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Stories about Response (2,400)

Unis pour le pire et le meilleur

Je suis le représentant de l’Eglise de l’armée du salut au Mali. Spécialement dans le cadre de la lutte contre le sida, c’est plus de quinze ans que je suis impliqué dans ce programme depuis mon pays. Et l’expérience aujourd’hui c’est l’accès aux médicaments. J’ai été chef du personnel et ma femme était la secrétaire sociale. Alors, c’est elle qui coordonnait les activités Sida et moi j’accès dans le cadre du counseiing. Et, nous avons eu l’expérience d’une femme et d’un homme qui étaient…


Added by Younoussa Diarra on August 4, 2012 at 12:57pm — 1 Comment

Want me to listen? Tell me a story.

If you've ever had any doubts that international aid or global health is a business, then one visit to an International AIDS Conference will clear them away. Between the free frozen yogurt from big pharma and bookend speeches from the Clintons, it was hard to ignore what a "sexy" disease HIV was last week in Washington D.C.

At a pre-conference meeting, I made a…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on August 1, 2012 at 3:49pm — 7 Comments

Youth of St.Lucia building their dreams!


Youth of Canaries, a small community in St.Lucia building their dreams! 


So many ideas coming through, So many Great Ideas, but Are your dreams documented? Do you have a mission to get there? !

Well, Youth of Canaries engaged in a dream building session last Wednesday. A very, very, very emotional…


Added by Tevin Shepherd on July 31, 2012 at 5:22am — 4 Comments

“Emotional and social well-being is not an afterthought”

This week I attended the XIX International AIDS Conference on behalf of REPSSI (The Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative.) Based in Johannesburg, REPSSI trains "front-line" service providers on children's emotional and social well-being and works with governments and NGOs to develop child-friendly policy frameworks in 13 countries in southern & eastern Africa. There are at least 1,994 project sites where REPSSI approaches are being applied and…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on July 28, 2012 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Older Persons of Katabi Community and their Carers working towards achieving their dream

After realising their strengths, Older Persons of Katabi Community and their Carers are working towards achieving their dream of a health community. They have mobilised resources for constructing a dark shed for growing mushrooms, they have Identified already the market for their product and have also started a saving scheme. Bravo CLC and watch the space 


Added by NAMARA ARTHUR ARAALI on July 25, 2012 at 10:26am — 5 Comments

The River-of-Life (ROL) Tool is an Official Global Village Activity for the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012)






 PHANSuP Development Fellow, George Bartolome III of the United Western Visayas flies to Washington DC to showcase the Community Engagement Strengthening for the…


Added by John Piermont Montilla on July 20, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments

The Real Experts

This post on behalf of REPSSI originally appeared on A View from the Cave.

The first and most challenging exercise of the day when I took a seminar from The OpEd Project required me to fill in the following blanks and share with the group:

Hello, my name…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on July 19, 2012 at 1:06pm — 3 Comments

The Development of Integrated Strategies to Relieve AIDS Problems among Targeted Labor Groups: Case Study in Thailand

The Development of Integrated Strategies to Relieve AIDS Problems among Targeted Labor Groups: Case Study in Thailand

                                                               Miss Chawee Paenghom

                                                             Seoul National University


Nearly thirty…


Added by Chawee Paenghom on July 19, 2012 at 9:17am — 3 Comments

Sex workers from the FHI 360 Aastha project join hands with the Police in Kamathipura, Mumbai


It is a special feeling for Rani (name changed for confidentiality reasons), a member of the Community Based Organization (CBO) Asha Darpan in Krishna building, Kamathipura. She had been invited to an Independence Day celebrations in the Pavvala Police Chowki. She…


Added by Amrita Bhende on July 18, 2012 at 10:44am — No Comments

Appreciative Inquiry & Tai Chi: Same Language Different Words

I first met my colleague Sue James at the Great Provider at a business breakfast networking  meeting in 2005. The Great Provider was a cafe and after the meeting it did provide a great opportunity to connect with a like minded spirit.

I poured myself a cup of tea from the urn and Sue happened to be standing near me drinking her coffee. We introduced ourselves and talked about our…


Added by chris on July 16, 2012 at 7:58am — 1 Comment

A Rising Tide: The Invisible Grassroots “Movement” for Children in Africa

This is a guest post by Jennifer Lentfer of on the REPSSI (Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative) blog.

