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Open Space Note: Global Learning Festival Uganda October 2017

Open space notes: Global Learning Festival Uganda October 2017

Session facilitators: Anita Sheehan (Belgium) and Izzaty (Singapore

Translation from French into English courtesy Anita 



How to apply SALT in situations of emergency with elderly people and children being the most vulnerable?


Transcription of the chart


-       Getting help to the community takes a long time to get to the community

-       Mismatch of needs


-       Using SALT to improve resilience in the community and to reduce risks


How to integrate SALT into a social local legal development structure?


Transcription of the chart

-       Presentation and shared understanding of the SALT approach/process at the Central Level (?, Witness accounts, tools) à Training in SALT exchanges and the approach at the regional network (practices)  à Demands on the local level à Facilitator passing on the information

-       Pilot structures causing impactful actions, leading to change and “oil stains.”

-       Recruitment and training of volunteers

-       Would like to be part of the global support team along with others in my country

-       Multiplying number of facilitators and target groups

-       Choosing a demographic district  -- Community mapping  -- Contact stakeholders and partners – in the community  --  share data information  -- Explain to leaders how it works --  ask people to volunteer – ask facilitator to explain SALT to community


Ways of CLCP in community without funding

  • Blended learning Free version
  • Virtual money
  • Community could provide accommodation and other resources for facilitator
  • The community may select or provide facilitators
  • Approach nearby universities or organisations for volunteers



  • Projects and programmes should use SALT – CLCP to include people of all ages to improve better living
  • Advocacy using SALT-CLCP targeting government leaders in the communities from village to district to national levels for intergenerational space
  • Older people from neighbouring countries ie Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania organize experience sharing visits to use SALT-CLCP


How to create leaders?

  1. Identify potential peer leaders in the community
  2. Identify target groups to sensitise ( reach new groups)
  3. Training for leaders/facilitators
  4. Create a manual for leaders/facilitators

Values and qualities

Examples to follow (Catherine’s story)

Conflict resolution

Tools of a leader


Intention  (passion) + Attention (space, time… )


How do we introduce SALT to communities and train community facilitators?

  • Ensure SALT facilitators appreciate SALT and practise themselves. Unlearn what we know and relearn. Individual transformation for collective mobilization. “It starts with you.”
  • Engage communities and learn from them instead of giving things
  • Practise SALT with associations and individuals – inspire people to join training
  • Use an existing tool or method (easy care) to practise SALT with communities
  • Processes of introducing SALT. What is the first step- introduction who are you as a human being
  • Make SALT as part of curriculum of a college, students practise and then introduce to the community-gives more credibility – more volunteers
  • Putting it as a central practice of International Association for community development
  • AER- learning from each other and link/transfer process needs to be strengthened and institutionalized. AER is for the whole community.



How to identify and get started in a community that has never experienced SALT

  • Choose a district- Community mapping and identify target group
  • Identify stakeholders/partners (Church; religious organizations, community centres and local government)
  • Sharing of data/information
  • Contact is made with the community members ( community meeting)
  • The community selects two local facilitators
  • SALT facilitators training
  • Mobilise the facilitators to take actions that are sustainable
  • Connecting with the Global/SALT Team for ongoing learning, review

How to measure SALT/CLCP?

Group: Agnes, Saba, Alessandra, Jerome, Kausar, Luc, Anita Sheehan, Rituu


  • Competencies (they can be indicators to measure) all those using SALT; we will develop a tool to capture on monthly basis what we do, show tangible results; captures the changes and evidence
  • we need to streamline what we mean by competencies (work more on this)
  • Competencies of facilitators in the community- (need to deconstruct further)- engage the community, how to realize the potential and
  • Champions/Influencers -Able to communicate ideas of SALT to the community and response to critical questions
  • Capacity of the community (unpack) to develop local response- what capacities have acquired + SALT+ to be sensitive injustice in the community have open dialogue on sensitive issues; what actions have taken – HH, village, workplace, public place ( both on specific issue and other issues)
  • (Theory of ownership)
  • Transfer of SALT to community to address
  • Encourage Baseline and end line in the partnerships
  • Write papers and attend conferences


Marketing of SALT

  • How to communicate learning from SALT in a strategic way
  • Ask what are your challenges? Explain how can SALT address the challenges
  • Be careful to use terminology, which others understand
  • “Also the way we present; be at their level”- Agnes
  • Whom do we want to market to?  Develop indicators, which are accepted outside
  • Social determinants of health


Views: 63


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Comment by Rituu B. Nanda on December 26, 2017 at 9:15am

Thanks for posting Izzaty!

Comment by Marie Lamboray on December 1, 2017 at 6:15pm

Thank you Izzaty!

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