscious about the various aspects of society, when we visit community with the good…


Added by Nabaraj Adhikari on January 24, 2014 at 8:00am — 3 Comments

How will we use SALT in our Monitoring and Evaluation work?

The Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR), Delhi offers a three-months M&E course annually for foreign students. Currently, there are about 25 students from 16 countries currently undergoing the course, and I am one of them.  Rituu B Nanda conducted a session on community life competence during this course. At the end of the session the participants came together in groups to discuss how…


Added by Meresiana Tatila Varani on January 19, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

S.A.L.T with kids

Facilitated S.A.L.T to 21 orphans and at risk children served by Touching Lives Integrated CBO ( It was awesome with kids acknowledging and appreciating each others strength(s) and great potentials. They realized that nobody was a nobody and that every kid is somebody. They learned to appreciate and encourage each other for that is what everyone needs. At the end of it the kids promised to focus on the positives even as they work on the weaknesses.

Parents have…


Added by MOSES OKOMBO AYANY on January 18, 2014 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments

Monitoring Officer Experience


I wish to share my first experience as a monitoring officer.  I work for the Fiji Government as a monitoring officer.  When the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit was established in 2009, I was tasked to monitor the implementation of the strategic goals of Government by the Ministry of Health, which was done on a quarterly basis.

When I went to monitor in the first quarter of 2010, I walked into the Ministry wearing my hat as a monitoring officer.  After the formulation of…


Added by Meresiana Tatila Varani on January 15, 2014 at 5:59pm — 6 Comments

Converti à l’approche SALT

Médecin urgentiste de formation, j’avais longtemps la conviction que je suis ainsi que mes collègues personnels de santé les plus placés pour connaitre les meilleurs solutions et stratégies pour améliorer la qualité des prestations de soins. Je ne voyais dans les patients que des usagers faibles dont je dois prendre soins d’eux. Jamais, j’ai eu une discussion concernant  l’avis de mes patients sur les services que nous lui rendons  et je n’ais jamais songé à partager avec eux leurs…


Added by MAATOUG on January 14, 2014 at 1:42pm — 4 Comments

L’approche SALT stimule élèves et enseignants de l’Institut technique agricole et vétérinaire (ITAV), dans l’Aire de Santé de Kaponji, en RDC, à se prendre en charge

Je partage une histoire de Celestin Mukala, facilitateur en RDC (translated in English, below):


Zone de Santé de Bibanga

Aire de Santé* de Kaponji 

Communautés :

                    ITAV Elèves

                    ITAV Enseignants

               Dans la Zone de Santé de Bibanga, l'Approche Salt fait parler d'elle comme c’est le cas dans l'Aire de Santé de Kaponji. Salt est lié et transféré dans le développement dans sa phase de…


Added by Marie Lamboray on January 13, 2014 at 12:28pm — No Comments


Last year, on the day of face-to-face Community Life Competence (CLC) session, all the CLC trainees of CLC were anticipated to contribute in roll out of CLC approach in Nepal. That day, we Pokhara team Nabaraj and Dipendra planned to carry out CLC program in our working organizations including, various social organizations and ethnic societies. After having series of…


Added by Dipendra on January 11, 2014 at 9:30pm — No Comments

S.A.L.T.Y Pokhara, Nepal

Many people hesitate while they speak in front of the mass. It is not a new thing to all. It is natural to shy and feel awkward when we speak. Effective communication is a key to enter one’s mind, solicit, and share the experiences. It was 11 January 2014; we Dipendra Malla and Nabaraj Adhikari had planned to have a salt visit next day in a youth led social organization called ‘Thakuri Youth Family, Kaski’. Therefore, we made a contact at secretary office and informed them for an informal…


Added by Nabaraj Adhikari on January 11, 2014 at 8:30pm — 4 Comments

gratefulness for 2013 and welcome 2014!

dear friends, thank you for the many collaborations and/or conversations in 2013, all sources of deep inspiration! My wishes for myself in 2014 is to contribute to spreading SALT; …


Added by Nathalie Legros on January 2, 2014 at 10:33am — 4 Comments

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