Growing up, my family life was not easy. My father drank and it weighed heavily on my mother, who did her best to maintain as much normalcy for me and my brothers as possible. Looking back, our home’s “culture of silence” was often the…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on July 10, 2012 at 3:30am — No Comments

Bottlenecks and Dripfeeds: How much has changed?

At the upcoming XIX International AIDS Conference here in Washington D.C., I'll be joining REPSSI (the Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative) as they celebrate their decade-long work to lessen the devastating social and emotional (psychosocial) impact of poverty, conflict, HIV and AIDS among children and youth across East and…


Added by Jennifer Lentfer on July 5, 2012 at 9:04pm — No Comments

Global and Local Community Conversation (Glocon): Ukraine

Glocon- A revelation of local movement through dialogue; facilitated connection; happening in many countries; a global and local community conversation which explores strengths for response to HIV and critical concerna. The Glocon team was in Ukraine from June 16th-22nd, 2012. In Ukraine, HIV is a serious concern –of note currently is the vulnerability of the large…


Added by Rituu B. Nanda on June 30, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Do you work with youth as social change agents?

A group of Colombian youth is trying to extract themselves from the country’s rampant guerilla movement. A set of American youth has spent a year discussing the impact of abuse in relationships to become champions of social change. Imagine these and other groups of youth worldwide having a conversation about their sources of resilience, survival and thriving in the face of trauma, adversity and challenge. …


Added by Kristin Bodiford on June 29, 2012 at 2:16pm — 1 Comment

"les archives du Mali de la réponse locale face à la vie": La problématique des copains des travailleuses du sexe.

Nous, dans notre ONG, on s’occupe de ce qu’on appelle les travailleuses du sexe. Donc, c’est une communauté qui mérite d’être prise en charge dans le cadre du VIH et sida puisque imaginez-vous, euh ! à Kayes en moyenne, chaque travailleuse du sexe reçoit six clients par nuit. Donc elle peut être de grands vecteurs de cette maladie si elles ne sont pas prises en charge. Donc nous nous occupons de la sensibilisation, la prise en charge du traitement à travers des activités de contact…


Added by Younoussa Diarra on June 28, 2012 at 4:56pm — 2 Comments


In partnership with socially and economically vulnerable groups, aiming towards a just social order, ensuring equitable ownership of and decision making on the global resources.striving towards establishing just global governance by strengthening UN and regional forums. Locally AYC shall address immediate needs of the poor, promote peoples organizations to assert their rights to influence policies of Govt and NGO's with an issue based approach to work and thereby install a system of coping…


Added by Y.VENKAT RAO REDDY on June 28, 2012 at 11:19am — 1 Comment

Si ce système mène à l’impasse, comment le réinventer ? Comment se réinventer ?

Si ce système mène à l’impasse, comment le réinventer ? Comment se réinventer ? Certains franchissent le pas, poussés par les circonstances ou de leur propre initiative. À la veille de l’été, notre dossier spécial en a épinglé quelques-uns, de ces acteurs du changement.…


Added by Christophe BOERAEVE on June 28, 2012 at 8:54am — No Comments

Applying CLCP in a new context! Communities dependent upon aquatic agriculture systems for their livelihoods

Millions of people around the world are dependent upon aquatic agricultural systems for their livelihoods. In fact, all of us are, in some way or another. 

In Zambia, there are communities living within the Barotse Flood Plain who must deal with seasonal flooding patterns that saturate the surrounding fertile land. Each time the Zambezi river floods, these communities must pack up their belongings and move to higher ground. They have been doing this for centuries, but the…


Added by Olivia Munoru on June 27, 2012 at 9:17pm — No Comments

We are equipped! We are empowered! We are inspired!

We are equipped! We are empowered! We are inspired!

Transfer is the T in SALT. It is how we spread the Community Life Competence approach to new partners, new communities and new places.

It does not require an expert approach, nor complex "sales" or "communications" strategies. Transfer is simple. It starts with a simple conversation.

The Constellation’s ability to connect local responses requires that we learn from new communities and engage with new…


Added by Olivia Munoru on June 27, 2012 at 5:33pm — No Comments

“Sapa sang Kinabuhi”: How the River-of-Life Toolhelped in getting behavior change in motion among people affected with injecting drug use in Cebu City

“Sapa sang Kinabuhi”: How the River-of-Life Tool helped in getting behavior change in motion among people affected with injecting drug use in Cebu City

By: John Piermont Montilla (PHANSuP) and Dr. Ilya Tac-an…


Added by John Piermont Montilla on June 25, 2012 at 3:11pm — 3 Comments

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