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Stories about Response (2,395)

What do we listen for?

As members of The Constellation we aim at making SALT a part of our behaviour. The ‘L’ in SALT stands for listening. But what do we listen for?  There are 3 things that we could listen for:

Listen for feelings:

As a volunteer on a suicide helpline, I am trained in ‘active listening’ where we listen to the feelings of the person who is on the call. The feeling of being acknowledged, listened to and understood is a precious gift that we ‘offer’ to our callers on…


Added by Bobby Zachariah on June 28, 2016 at 8:00am — 14 Comments

Listening..the L of SALT

When I saw this title, I immediately reflected on the thought, shared by a colleague;


The problem with listening is that we listen to respond rather listen to understand


This saying brought some deep reflection of how true this seem in daily life. It seem as the ‘root cause’ of so many differences in human interaction. What if we are stimulated differently? Recently, at the concluding…


Added by Autry Haynes on June 27, 2016 at 3:39pm — 1 Comment

सफाई अभियान/Cleanliness campaign

आज शिक्षा ज्योति एन. जी. ओ. के स्वयं सेवको ने एक साथ मिलकर सूंदर नगरी स्थित एम. ब्लॉक पार्क की सफाई की जिसमे की वहाँ के स्थानीय लोगो ने भी योगदान दिया। 

Today volunteers of Shiksha Jyoti NGO with local people cleaned up the M block park in Sundar…


Added by YASH PAL on June 26, 2016 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

SALT and collective community action in Raigarh district (Chhattisgarh)

We at our NGO Jan Jagriti Kendra (JJK) are trying to connect village communities to different government schemes. Then they are less likely to take debt which will reduce their vulnerability to bondage. We are few staff in the office and we want the community to take lead in getting the services. However, when we go to the villagers they say that if we could do it for them as they are uneducated, poor and…


Added by Pratibha Lal on June 23, 2016 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

A deeper level of humanity - my introduction to SALT & CLCP (updated article)

It was my inspiration from the class with Joke D'haese, Gemma van Voorst, Leo D'haese, Suse Meffert, Miranda van Schadewijk among more, that I was urged to write the article. I wrote the second version right after the attacks in Brussels in March.

More than ever, the world needs effective methods to stimulate dialogue and to foster harmonious communities. 

Scharmer & Kaufer wrote (2013): "Everywhere you look, you see remarkable individuals and…


Added by Birgitta Schomaker on June 20, 2016 at 7:00pm — No Comments


Merci à Hervé, Jean-Baby et les autres pour le partage de votre expérience sur l'écoute.

Personnellement, c'est un exercice continu mais j'ai toujours des difficultés. Pourtant dans la tradition de mon pays il y a beaucoup de réussites dans ce domaine:

Les conflits au niveau communaiutaire ne devraient pas arriver dans les cours et tribunaux avant l'intervention des facilitateurs de la résolution pacifique des conflits appelés "Bashingantahe" Avant de donner une sentence…


Added by Eric UWINTWAZA on June 15, 2016 at 7:08pm — 4 Comments

Power of SALT in work and life

My organisation PGS (India) for past several years has been working to end bonded labour and human trafficking for a long time. Recently from 25th to 27th April we got training in SALT after which we trained our block level staff in the approach.

Actually SALT approach is proving to be very powerful. Through this approach, communities are coming forward to share their experiences and thoughts openly. They are realising their strengths, and based on their…


Added by Subedar Singh on June 10, 2016 at 11:21am — 2 Comments

Trade Unions doing SALT - 're-familiarizing' with the community

My colleagues Anweshaa Ghosh, Rituu B Nanda and I from the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) conducted a training of leaders of 10 Domestic Workers' Trade Unions from Delhi and Maharashtra on SALT and community life competence process in April 2016. Some of the participants of the workshop tried using SALT with domestic workers and shared the positive results of the exercise. Given below are some of the photos and comments shared by them over Whatsapp .



Added by Shiny Saha on June 9, 2016 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

A story from the Global Learning Festival in Mauritius

Here is the story that Eryka, Laval and Rituu shared on the last day of the Global Learning Festival in Mauritius.

Home visits using SALT are important

We visited Renaissance which works on drugs and HIV. We did SALT home visit with a family of four sons who all are drug users. I learned that is important to do home visit and one does not have to go into large groups. Home visit is important because in this case parents together with the drug user can together overcome…


Added by Aurelie Blanc on June 8, 2016 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

My First SALT visit

Hello all,

This is my first time write some post in English, so I hope you could share some edit or correction for my grammar. My name Glenn Wattimury, 37 years old married man with 2 children. It is a perfect chance join SALT Learning. Now I want to share one of my story while practicing SALT for first time.

I am going to Haruku a little village on one of Maluku islands that named Haruku also. In that place I want to visit one of Maluku's Kewang named Mr. Eli. Kewang is a…


Added by Glenn Huib Wattimury on June 7, 2016 at 7:17pm — 6 Comments

Rêver la cohésion sociale à Bruxelles- de jeunes aventuriers à la découverte du vivre ensemble!

Il y a un an et demi nous avons rêvé…

Rêvé d’un monde ou mixité serait synonyme de créativité, et diversité d’unité… Rêvé que les jeunes gens de nos villes occidentales soient les acteurs principaux d’une redéfinition de notre identité collective, les auteurs d’un nouveau mythe fondateur, pluriel et en mouvement perpétuel, inclusif et bousculant.

Ce rêve spécifique a commencé dans le cœur et l’esprit de deux personnes, Thierry Sanchez et moi-même, mais ses fondements nous…


Added by Célicia Theys on June 3, 2016 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

People get involved from their heart through SALT home visits

This blog has contributions from four NGO staff members of Geneva Global Project

  1. 1.     By Santosh Kumar, Allahabad, TIP India

I work with communities on issues around bonded labour, child labour and trafficking. I am a SALT Facilitator. I use SALT both for group meetings as well as during home visits in the communities. I think the importance of home visits is that individuals who do not share their very personal feeling in the public…


Added by Ashish Upadhyay on June 3, 2016 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Une étoile naissante au Brésil - Projet artistique "Nordest sem fronteiras"

 Samedi 28 Mai, 2016, il fait beau en Belgique et nous profitons de ce temps pour nous réunir à l'extérieur et débuter notre réunion autour du projet "Nordest sem Fronteiras".…


Added by khorchi laurie on May 30, 2016 at 4:30pm — No Comments

"Qui sommes-nous?" au quartier Maritime de Molenbeek!

Rencontre « Qui sommes-nous? » du 23 mai 2016 à ParckFarm

Lundi passé, rencontre "Qui Sommes-Nous" avec les amis du quartier Maritime de Molenbeek!!! Un très beau moment d'échanges abrité par ParckFarm, une initiative citoyenne réussie qui témoigne des énergies constructives déjà en oeuvre à…


Added by Célicia Theys on May 30, 2016 at 3:56pm — 2 Comments

visite SALT au jerdin des femmes de Kanikéli - Mayotte 2016

       Lors de notre mission à Mayotte, nous profitons de notre week-end pour accompagner les stagiaires de la dernière…


Added by hervé guidou on May 21, 2016 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

Ecouter ?

    Ecouter?... être disponible, être ouvert comme un grand cornet, entendre les résonnances intérieures, les paroles autant que les silences, ces légères accroches qui disent l'émotion, la gène, l'impatience....

La même racine a produit le mot écouter mais aussi ausculter qui suppose une attention accrue pour entendre l'intérieur, voir ce que l'on ne vois pas, le battement d'un cœur, la circulation du souffle.... Ecouter les corps, les gestes; écouter les yeux, les…


Added by hervé guidou on May 21, 2016 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

The relevance of why we are human.....

Community conversation is key for communities to take take ownership and being responsible. This is local response. When we seek to stimulate local response with community conversation, one of the stimulating question is are we human and why? Members of every community are intrigue by the question and their own response. They agree to continue 'community conversations' on that human level. Mauritius Council for Social Services (MACOSS) shared in this experience when it held an empowerment…


Added by Autry Haynes on May 21, 2016 at 8:01am — 1 Comment

Partage d'expérience :''L'Ecoute'' dans la lutte contre le travail forcé et la traite des enfants en Inde.

Bonjour Rituu!

Heureux de pouvoir te lire et de te savoir en action dans la

facilitation de la réponse face au travail forcé et à la traite des

enfants en Inde. Tout en encourageant cette initiative, je voudrai ici

partager quelques mots au sujet de l'écoute.

En effet, l'écoute est appelé à être développé continuellement pour

chacun de nous tous, humains. C'est un…


Added by Jean Baby Fulama Zanzala on May 20, 2016 at 3:28pm — 3 Comments

SALT visit stimulates women to take immediate action

I am a social worker and was to arrange for SALT visit in the village of Bachauli, Khanpur Block on the banks of river.  Villagers are primarily engaged in fishing, working in brick klins and as bonded labourers in agriculture. Men primarily work in bricklins where they earn Rs 500-700 per day (10-15 USD).

I was arranging logistics for the SALT and therefore, could not participate in the SALT discussion. The SALT facilitation team left. As I was arranging, I was finishing and came…


Added by Manoj Kumar on May 18, 2016 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

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